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International Cooperation and Social Politics in Chile. Ministry of Planning. Mexico, August 10, 2011. Context Milestones on the road to Overcome Poverty. Sistematic Intervention. Security & Opportunities. MTJH / Chile Barrios. CHS / CHCC. Employment. APIL.
International Cooperation and Social Politics in Chile Ministry of Planning Mexico, August 10, 2011
ContextMilestonesontheroadtoOvercomePoverty SistematicIntervention Security & Opportunities MTJH / Chile Barrios CHS / CHCC Employment APIL Pro-employment/ SEJ / Unemploymentinsurance PEM y POJH Strengthening of OMIL TMC Subsidies SAP ( Communalquotas) PASIS (Regional quotas) PASIS (20% guarantee) y PBS (60%) SUF at 40% and as guarantee SUF (Commonualquotas) Instrument CAS 1 CAS 2 FPS FPS 2.0 Deficiencies Basic needs Vulnerability Multidimensional Poverty Approach The‘80 The‘90 2000 - 2009 2010 and beyond
Ministry of Planning • In 1964, ODEPLAN is created to answer to the need of having a technical organism dedicated to plan the country´s development. • In 1990, ODEPLAN transforms into the Ministerio de Planificación (Ministry of Planning and Cooperation), and is given the mission to design and execute national development policies, plans and programs, suggest public investment goals and evaluate investment projects financed by the State, as well as coordinate different initiatives in the public sector aimed at eradicating poverty. • During the 90´s MIDEPLAN takes on the responsibility to design and implement the ProgramaNacional de Superación de la Pobreza (National Program to Overcome Poverty), whose backbone was integrality, decentralization and participation. • During 2010 a billispresentedtoCongresstocreatethe Ministerio de Desarrollo social (Ministry of Social Development) toreplace MIDEPLAN.
Ministry of Social Development SOCIAL CHALLENGES End Poverty Reducevulnerability SECURITY SOCIETIES Promote social mobility Ensure social integration SOCIETY OF OPPORTUNITIES
Ministry of Social Development • Assumes role to coordinate social policies • Contributes to the design • Evaluation and monitoring • Gives one additional look to the annual budgetary discussion. • Interministerial Committeeon Social Development • Entity in charge of coordinating, providing orientation and information as well as consensus to all the ministries it encompasses. • PresidedbytheMinistry of Social Development • Permanentmembers: Education, Health, Housing, Labor, Segpres and InternalRevenue. • Byinvitation: Interior, Justice, Sernam, Agriculture, Sports and others.
Ministry of Social Development • Will take on the country´s social challenges • Overcome extreme poverty and reduce poverty • Provide protection to those more vulnerable • Promote mobility and social integration. • Studies, evaluates and defines focalization instruments (FPS). • Coordination of Public Services which assist vulnerable groups radicating in MDS Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Interior
ContextbetweentheChileaninternationalcooperation and theMinistry of Planning • 1990, creation of publicinstitutionstoimplement social programs and managethecountry´sinternationalcooperation: • Ministry of Planning (1964 ODEPLAN → 1990 MIDEPLAN) → FOSIS 1990 • AGCI (1990 MIDEPLAN → 2005 MINREL) • Fromthatmomentonward social policiesbecomepart of Chile´sforeignpolicystrategy. • 2008, MIDEPLAN iscreatedbySupremeDecree of the Office of Foreign Affaires, whose role is: • Provideadvice and support local authorities in matterspertaininginternationalcooperation and internationalrelationswithinthesectorsthey are incumbenton. • Coordinateactionstoenforceinternal and externalcooperationoffers and requests.
PARAGUAY Phase I OBJECTIVES • Providetechnicaladviceforthestructure and creation of the Social Cabinet, as well as thecreation of a Social ProtectionSystem. • Provicetechnicaladvicetoimplement Paraguay Solidario. • Providetechnicaladviceto reestructure theNationalInvestmentSystem of Paraguay • • Redesignproposal of the Social Cabinet and thecreation of theParaguayanprotectionnetwork. • Creation of Paraguay Solidario and advice on how to approach its diffusion campaign. • Adviceonhowtoimplement a Single RegistrySystem. • Supportproposal for the Paraguayan National Investment System. • Internship for professionals and technicians in the “puerta de entrada” programs (TEKOPORA y ABRAZO) and the Social Cabinet.
PARAGUAY Phase II ACHIEVED RESULTS • Redesign of the Social Cabinet and creation of the Social Protection network of Paraguay. ‐ Session on the implementation and use of the Social Protection network of Paraguay. ‐ Structure proposal of the Social Cabinet and implementation of the benefit net of the Institutions within the Social Cabinet. • Advice on the diffusion campaign of del Paraguay Solidario. ‐ Work on the design and develop a concept to make the public aware of the existance of Paraguay Solidario • Advice on how to create a Single Registry System. ‐ Work meetings with technicians from the Single Registry with Abrazo, Tekopora and UTGS. - Technical proposal TdR entrusted to PNUD Paraguay by UTGS´s decision. • SupportproposalfortheNationalInvestmentSystem of Paraguay. ‐ Work to determine existing demand. ‐ Sessionwithprofesionals and technicians. • Creation of Paraguay Solidario.
PARAGUAY Phase II OBJECTIVE • Supporttheimplementation of Paraguay Solidario, throughcollaborationprocessesdestinedtoimprovetheprogramand technologiesused, as well as tostrengthentheInstitutions of theestatesinvolved inSasöPyahu”. • • COMPONENTS • Implementation of a NationalSystem of Social Information. • Definition of MethodologicalDesign, Creation and Training of ParticipatingUnits of the Paraguay SolidarioSystem. • InstitutionalStrengthening of theTechnicalUnit of the Social Cabinet.