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Science of Behavior. Linda Bradley MU Center for Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support . Outcomes. Learn the ABCs of behavior Learn how to define behavior C reate a behavioral summary statement to assist in determining the function of behavior
Science of Behavior Linda Bradley MU Center for Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support
Outcomes • Learn the ABCs of behavior • Learn how to define behavior • Create a behavioral summary statement to assist in determining the function of behavior • Practice connecting intervention plans with function
Why Learn About The Science of Behavior? • Understand the Research Supporting SW-PBS • Assists to Problem Solve about Student Misbehavior • Define Problem Behavior • Determine What Purpose the Behavior Serves for the Student • Create a Plan to Change the Behavior
What the Science of Behavior Has Taught Us • Student behavior is learned • Students misbehave because it “works”, serves a purpose for them, is a form of communication • Educators have a responsibility to “manipulate” classroom and nonclassroom settings to increase the likelihood students will be successful
Remembering What the Science of Behavior Has Taught Us • Students do not learn what to do when given adverse consequences only • To learn social behavior, students must be directly taught. • To retain new behaviors, students must be given opportunities to practice and specific, positive feedback.
Outcomes • Learn the ABCs of behavior • Learn how to define behavior • Create a behavioral summary statement to assist in determining the function of behavior • Practice connecting intervention plans with function
ABCs of Behavior • What is the behavior (B) you see the student do or hear? Observable behavior the student displays • Used to describe misbehavior or behavior you expect
ABCs of Behavior • What happens before (A or antecedent) the behavior occurs – what is the trigger? Conditions and circumstances that increase the probability of a behavior occurring.
ABCs of Behavior • What happens after (C or outCome/Consequence) the behavior occurs? • By definition a consequence either increases (REINFORCEMENT) or decreases (PUNISHMENT) the likelihood the behavior will recur in the future.
ABCs Help Us • Describe What is Currently Happening—Define the Behavior, What triggers the behaviors and what is the consequence • Write a Summary Statement that Describes Function of Behavior • Helps As a Problem Solving Tool to Develop a Schoolwide, Group or Individual Intervention Plans • Stay focused and avoid “telling the story”
ABCs to Describe What is Currently HappeningProblem Behavior OR Expected Behavior
Outcomes • Learn the ABCs of behavior • Learn how to define behavior • Create a behavioral summary statement to assist in determining the function of behavior • Practice connecting intervention plans with function
Describing Behavior • Observable: • What do you see? What did the student do? • What do you hear? What did the student say?
Outcomes • Learn the ABCs of behavior • Learn how to define behavior • Create a behavioral summary statement to assist in determining the function of behavior • Practice connecting intervention plans with function
Write a Summary Statement that Includes Function of Behavior • Describe the Antecedents, Behavior and Consequences to Determine Function • How to Determine Function: • Observations to identify predictable patterns • What is the pay off for the student? • What is student trying to communicate?
Summary Statement • Based on several observations • Identifies predictable relationships between environmental variables and behavior During When student will because therefore the function of the behavior is to access /escape/avoid (choose one) (some routine) (some Antecedent condition occurs) (engage in a specific Behavior) (a predictable outCome will occur) (something in the environment)
Antecedents • What happens before (A or antecedent) the behavior occurs – what is the trigger? Conditions and circumstances that increase the probability of a behavior occurring. • Common Antecedents for Problem Behaviors—lack of teaching what’s expected, • inconsistent enforcement of expectations, • difficult academic work, • teacher unprepared
Behavior • Observable: • What do you see? What did the student do? • What do you hear? What did the student say?
Consequences • What happens after (C or outCome/Consequence) the behavior occurs? • By definition a consequence either increases (REINFORCEMENT) or decreases (PUNISHMENT) the likelihood the behavior will recur in the future. The only way we know is to analyze over time & look for patterns: Does the behavior increase (or continue)? Does the behavior decrease?
What Function or Purpose Does the Behavior Serve The Student? Behavior is not GOOD or BAD; It PAYS OFF for the student. Behavior COMMUNICATES a message. Look at behavior through the student’s eyes to help take our EMOTIONS out of it.
What is the Function, Payoff for the Students? Avoiding? Getting?
How to Determine Function • Based on several observations • Identifies predictable relationships between environmental variables and behavior
Summary Statement • Based on several observations • Identifies predictable relationships between environmental variables and behavior During When student will because therefore the function of the behavior is to access /escape/avoid (choose one) (some routine) (some Antecedent condition occurs) (engage in a specific Behavior) (a predictable outCome will occur) (something in the environment)
Summary Statement • Based on several observations • Identifies predictable relationships between environmental variables and behavior During When students will because therefore the function of the behavior is to access /escape/avoid (choose one) Writing time (some routine) (some Antecedent condition occurs) asked to independently write Wander, talk, sit without working (engage in a specific Behavior) Teacher reminds about expectations (a predictable outCome will occur) writing (something in the environment)
Bubba’s Summary Statement • Based on several observations • Identifies predictable relationships between environmental variables and behavior During When Bubba will because therefore the function of the behavior is to access /escape/avoid (choose one) Reading (some routine) Assigned to independently read (some Antecedent condition occurs) Talks out, talks to peers, out of seat (engage in a specific Behavior) Teacher sends to safe seat (a predictable outCome will occur) Reading, hard task
Outcomes • Learn the ABCs of behavior • Learn how to define behavior • Create a behavioral summary statement to assist in determining the function of behavior • Practice connecting intervention plans with function
Turning Problem Behavior Into Replacement Behavior • Ask yourself “What do you want the student to do instead?” • Don’t forget to write in Observable way • Be specific
Antecedents • What happens before (A or antecedent) the behavior occurs – what is the trigger? Conditions and circumstances that increase the probability of a behavior occurring. • Common Antecedents for Desired Behaviors • Teach and regularly practice what is expected • Precorrect and remind what is expected • Consistent enforcement expectations • Modify, adapt difficult academic work • Teacher has materials prepared • Choice about how, where, with whom to work
Consequences • What happens after (C or outCome/Consequence) the behavior occurs? • By definition a consequence either increases (REINFORCEMENT) or decreases (PUNISHMENT) the likelihood the behavior will recur in the future. • Common Consequences That Often Increase Desired Behaviors • Teacher praise and attention • Peer attention • “Opting out” • Getting to do preferred activities • Ask Students—they will tell you
Very Important Intervention Plans Must Match the Function of Behavior
Summary Statement • Based on several observations • Identifies predictable relationships between environmental variables and behavior During When students will because therefore the function of the behavior is to access /escape/avoid (choose one) Writing time (some routine) (some Antecedent condition occurs) asked to independently write Wander, talk, sit without working (engage in a specific Behavior) Teacher reminds about expectations (a predictable outCome will occur) writing (something in the environment)
Bubba’s Summary Statement • Based on several observations • Identifies predictable relationships between environmental variables and behavior During When Bubba will because therefore the function of the behavior is to access /escape/avoid (choose one) Reading (some routine) Assigned to independently read (some Antecedent condition occurs) Talks out, talks to peers, out of seat (engage in a specific Behavior) Teacher sends to safe seat (a predictable outCome will occur) Reading, hard task
Resources • ABC Training Curriculum:A Staff-wide Introduction to Function of Behavior Chris Borgmeier, PhD.PortlandState University cborgmei@pdx.edu www.web.pdx.edu/~cborgmei • Practice Functional Behaivoral Assessment Training • Sheldon Loman and Christopher Borgmeier, Partland State University • Available at www.pbis.org • Linda Bradley • bradleyl@missouri.edu