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Computer and Technology (CT)

Computer and Technology (CT). Introduction to our Computer Laboratory. . 1. Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) Laboratory (G/F). Computer Laboratory (1/F). Multi Media Learning Centre (MMLC) (2/F). Computer Laboratory Regulations (DON’T).

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Computer and Technology (CT)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Computer and Technology (CT) Introduction to our Computer Laboratory  1

  2. Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) Laboratory (G/F)

  3. Computer Laboratory (1/F)

  4. Multi Media Learning Centre (MMLC) (2/F)

  5. Computer Laboratory Regulations (DON’T) • Don’t enter the computer laboratory unless a teacher-in-charge is present. • Don’t eat, drink, play or run about in the computer laboratory. • Don’t attempt to switch on the computers unless authorised by teacher-in-charge.

  6. Computer Laboratory Regulations (DON’T) • Don’t make any unauthorised software copies. • Don’t sit on the computer bench

  7. Computer Laboratory Regulations (DO) • Keep all exists and passages clear. • Report any breakdown to the teacher-in-charge immediately. • Follow the proper procedure of using the computer as instructed by the teacher.

  8. Introduction of Computer System The Computer System Speaker CD ROM drive Monitor Floppy disk drive Power switch of Monitor Power switch Keyboard Mouse

  9. Introduction of Computer System Monitor / Visual Display Unit (V.D.U.)

  10. Introduction of Computer System L.C.D. Monitor

  11. Introduction of Computer System Keyboard

  12. Introduction of Computer System Printer - Dot Matrix Printer - Ink Jet Printer - Laser Printer

  13. Introduction of Computer System Scanner

  14. Introduction of Computer System Digital Camera

  15. Introduction of Computer System Notebook Computer

  16. Introduction of Computer System For more information, you may visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/has/comp/compnent/index.htm

  17. CS01Basics of Computer and Computer Operation Chapter 3Operating a Computer  17

  18. 3 Operating a Computer In this chapter, we will learn the concepts of: I. The Windows Environment II. How to Input Characters

  19. How to start the computer 1. Turn on the computer,you will see 2. Press [Ctrl] [Alt] [Delete] together and then type in your login name and password as follow Login name:class name + class no. password Domain: itedg49

  20. I. The Windows Environment Starting Up The Windows System Icons Desktop Start button Speaker Taskbar

  21. I. The Windows Environment Shortcut Office shortcut Menu 2.Move the mouse cursor to the item “程式集”, a submenu pop-up 3.An arrow means there is something more behind. 1.Click the button “開始”. The program menu appears

  22. I. The Windows Environment Double Click “我的電腦” (My Computer) Network Drive: 1a01 (personal) -double click to open -create a folder (click “檔案” “開新檔案” Select “資料夾”) Floppy Drive Hard Disk CD ROM Drive Network Drive: Public

  23. I. The Windows Environment Common Features of Display Windows Minimize button Title Bar Close button Menu Bar Maximize button Status Bar Network Drive: Public Resize tab

  24. I. The Windows Environment In My Computer (我的電腦), there are A: Floppy Drive - for saving files on 3.5“ floppy disk - capacity limited 1.44MB E: Hard Disk (Common) F: CD ROM Drive - for reading data from CD ROM H: Network Drive (Personal) - specified by class and class no. P: Network Drive (Public)

  25. I. The Windows Environment Using Keyboard & Mouse: Enter Backspace Function key Arrow key Shift Control Keyboard : input by typing Space bar

  26. I. The Windows Environment Using Keyboard & Mouse: Left button Right button Mouse: pointing, dragging, clicking

  27. I. The Windows Environment Mouse Actions Left Click = Click the left mouse button Right Click = Click the right mouse button Double Click = Click the left mouse twice in succession Click and Drag = Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse Note: If the teacher says “Click”,he means “Left Click”

  28. I. The Windows Environment Icons: symbols of items symbols of items FileIcon collection of stored data FolderIcon collection of files or other folders ProgramIcon

  29. I. The Windows Environment Windows:displaying boxes Folder window: displays contents of a folder

  30. I. The Windows Environment Windows:displaying boxes File window: displays contents of a file

  31. I. The Windows Environment Windows:displaying boxes Program window: displays running results of a program

  32. I. The Windows Environment Menu:contains items to do certain jobs Menu bar Menu Certain items have sub-menu.

  33. I. The Windows Environment To shut down the computer 1. Select “開始”  “關機” 2. Choose the options: Shut down the computer Restart the computer Log out the computer 3. Click “是” to confirm

  34. II. How to Input Characters Inputting English Characters Just use keyboard to type!

  35. CH II. How to Input Characters Inputting Chinese Characters Using a Chinese input method. Then choose here! Click this icon first.

  36. II. How to Input Characters Chinese Input Method: e.g. The Tsang-jei method: breaks down a character into partial forms.

  37. II. How to Input Characters Chinese Input Method: Tsang-jei input method Partial Forms Type these to enter the characters.

  38. Summary The Windows Environment • Desktop: contains Taskbar, Start button and icons • Input devices: e.g. keyboard & mouse • Icons: are symbols for items • Windows: display contents of folders or files, or the results of running a program • Menus(sub-menus): contain items to do certain jobs

  39. Summary English Characters: use keyboard to type. Chinese Characters:use a Chinese input method to type.

  40. END

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