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The River Valley Civilizations. We will examine 4 categories of the River Valley Civilizations:. Geographical Political Social Economical Each of the characteristics of civilizations will fit under one or more of those categories (you’ll learn more about that later.). Defining….
We will examine 4 categories of the River Valley Civilizations: • Geographical • Political • Social • Economical • Each of the characteristics of civilizations will fit under one or more of those categories (you’ll learn more about that later.)
Defining….. • Geography: Where is it? Is the land mountainous? Desert? Oceanic? • Political: Who controls what? What type of government is there? Anything to do with laws, government, rulers, or war. • Social: Religious, intellectual, artistic, cultural • Economic: What type of economy? How do people make a living?
The Fertile Crescent was located in what modern day countries?
The World’s First Civilization developed (approximately 3500 B.C.) in a region called Mesopotamia.
Civilization developed between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in present day Iraq and Kuwait • Mesopotamia means “Land between the rivers”
Tigris River Current times
Because Mesopotamia had no natural barriers, it attracted many raiders and conquerors. Civilizations came and went amid muchwarfare.
Summarize the geography of Mesopotamia. • What was the water source? • Describe these 2 rivers. • Was the area mountainous? • In what ways, was this an unsafe and unstable place to live?
Because there were so many different groups of people (conquerors) who lived in Mesopotamia, we will look at only a few things about each one. But the things we look at, will be one of the characteristics of civilization.
Mesopotamia • Sumer • Akkadians • Babylonians • Assyrians • Chaldeans • Phoenicians • Israelites • Persians
Political • City-state • Priest controlled government in times of peace • Warrior – king controlled government in times of war.
Economical • Made their living mostly by trade with other civilizations (moved goods up and down the river) • Farmed • Raised animals for food
Social • Religion • Polytheistic • Ziggurats • Believed the gods were mean and cruel because of the unpredictable, violent flooding of the rivers
Religious practice in Sumer • Polytheistic
Sumerian Characteristics and contributions • Invented the arch • the dome • the wagon wheel • cuneiform • invented a number system based on 60
So… what characteristics of civilization did Sumer have? • Written language? • Religion or belief system? • Social classes? • Division of labor (or job specialization)? • Form of government?
Akkadians • Conquered the Sumerians • Ruled by Sargon who is credited with ruling the first real empire • Conquered by the Babylonians
Babylonians • Hammurabi’s Code of Law
Hammurabi’s Code • History’s first known written laws • 300 laws • An “eye for an eye” • Punishments varied according to social status.
Examples of Hammurabi’s Code • If a builder builds a house for some one, and does not construct it properly, and the house which he built falls and kills it’s owner, then that builder shall be put to death.
If the woman has not been careful but has gadded about, neglecting her house and belittling her husband, they shall throw that woman into the water.
If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out. • If he breaks another man's bone, his bone shall be broken. • If he puts out the eye of a freed man, or breaks the bone of a freed man, he shall pay one gold mina. • If he puts out the eye of a man's slave, or break the bone of a man's slave, he shall pay one-half of its value.
Political Impact of Hammurabi’s Code • First written code of laws, • It created a sense of order • Established a coherent “rule of law” which was independent of ethnic or tribal custom or even familial or monarchical whim.
Until this law, what passed for “law” was simply custom or the wish of whoever was ruling at the time. The law could change from generation to generation – even minute to minute.
Legal Impact of Hammurabi’s code • For the first time, the notion of a separate judiciary as part of the overall government • This is a modern hallmark of modern democratic governments the world over.
Babylonians were conquered by the Hittites. • Hittites were the first to use Iron Weapons • Hittites were conquered by the Assyrians
Assyrians • Extremely well organized military and government • “Cruel Warriors” • Blood thirsty • Conquered by the Chaldeans (with help from the Medes and Persians)
AssyrianContributions • Established many permanent roads to facilitate troop movement. • Established the first postal system to facilitate communications. • Hired many of its soldiers from foreign lands and paid them based on success (Mercenaries)
Chaldeans • Famous for the Hanging Gardens • Most famous King was Nebuchadnezzar • Studied astronomy • Conquered by the Persians