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“Enhancing Lentil Production for Food and Nutritional Security, and Improved livelihoods”

“Enhancing Lentil Production for Food and Nutritional Security, and Improved livelihoods”. Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpu r and ICARDA South Asia & China Program, New Delhi. Objectives.

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“Enhancing Lentil Production for Food and Nutritional Security, and Improved livelihoods”

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  1. “Enhancing Lentil Production for Food and Nutritional Security, and Improved livelihoods” Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur and ICARDA South Asia & China Program, New Delhi

  2. Objectives • Enhancing lentil production as a second crop in rice-fallows, thus increasing cropping intensity. • Improving SRR and VRR through need-based interventions, where lentil is already being grown • Produce and distribute quality seeds of farmer-preferred varieties along with matching production technologies (conservation technologies, seed priming, weed control, etc.) • Establish village-based seed system(s) to achieve self-sufficiency in quality seeds of farmer-preferred varieties at the village level • Improve capacity at field levels for farmer-participatory adaptive research and technology transfer for adoption and expansion of improved production technologies • Back-up research (farmers’ participatory) for further identification of lentil varieties and refinement of production technologies.

  3. Project Area

  4. A 3-pronged strategy

  5. Project Implementation • 9 districts in four states have been selected for technology interventions • PRA will be conducted for benchmark information • 5 villages in each district to be selected as pilot sites, based on ecological parameters, non-exposure to technology and low SRR • In each village, 15-20 farmers (in the initial stage and later-on whole village to be included) will form a cluster for transfer of improved technologies, conducting farmer’s field schools and seed production • At each cluster site, specific components, such as improved varieties and ICM (Integrated Crop Management) will be provided to farmers • Establishing functional model “Seed- Village”

  6. Expected output • At least 45 (9 districts x 5 villages) vibrant and sustainable model farmer-based seed production and marketing enterprises established • 5175 demonstrations of lentil production technologies (3825 in existing areas+1350 in rice-fallow) apart from 675 demonstrations for seed production • Higher cropping intensity will improve land-use efficiency, more return and sustainable production systems through improved soil health • Lentil area expansion in rice-fallows established • Production of about 90,000 kg seed during 2nd year and 180,000 kg during 3rd year for continuity of seed chain • Cost/Benefit ratio at the end of 2nd year =1:1.5 and of 3rd year =1:3.31 • Employment generation

  7. Budget: Head-wise tentative break-up estimates (Rs. in Lakhs)

  8. Steering Committee • Half -yearly evaluation and monitoring of various components of project implementation • Farmers’ feedback on technology adoption and quality seed availability • Mid-term evaluation and if required modification in program for implementation • Recommendation for policy interventions and strategy for expansion of program • Committee • Agriculture Commissioner, DAC Chairman • Joint Secretary (Crops), DAC Co-Chairman • Director (Crops) DAC Member • Director (wheat)/(Pulses),DAC Member • 5.ADG (OP), ICAR Member • 6.Director, IIPR, Kanpur Member • 7.Director (Research), BAU, Ranchi Member • 8.Regional Coordinator, ICARDA, SACRP, New Delhi Member • 9.Project Coordinator, MULLaRP, IIPR, Kanpur Member Secretary


  10. IDENTIFIED GAPS IN LENTIL PRODUCTION & PRODUCTIVITY Major Gaps in Rice-fallow Lentil production: • Low Plant population and Biomass • Stemphylium blight and rust diseases • Weed problem Technology Intervention proposed: • Sowing before harvest of paddy/receding water in “Tal” areas at availability of proper soil moisture (para/relay cropping)/using Zero till machines • High seed rate with short duration suitable variety (Stemphylium blight and rust diseases resistant/tolerant variety) • Seed treatment with fungicide and Rhizobium • Effective weed management • Foliar spray of Urea at pre-flowering and early podding stage Major Gaps in Lentil productivity enhancement: • Negligible seed replacement with high yielding suitable variety (Stemphylium blight and rust diseases resistant/tolerant variety) • Improper dissemination improved production technology including integrated pest and nutrient management • Non-availability of quality seed

  11. Economic Analysis (cost :benefit) 1st year (Gestation Period) (a) Rice-fallow demonstration : 225 Nos. Min. Production 350 Kg/ha = 78.75 ton; Value : Rs. 27.56 lakh (b) Demonstration for VR : 900 Nos.(5 varieties/village); Addl. 200 Kg/ha increase= 180.0 ton; Value : Rs. 63.00 lakh; Total Value (a) + (b : Rs. 90.56 Lakh (Cost : Benefit = 1:0.5) 2nd year (a) Rice-fallow demonstration : 450 Nos. Min. Production 350 Kg/ha = 157.5 ton; Value : Rs. 55.15 lakh (b) Prod. Technology demonstration : 1350 Nos.(2 varieties/village); Addl. 200 Kg/ha increase = 270.0 ton; Value : Rs.94.50 lakh (c) Seed Production demonstration : 225 Nos.; Min. Seed Production 400 Kg/ha = 90.0 ton;Value : Rs. 54.0 lakh (d) Impact of demonstration, capacity building, training, traveling Seminar etc. in increase of production through dissemination of production technology in additional total area of demonstration i.e. in 3150 ha. with at least 150 Kg/ha additional increase : Min. Addl. Production = 472.5 ton; Value: Rs. 165.37 lakh Total Value (a) + (b)+ (c) + (d) : Rs. 369.02 Lakh (Cost : Benefit = 1:1.5) 3rd year (a) Rice-fallow demonstration: 675 Nos. Min. Production 350 Kg/ha= 236.35 ton; Value : Rs. 82.70 lakh (b) Prod. Technology demonstration : 1575 Nos.(2 varieties/village) Addl. 200 Kg/ha increase = 315.0 ton; Value : Rs.110.25 lakh (c) Seed Production demonstration : 900 Nos. Min. Seed Production 400 Kg/ha = 180.0 ton Value: Rs. 108.0 lakh (d) Impact of demonstration, Capacity building, training, Traveling Seminar etc. in increase of production through dissemination of production technology in additional total area of demonstration i.e. in 6300 ha. with at least 150 Kg/ha additional increase :Min. Addl. Production = 945.0 ton; Value : Rs. 330.75 lakh Total Value (a) + (b)+ (c) + (d) : Rs. 631.70 Lakh (Cost : Benefit = 1:3.31) (Assumed : Seed sale rate= Rs.60/-Kg; Normal produce Rs. 35/-Kg)

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