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Curriculum Framework for Level IV Services. Advanced Academic Programs Instructional Services. LANGUAGE ARTS. William and Mary Language Arts Units Kendall Hunt Publishers http://www.kendallhunt.com/cfge_la/ Each unit is $73.99 Student Guide $12.99 Second grade Beyond Words
Curriculum Framework for Level IV Services Advanced Academic Programs Instructional Services
LANGUAGE ARTS William and Mary Language Arts Units Kendall Hunt Publishers http://www.kendallhunt.com/cfge_la/ Each unit is $73.99 Student Guide $12.99 Second grade Beyond Words Third grade Journeys and Destinations Fourth grade Literary Reflections or Patterns of Change Fifth grade Autobiographies Sixth grade Persuasion Training: October 26 Providence Presbyterian Church 9019 Little River Turnpike Fairfax, VA
Language Arts • Concept-based instruction e.g., change, patterns • Pre- and post-assessments for literary analysis and interpretation, persuasive writing, and grammar • Portfolio of writing assignments, literature and vocabulary webs, other work • Research project and oral presentation • Response journal • Unit evaluation
Reading Above http://www.gifted.uconn.edu/SEMR/about/home.html • developed to increase reading challenge and enjoyment for all students • challenge talented readers Phase I – Exposure Teachers select literature to read aloud to students, interspersed with higher-order questioning and thinking skills instruction. Bookmarks (on 24/7) that feature guiding questions to help frame the class discussions for read aloud. Phase II – Training and Self-Selection Teachers coach students to select books that are slightly above their current reading level and the appropriate match is continually assessed through regular conferences. Phase III – Interest and Choice Components Students move to self-directed learning to explore interest in reading such as creative and critical thinking in language arts, writing, interest centers, etc. Bookmarks are available on ES Advanced Academic 24/7 site. Training: October 23 Providence Presbyterian Church 9019 Little River Turnpike Fairfax, VA
Jacob's Ladder Reading Comprehension Program $ 39.95 each http://www.prufrock.com/searchproducts.cfm Teaches reading comprehension skills in learners by moving students through an inquiry process from basic understanding to critical analyses of texts Ladder ASequencingCause and EffectConsequences &Implications Ladder BDetailsClassificationGeneralization Ladder CElementsInferenceTheme/Concept Training: October 23 Providence Presbyterian Church 9019 Little River Turnpike Fairfax, VA
Training: Designated Monday October 1st Socratic Seminar – ES Advanced Academic 24/7 site and/or Advanced Academic Programs Office – video in Best Practices Junior Great Books – for Socratic Seminar The Great Books Foundation http://store.greatbooks.org/index.php?cPath=1_28_38 The Great Debate – ES Advanced Academic 24/7 site and/or Advanced Academic Programs Office video in Best Practices
Michael Clay Thompson Vocabulary and Word Study Latin and Greek stems are presented as a system of thinking, a way of building, analyzing, spelling, pronouncing, using and choosing words. Training: October 31, November 1 Leis Center-room 1 Vocabulary Program grades 3 - 8 Royal Fireworks Press http://www.rfwp.com/mct.php Grade 3 – Building Language Grade 4 - Caesar’s English I Grade 5 – Caesar’s English II Class sets of 25 or more $14.00 each (includes free teacher manual) Grade 6 - The Word Within the Word Volume I Class sets of 25 or more $18.00 each (includes free teacher manual)
Project M2 : Mentoring Young Mathematicians • A series of six K-2 units (2 per grade) with focus on Geometry and Measurement (both concepts that recently were identified in the Curriculum Focal Points (NCTM, 2006) as key areas to be emphasized in these grades) • Designed to foster inquiry and engage students in critical thinking, problem solving and communication. Project M2: Teacher Guides are $84.99student guide $6.49 eachhttp://www.kendallhunt.com/m2/ Training: September 25 Virginia Hills-multipurpose room
Project M3 : Mentoring Mathematical Minds Project M³: Mentoring Mathematical Minds units and materials 4 units per grade level for grades 3, 4, and 5 order from Kendall Hunt teachers guide $77.99student guide $6.49 eachhttp://www.kendallhunt.com/m3/ • NCTM content and process standards • Strong emphasis on verbal and written communication • Critical and creative thinking as students problem solve, reason, and justify their solutions Students in the role of a mathematician - encouraged to discuss their ideas and discoveries as well as write about them intheir Mathematician’s Journals • Assessments • Unit Test for pre and post assessment • Unit Test Rubric • Check-ups for ongoing assessment Training: November 27, 28, 29 Virginia Hills multipurpose room
Project M3Mentoring Mathematical MindsResearch Results Consistent significant gains on all units for all groups Consistent significant gains on standardized tests at all grade levels Significant gains for two cohorts across grades 3-5 over a comparison group of like abilities from the same schools
Math Challenges/Competitions • Continental Math League • Math Olympiads • Virginia Mathematics League • Math Counts – 6th grade
SOCIAL STUDIES William and Mary Social Studies Units Grades 3 Egypt and China Grade 4 Building a New System: Colonial America 1607-1763The World Turned Upside Down: The American Revolution Grade 6 A House Divided? The Civil War: Its Causes and EffectsThe Road to the White House: Electing the American PresidentKendall Hunt $57.99 each for the teacher edition http://www.kendallhunt.com/K12ProgramComponents.aspx?id=3615 Training: October 25 Providence Presbyterian Church 9019 Little River Turnpike Fairfax, VA
Historical Thinking for Students • Chronological and spatial thinking • Use of evidence • Multiple perspectives and diversity • Historical Interpretation • Historical Analysis and Significance The College Board
Paul’s Reasoning Model Colonies Declare Independence from England Who are the Stakeholders? What is their point of view? What are assumptions of each group? What are the implications of these views?
Elements of Reasoning Purpose/ Goal Point of View Assumptions Implications/ Consequences Issue/ Problem • What would we have to think about if… • Beliefs, understandings, “taking for granted” Inferences Concepts/ Ideas • Ideas, main topics, what the • assumptions are about • Conclusions, reasons to support point of view* Evidence/Data -- Paul, 1992 • Information, details, facts, experiences
Training: October 10 Hayfield Secondary lecture hall Document Based Questions http://www.dbqproject.com/Teacher Resource Binder - $375.00 Mini-Qs in American History Grades 4 & 6 Mini-Qs in World History Grades 3 & 5 Teaching with Primary Sources http://www.tpsnva.org/ Interact Simulations order online http://www.interact-simulations.com range from $40 - $70 for each one
Teacher feedback on DBQ A surprise for me was the popularity of the essay writing. None of the students had written such a long piece before and rarely had they been asked to cite evidence for their statements. Doing so made them feel grown up. You’ll notice some are citing docs even in their responses to the survey I made! They thought they sounded pretty smart. It’s obviously a first effort but they might continue to sound pretty smart if they continue to examine everything they read as closely as they’ve learned to do and consider what basis in fact they have for their opinions.
Training: September 26 Leis Center-room 1 SCIENCE K- 3 Project Clarion Units from William and Mary e.g., Invitation to Invent and What’s the Matter on FCPS 24/7 Order from Prufrock Press $39.95 http://www.prufrock.com/searchproducts.cfm 3-6 William and Mary Problem-based Science UnitsOrder from Kendall Hunt $57.99 each http://www.kendallhunt.com/K12ProgramComponents.aspx?id=3614 Where’s the Beach? grade 3 Electricity City grade 4 Something Fishy grade 5 Nuclear Energy grade 6 Friend or Foe? Training: December 5 Leis Center room 20
Features of Problem-Based Learning • Learner centered • Real world problem • Teacher as tutor or coach • Emphasis on collaborative teams • Metacognition • Alternative assessments
An Ill-Structured Problem You are the supervisor of the day shift of the Virginia State Highway Patrol in Fairfax, Virginia. It is 6:00 a.m. on a steamy June morning. You are awakened by the ringing phone. When you answer you are told, “Come to the overpass on 495 E near Tysons Corner. There has been a major accident and you are needed.” Quickly you dress and hurry to the overpass. As you approach the bridge, you see an overturned truck that is completely blocking both eastbound lanes of the freeway. You see “CORROSIVE” on small signs on the side and rear of the truck. The truck has lost at least one wheel and is resting on the freeway guard rail. There is a large gash in the side of the truck; from this gash, a clear liquid is running down the side of the truck, onto the road, and down the hill into the creek. Steam is rising from the creek. All traffic has been halted and everyone has been told to remain in their cars. Many of the motorists in the traffic jam appear to be angry and frustrated. Police officers, firemen, and rescue squad workers are at the scene. They are all wearing coveralls and masks. The rescue squad is putting the unconscious truck driver onto a stretcher. Everyone seems hurried and anxious.
Performance-based Assessments • Assess authentic performance • Conceptual Understanding • Scientific Investigative and Reasoning Process • Science Content Attainment • Embeds assessment throughout unit • Assessment “Look Fors” • Pre and Post Assessment • To plan instruction • To measure growth • Rubrics for scoring
Critical Thinking Skills in Science Students • Practice scientific investigation and reasoning • Describe evidence or data supporting a point of view • Formulate and test hypotheses • Draw conclusions based on data (inferencing). • Predict consequences. • Create products that replicate and extend the work of experts in the field.
Creative Thinking Skills in Science Students - Develop fluency when sharing and expressing ideas. - Develop flexible thinking. - Elaborate on ideas presented in oral or written form. - Create products that replicate and extend conceptual understandings.
National Geographic JASON Curriculum http://www.jason.org/public/whatis/start.aspx Grade 4 Monster Storms (Weather) Grade 5 Tectonic Fury (Geology) Grade 6 Infinite Potential (Energy) Training: September 28, October 5, October 19, & November 16 Centreville Elementary science lab The JASON Project is designed to develop 21st century skills using JASON curricula. It: • Motivates and inspires students using JASON's unique "great explorers and great events" • Incorporates hands-on, inquiry-based lab investigations • Integrates technology and multimedia into lesson plans