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Decline and Fall of Ancient Rome

Decline and Fall of Ancient Rome. Murder, Suicide, Old Age, or Inevitable?. Murder?. Pressure from Parthians and Sassanids in the east (modern-day Iraq and Iran) Provincial revolts, especially Jews in 66-70 and 131-33 AD Pressure from barbarians along the Rhine and the Danube

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Decline and Fall of Ancient Rome

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  1. Decline and Fall of Ancient Rome Murder, Suicide, Old Age, or Inevitable?

  2. Murder? • Pressure from Parthians and Sassanids in the east (modern-day Iraq and Iran) • Provincial revolts, especially Jews in 66-70 and 131-33 AD • Pressure from barbarians along the Rhine and the Danube • Increasing military sophistication of barbarians as a result of contact with Roman armies

  3. Murder? • Roman defeat at Adrianople, 378 AD • Sack of Rome by Alaric the Visigoth, 410 • Invasion under Attila the Hun, 455 • Overthrow of emperor Romulus Augustulus by barbarian mercenaries under Odacer the German, 476

  4. Suicide? • Latifundia problem-plantations worked by slaves replace independent farmers • The Roman mob-former farmers become unemployed slum dwellers in the cities, especially in Rome • Bread and circuses-the Roman mob, dependent on government-provided jobs, food, and entertainment • Frequent civil wars, especially during the 200s AD, due to military interference in Roman politics • Increasing tax burdens based on costs of controlling urban mobs and military defense

  5. Suicide? • Increasing dependence on barbarian mercenary troops, similar to problems of Chinese military defense • Overextended borders, similar to ancient China • Overdependence on slave labor • Conflict between traditional Greco-Roman religion and a spreading Christianity introduced from the east • Destruction of library at Alexandria by a Christian mob, 415 AD

  6. Old Age? • General wear and tear of long-term imperial administration and defense • Increasingly rigid social class structure and declining opportunities for advancement • Exhaustion resulting from ever-increasing taxes • Abandonment of traditional Greco-Roman religion for Christianity; people place their hopes in life after death • Increasing pessimism about life on earth

  7. Inevitable? • Plague of 165-66 AD kills half the Roman empire’s population • Roman mines run out of gold and silver, starting in 160s; Roman emperors forced to cut gold and silver content of Roman coinage • Declining value of Roman coinage forces ruinous inflation. Roman currency almost useless as a medium of trade by 280s AD • Rome collapses into a barter economy by 280s AD

  8. Inevitable? • Climate change in central Asia (colder and drier) starting in 160s AD leads to increasing barbarian migrations and pressure on empire’s borders

  9. Something to Think About • Do these causes work in isolation, or reinforce each other? • Which causes do you think are most important? Why? • In spite of all these difficulties, why did ancient Roman civilization last as long as it did? What legacies did Ancient Rome leave to humanity’s future?

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