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Learn about the definition and importance of industrial safety, as well as the need for safety measures in production and operations management. Discover the causes of industrial accidents and the various programs and initiatives that can be implemented to ensure safety in the workplace.
Industrial Safety: Definition, Need and Programmes for Industrial Safety • Definition: • The importance of industrial safety was realized because of the fact that every year millions occupational/ industrial accidents occur which result in loss of production time equivalent to millions of man hours, machine hours etc. • “Measures or techniques implemented to reduce the risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environment in any facility or place involving the manufacturing, producing and processing of goods or merchandise.” • Of these about one-fifth production time is lost by those actually injured due to temporary and permanent disablement and the remaining production time is lost by fellow operators/ people in helping the injured, in taking care of the damage caused by accident etc. the loss to the industrial unit would appear much more alarming when death cases due to accidents are considered.
Industrial Safety • The following steps may be taken to effectively and efficiently eliminate an unsafe working environment: • (1) Elimination if possible of the causes of accidents. • (2) If it is not possible to eliminate the cause of accidents, make arrangements to shield the hazardous place by guards, enclosures or similar arrangements.
Industrial Safety • Causes of Industrial Accidents: • Unsafe conditions • The job itself • Work schedules • Psychological conditions • Machinery & Equipment • Unsafe Acts • Miscellaneous Causes
Industrial Safety • Need for Safety: • Industrial safety is primarily a management activity which is concerned with, • Reducing, • Controlling • Eliminating hazards from the industries or industrial units.
Industrial Safety • Unsafe acts: • For rectification of the causes because of unsafe acts attention must be paid to following factors: • (1) Personnel adjustment: If a foreman/supervisor identifies that a worker is unfit either physically or mentally or a job/ task, he should be quickly taken off the work in consultation with the personnel department. • (2) Method/technique used: Some techniques requiring change should be replaced by safe methods. • (3) Operator training: Job method may be safe or unsafe but the operator must be trained to perform the job. • (4) Publicity and education about accident prevention: The workers/ people are led by the skill, energy and leadership of foreman/supervisor. So it is the duty of these people to educate the workmen about prevention of accidents. The aim is to teach them to become safety conscious so that they are able to recognize an unsafe act or situation and act in such a manner that accident is avoided.
Industrial Safety • The unsafe conditions: • To avoid accidents due to unsafe conditions, various provisions have been discussed in the “Factories Act” these may be concerned with moving parts of prime movers, electrical generators and transmission machinery: fire protection devices, control of dangerous fumes, lifting of excessive weights and safe guards over lighting machines, chains and ropes etc.
Industrial Safety • Measures to ensure Industrial Safety: • Safety Policy • Safety Committee • Safety Engineering • Guarding of machinery • Material handling equipment • Safety devices • Plan maintenance • General house keeping • Safety Education & Training • Role of Government
Industrial Safety • The safety in industry helps: • (i) Increasing the production rate. • (ii) Reducing the cost of production. • (iii) Reducing damage to machinery and equipment. • (iv) Preventing unwanted suffering and pain to employees of the organization. • (v) Preventing premature/untimely death of talented workers who may be an asset to the enterprise and society.
Industrial Safety • Safety Programmes: • A safety programme intends to identify when where and why accidents occur. On the same lines a safety programme aims at reducing accidents and associated losses. A safety programme is initiated with the assumption that it is possible to prevent most work connected accidents. • A safety programme is a continuous process and tries to be decrease the influence of personal and environmental factors which cause accidents. Normally a safety programme consists of providing safety equipment’s and special training to workmen or employees
Four E’s of Safety: • Engineering: i.e. safety at the design, equipment installation stage. • Education: i.e. education of employees in safe practices • Enlistment: i.e. it concerns the attitude of the employees and management towards the programmed and its purpose. This necessary arose the interest of employees in accident prevention and safety consciousness • Encouragement: i.e. to enforce adherence to safe rules and practices.
Safety Inspection Procedures: • Safety audit –A safety audit subjects each area of a company’s activity to a systematic critical examination with the object of minimizing loss. • Safety survey-A safety survey is a detailed examination in depth of a narrower field of activity. • Safety inspection- A routine scheduled inspection of a unit or department, which may be carried out by someone ( may be a safety representative ) from within the unit, possibly accompanied by the safety advisor. The inspection would check maintenance standards,
Indian standards Institute has done commendable job in this context and lies down as follows: • (i) Safety precautions to be taken during manifesting operations. • (ii) Standards for proper lighting, ventilation and proper layout of the industrial unit. • (iii) Standards and specifications of safe industrial operations and practices etc. • (iv) Requirements for effective maintenance of tools and equipment’s.
Indian standards Institute has done commendable job in this context and lies down as follows: • (v) Guidance on safe cutting and welding processes. • (vi) Guidance on use of powered industrial trucks, belt conveyors and fire protection equipment’s. • (vii) Safety requirements for personal protective equipment’s. • (viii) Classification of hazardous chemicals and provision of accident provision tags.
Indian standards Institute has done commendable job in this context and lies down as follows: • (ix) Markings for handling and lebelling of dangerous items/ goods. • (x) Standards for safety: (a) In industrial building (b) Safety procedures to be followed in electrical work (c) in use of electrical appliances in hazardous area and explosive atmosphere. • (xi) Specifications for protective clothing, safety helmets face shields and safety equipment for eyes ears lags hands and feet etc.