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ADVERTISING. Ad about runaway slave - 1770. Service. Self-preservation. “Listen to me, I’ll keep you alive” Because humans are so social, we extend the appeal to others, like family, friends, and social group. Greed. “Listen to me, I’ll make you rich”

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  2. Ad about runaway slave - 1770

  3. Service

  4. Self-preservation • “Listen to me, I’ll keep you alive” • Because humans are so social, we extend the appeal to others, like family, friends, and social group

  5. Greed • “Listen to me, I’ll make you rich” • Human social life requires having resources, usually represented by money • Instinctively, “greed is good”

  6. Self-esteem for men • Demonstration of superiority • Buy the product, be the superior man • Often shows a “loser” beating a “winner” because the loser buys the product

  7. Personal Enjoyment • “Listen to me, you’ll have more fun” • Humans, because of their intelligence, are often easily bored by routine • The ad promotes getting out of the routine • In other words, have fun

  8. Constructiveness • “Listen to me, I’ll help you improve things” • A desire to build and improve on whatever you have

  9. Destructiveness • “Listen to me, I’ll tell you how to destroy things” • We all have a desire to occasionally blow things up • Just watch “The Mythbusters” • There does seem to be a gender link – men seem to like it more than women

  10. Curiosity • “Listen to me, I’ll answer your questions” • We all want answers to things – it’s a survival characteristic • The problem is raising that curiosity – if the person doesn’t care about the answer, it’s a useless appeal

  11. Imitation • “Listen to me, I’ll make you just like someone else” • Requires the person to want to be like the model • Almost always linked to one or the top five appeals

  12. Altruism • “Listen to me, you’ll give of yourself with no hope or expectation of return” • Doesn’t exist as an ideal • Reciprocal altruism does exist • I’ll do for you now, you do for me later • Linked to top five

  13. Buzz Words • Words that seem to say something, but what? • “Crisp” • “Natural” • “Organic”

  14. Key words • advertise • advertisement • advertising • advertiser • advertising agency • ad

  15. Warm-up Discussion • What are your impressions of advertising in daily life? • What part has advertising played in your purchase or selection of products or services? • What is your attitude towards advertising, positive or negative?

  16. Discussion • What is advertising?

  17. Advertising is the nonpersonalcommunication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. Bovee/Arens, 1992

  18. Two kinds of selling • Personal • Plenty of time to deliver the message • Done face to face • Message can be adjusted to fit how it’s getting across • Easy to find customers • Expensive in both time and money • Labor-intensive • Time consuming

  19. Non-Personal • Limited in time and/or space • Don’t know who the customer is • Don’t know how the customer is reacting • Can’t change the message in mid-stream • Message doesn’t have to be created on the spot • Extensive research • Far cheaper than personal selling

  20. Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.

  21. The Senses • Smell • Touch • Taste • Sound • Sight

  22. Advertising’s role in marketing • Marketing is a process—a series of actions or methods that take place sequentially—aimed at satisfying customer needs profitably. • This process includes developing products, pricing them strategically, making them available to customers through a distribution network, and promoting them through sales and advertising activities. 7Ps (marketing mix):

  23. Advertising’s role in marketing • Advertising is one of the numerous tools used in the promotion, or communication aspect of marketing. (a promotional or communication tool)

  24. Advertising Media • Advertising reaches people through various forms of mass communication. • These media include newspapers, magazines, television, radio, the Internet, direct mail, outdoor signs, transit signs, window displays, point-of-purchase displays, telephone directories, novelties.

  25. Function Kottler and Keller (2006: 527) classifies advertising based on its function and they are: Informative advertising aims to create brand awareness and knowledge of new products or new features of existing products Persuasive advertising aims to create liking, preference, conviction and purchase of aproduct or service Reminder advertising aims to stimulate repeat purchase of products and services Reinforcement advertising aims to convince current purchasers that they made the right choice.

  26. Characteristics • it attracts the readers’ attention • it arouses the readers’ desire and interest • and it convinces the readers to make an action (purchasing the products offered)

  27. AIDA • Advertising is designed to inform, influence, or persuade people. • To be effective, an advertisement must first Attract attention and gain a person’s Interest. It may then build Desire for a product and provide a method for them to take Action.

  28. Common Elements of Advertisement • Headline: a headline is word phrase or short sentence which is at the start of a paragraph and it has various color and bold and large font size and its functions are for attracting the readers’ attention and leading them to read the copy of advertisement. • Image • Address, phone, fax number • Body Copy: a copy is the body or the text of an advertisement for persuading,catching and holding the interest of prospective buyers. It can be about information of a product or the advantages of buying and using a product, Finally, it consists of a line, two or a single paragraph or quite heavy paragraphs • Price (optional) • Logo (optional)

  29. Stages • There is no stages of an advertisement. It means it is structured variously.

  30. Common sentences • Imperative • Declarative • Word group

  31. Conclusion • Advertising is a message designed to promote a product, a service, or an idea. • The purpose of advertising is to sell products or services.

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