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Vocab List 1.2

Vocab List 1.2. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta love learning new words! . Affliction. Pain or distress; illness Because her affliction wasn’t visible, Terri often received dirty looks for parking in handicapped spots. Orator. Public speaker

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Vocab List 1.2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocab List 1.2 YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta love learning new words! 

  2. Affliction Pain or distress; illness Because her affliction wasn’t visible, Terri often received dirty looks for parking in handicapped spots.

  3. Orator • Public speaker Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is widely recognized as one of the greatest orators in history; those who heard him speak were compelled to action.

  4. Venerable Adj. Given great respect When Josh becomes a Supreme Court justice, he will have arrived at one of the most venerable positions in our society – it’s a pretty select group!

  5. Canny Adj. Clever; Shrewd Most successful corporations hire canny advertising executives to unwittingly manipulate the public. Don’t let the redneck personas fool you; these are some canny businessmen.

  6. Capacious Adj. Spacious; Roomy Because of the open floor plan, the house seemed more capacious than its 2,000 sq. ft.

  7. Intrepid Adj. Fearless; Daring; Bold The intrepid duo of Finn and Jake never fail to come to the rescue of the Bubblegum Princess, even in the face of grave danger.

  8. Writhing Adj. Twisting in pain Erline was so heartless that she turned up the television when her sister was writhing on the floor and screaming in agony.

  9. Conflagration N. Large, destructive fire People were fleeing the conflagration after the plane crashed and burst into flames. Chicago 1871

  10. Infamous Adj. Notoriously evil Alas, we often know the names of more infamous people from history than those who did good deeds. Al Capone

  11. Fortuitous Adj. Happening by chance In a fortuitous turn of events, JK Rowling went from being impoverished to multi-millionaire status.

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