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Google’s Core Algorithm Update on August 1: Key Takeaways

Google released a core algorithm in August, as confirmed by the search engine giant. It is a given that it led to a major shift in the search industry. Nicknamed the Medic Update, the update is fully rolled out. We at Digital Media Sapiens are one of the leading Digital Marketing Agency, Dubai and can effectively help your website, especially if it has been affected by this update. Get in touch with us to know more and keep reading to stay on top of the latest digital marketing trends. For more info https://www.digitalmediasapiens.com/<br>

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Google’s Core Algorithm Update on August 1: Key Takeaways

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  1. GOOGLE’S COREALGORITHM UPDATE ON AUGUST 1: KEY TAKEAWAYS https://www.digitalmediasapiens.com/googles-core-algorithm-update-on-august-1-key-takeaways/

  2. GooglereleasedacorealgorithminAugust, asconfirmedbythesearchenginegiant.It isagiventhatitledtoamajorshiftinthe search industry. Nicknamed the Medic Update,theupdateisfullyrolledout.

  3. WHATISGOOGLEMEDICUPDATE? TheMedicUpdateisacoreGoogleupdatethatfocuseson healthandmedicalsitesaswellasYMYL(YourMoneyYour Life)sites.Buttherearesitesthatarebeyondtheseand they were affected as well. It is so called because it highlights the medical and health sectors. This was, however,notconfirmedbythesearchengin

  4. WhatareYMYLsites? Webpageswhichrequirepersonalinformationsuchas yourpersonalidentificationnumber,yourbankdetails, driver’slicenseetc.Itispossiblethatthesecouldbeused byfraudstersforidentitytheft. Pages that are used to exchange money or make transactions.Forinstance,ifyouarebuyingsomething onlineandareusingaparticularpageforaddingallthe paymentdetails.

  5. WhatistheFix? Whiletherearenofixesassuch,here’swhatyoucandotoremain unaffectedbytheupdate: 1.Aim forMobile-Friendliness Thefirststepismakingyoursitemobile-friendly.ThisissomethingthatGoogle takesasapluspointandcanhelpboostyourrankings.Theonlycatchhereisthat youneedtoprovideusefulinformationtotheusers.

  6. 2.Page LoadSpeed Justlikemobile-friendlywebsites,pageloadspeedcanalsoaffectthe rankings.Hence,makeitapointtoampupyourwebsite’sspeed.Ifyou needmoreinformationonhowtogetthisright,takealookatGoogle PageSpeedInsightsforabetterperspective. 3.Content Google is now adopting an acronym called EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness). This is where content can effectivelychangetheentireballgame.Youshouldfocusonbetteringyour content,especiallybybeingathoughtleaderinaparticularindustryor niche.

  7. ThesearesomeofthekeytakeawaysfromGoogle’s recentAugustupdate.WeatDigitalMediaSapiens areoneoftheleading DigitalMarketingAgency,Dubai andcaneffectivelyhelpyourwebsite,especiallyifit hasbeenaffectedbythisupdate.Getintouchwithus toknowmoreandkeepreadingtostayontopofthe latestdigitalmarketingtrends.

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