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Explore the life and works of János Lackfi, a Hungarian poet, translator, teacher, and photographer. Discover his popular works such as "LÉZERLÁMPA" and "DINÓK ÉS EMBEREK." Learn about Lackfi's unique perspective on love, family, and everyday life. Don't miss the opportunity to hear Lackfi speak about his work next year in Hungary.
János Lackfi’s life Born: Budapest, 1971 may 18th Real name: János Oláh Hungarianpoet,translator,teacherphotographer GéreczAttila-prizeJózsef Attila-prizeDéry Tibor-prize Sixchildren Somepoem,drama,prose
GRANNY IN THE PICTURES (nagymama a képen) I regularly show my friends pictures of my Gran. Ever since she has lived with us, I have spent whole days delighting in her bits of dottiness, and I constantly take snaps of her, from every possible angle and in every possible situation, then I have the nerve to show them off to all and sundry. It’s childish of me, I know; I know people laugh at me behind my back for doing it, but I just can’t help it. Look here! Look how comic Gran is when she eats! Smears it all over herself! Her clothes get covered in cocoa; she’ll spit out a huge jet of tomato soup all over the floor. Ever since she worked out how to do it, there’s no stopping her. Isn’t that charming? And it‘s sweet the way she’s quite capable of turning the place upside down in hunting for some old paper or other. She’s so feather-brained we have our work cut out clearing up after her! This one’s of granny in the bathtub. She cacked her sanitary towel so she had to be scrubbed; a real bunny rabbit, the way she’s goggling! Mind you, she always looks like then when she isn’t wearing her specs. Yes, that’s her false teeth on the side of the tub. Such a scamp when she’s smiling without the teeth in. She talks, of course—all kinds of delightful stuff. She calls cars limousines, trams electric tramcars, talks about hansom cabs, bloomers and pomaded hair—that’s her vocabulary, those are the sorts of words she uses. It’s her way of explaining what to her is the incomprehensible world of grown-ups. It’s such an odd feeling for someone to be so dependant on me that it takes up my days. Now I can’t even imagine what it will be like when she pops off, ten or fifteen years from now.
HispoemsweretranslatedintoSpanish ORACIÓN QUEJUMBROSA (Nyűgös imádság) Chúpame la médula de mis huesos estira mis venas como cuerda arráncame las uñas, sácame uno a uno los cabellos quítame la fuerza, que me revuelque como bebé baboso que me muerda el mal en la carne que cuelga cual una vacía bolsa que me seques el cerebro hasta que resuene en la cabeza como guijarro desármame y ármame pero ocúpame de mí sólo de mí, Dios mío.
And German…. ACH IHR STÄDTE (Ó városok) Ach ihr Städte die ihr an die dahintreibenden Himmelskörper kratzt zu stumpf sind eure Türme erst eure Antennennadeln jagen der Frequenzen fremden unsichtbaren Stoff in die Venen des Raums bis der gespannte Arm auschwillt und abends sich lila entzündet
And Czech….(it’sthesameas in Spanish verse) Úpěnlivámodlitba (Nyűgös imádság) Z mýchkostímorekvytáhni méžílynapni jak provazy strhej mi nehty, mojevlasy všechnypojednomvytrhej zbavměmésíly, abych se jen válel jak uslintanémimino plandal jak prázdnýměšec aťchoroba se zakousne mi domasa v méhlavěmozek vysuš v rachotícíštěrk rozebersimě, složmědohromady jen simětrochuvšímej jenomsimě aspoňpovšimni, Bože.
curiosity Next year when you come to Hungary we would like to invite some of them to talk about their work. We think it will be very exciting and one of them will come. We hope that it will be interesting to you too.