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Discussion on organization of accelerator work

This discussion covers various topics such as injection system, collidor design, RF system, vacuum system, diagnostics, feedbacks, control system, site infrastructure, magnets, and mechanical layout for the accelerator project. Ongoing collaboration between international institutions and further study on specific topics are discussed.

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Discussion on organization of accelerator work

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Discussion on organizationof accelerator work

  2. TDR to do list(preliminary) • Injection System • Polarized gun • damping rings • spin manipulators • linac • positron converter • beam transfer systems • etc... • Collider design • Two rings lattice • Polarization insertion • IR design • beam stay clear • ultra-low emittance tuning • detector solenoid compensation • coupling correction • orbit correction • stability • beam-beam simulations • beam dynamics and instabilities • single beam effects • operation issues • injection scheme • etc… • RF system • RF specifications • RF feedbacks • Low level RF • Synchronization and timing • etc… • Vacuum system • Arcs pipe • Straights pipe • IR pipe • e-cloud remediation electrodes • bellows • impedance budget simulations • pumping system • etc… • Diagnostics • Beam position monitors • Luminosity monitor • Current monitors • Synchrotron light monitor • R&D on diagnostics for low emittance • etc… • Feedbacks • Transverse • Longitudinal • Orbit • Luminosity • Electronics & software • etc… • Control system • Architecture • Design • Peripherals • etc… • Site • Civil construction • Infrastructures & buildings • Power plants • Fluids plants • Radiation safety • etc… • Magnets • Design of missing magnets • Refurbishing existing magnets • Field measurements • QD0 construction • Power supplies • Injection kickers • Etc… • Mechanical layout and alignment • Injector • Rings • etc… Many topics already addressed in the CDR, just need refinement

  3. Collaboration at present • At present we have an international collaboration among the following Institutions (n. of heads, not FTE !): • INFN (11 LNF, 1 Pisa) • SLAC (8) • BINP (5) • STFC (2) • KEK (1) • LAL (6) • CERN (2 fellowships)

  4. Example from Cockckroft

  5. Main goals for the mini-MAC • Build a complete lattice for each ring • this needs to happen for aperture studies to start • Produce an IR design that has optics for each ring • Produce a spin insertion for the HER • IR with detector solenoid • Coupling compensation scheme • Dynamic aperture studies of both rings • 0th – Crab sextupoles off • 1st -- perfect lattice • 2nd -- ring magnet errors • 3rd – errors in spin rotators • Further progress at DAFNE Raimondi, Wittmer, Nikitin, Wienands, Donald, Sullivan, Nosochov,... Levichev, Piminov, Cai, Quatraro Done

  6. Ongoing Raimondi, Zobov, Shatilov Raimondi, Ohmi Biagini, Nosochov, Donald, Yocky, Wolski Topics Requiring Further Study to Establish design-performance feasibility (From the last mini-MAC) • Beam-beam • further experimental tests of crab waist at DAFNE (to achieve design goals, or understand limitations) • exploit the DAFNE experiment to benchmark and validate the simulation • demonstrate that the crab waist improves the performance • Perform strong-strong simulations for SuperB with large Piwinski angle • Low emittance generation, tuning, dynamic aperture • Simulation needs to include effects of crab waist • Need a table of tolerances • need to optimise dynamic aperture with interaction region (crab waist...)

  7. Topics Requiring further Study to Establish design-performance feasibility (cont) • IR design (key issues are achieving low betas, stabilization) • Begin first engineering design considerations to be sure there are no impediments to achieving very low beta and/or the stability needed for collision of tiny beam spots • Injection baseline configuration: • capable of ensuring small enough charge fluctuations per bunch • which can be be matched to the ring acceptance(s) • Continue making good progress on background simulations (single beam, luminosity) Sullivan, Bertsche, Novokhatski Kurita, Craddock, Kharakh Develop a proposal for a luminosity feedback system Raimondi, Boni, Guidicci Sullivan, Boscolo, Paoloni

  8. Additional Feedback from mini-MAC (cont) • RF& Feedback • The RF and feedbacks require performance much like PEP-II. However the ring impedances must be halved relative to PEP-II. This requires careful study, and constant attention to the details of the vacuum chamber design. The SuperB team must establish an impedance budget and a conscientious impedance-budget manager • Determine the fundamental performance requirements of the coupled-bunch feedback systems. Build what is needed and make it robust, with special attention to protection against noise sources Novokhatski, Zobov Drago, Anatoly Fox? This includes new kicker hardware for a 2 ns bunch spacing

  9. Additional Feedback from mini-MAC (cont) Demma, Novokhatski, Ohmi • Cloud and Ions • Will require further beam dynamics studies with ECI for e+ and Fast ion for e-. • Polarization • Decide on the gun and injector baseline choices • Insertion of spin rotators into lattice • Dynamic aperture with spin rotator • Spin depolarization time Raimondi, Seeman Wittmer, Wienands, Biagini, Nosochov, Nikitin Yocky

  10. Further topics presently under study • Coherent Syncrotron Radiation: Bassi, Alesini, Falbo • IntraBeam Scattering: Demma, Guiducci • QD0 design: Bettoni, Paoloni • Space charge: Levichev, Piminov, Shatilov, Venturini, Bassi • Injection system: Boni, Guiducci, Raimondi, Seeman

  11. Short term action items • Need names of responsables in boxes • Template for each Lab with names and work availabilities: end of February • Frascati: Biagini/Raimondi • SLAC: Sullivan/Seeman • BINP: Levichev • Cockcroft: Bassi • IN2P3: Variola • IHEP: Zhang ???? • KEKB: Ohnishi ? • List of key topics we think will need attention in future and/or R/D to present to miniMAC • Distribution list and web informations (MB) • List of requests for people to hire • Synergy with SPARX project • Definition of services (fluids, power,…) needed (need a layout first)

  12. WE NEED YOU !!!

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