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Causes of the War of 1812

Causes of the War of 1812. Orders in Council. British 1807 Forbids French trade with the UK (and anybody who was friends with her or neutral) Instructed the British Navy to blockade French & allies ports America was neutral. Embargo Act of 1807. Signed by Thomas Jefferson in 1807

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Causes of the War of 1812

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  1. Causes of the War of 1812

  2. Orders in Council • British • 1807 • Forbids French trade with the UK (and anybody who was friends with her or neutral) • Instructed the British Navy to blockade French & allies ports • America was neutral

  3. Embargo Act of 1807 • Signed by Thomas Jefferson in 1807 • Stopped all trade btw America & any other country • Goal to get Britain & France to stop restricting American trade • Response to Orders in Council • Backfired and American people suffered due to a bad economy

  4. Non-Intercourse Act • Signed by Jefferson in 1809 • Repealed the Embargo Act • Opened foreign trade to all countries except France & Britain • Impossible to enforce

  5. Macon’s Bill • Replaced Non-Intercourse Act in 1810 by Congress • Allowed for resumption of trade with all nations including Great Britain and France

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