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NETC@RDS for e-EHIC ID Mid Term Workshop Deploying eEHIC services for borderless care in Europe By Noël Nader, Project Coordinator MED-e-TEL - LUXEXPO Luxembourg, 2nd April 2009. The NETC@RDS Consortium. 28 partners from 15 EU/EFTA members states + 5 sponsors
NETC@RDS for e-EHIC ID Mid Term Workshop Deploying eEHIC services for borderless care in Europe By Noël Nader, Project Coordinator MED-e-TEL - LUXEXPO Luxembourg, 2nd April 2009
The NETC@RDS Consortium • 28 partners from 15 EU/EFTA members states + 5 sponsors • 14 out of 28 partners are statutory health insurance or health fund organisations which are also the contracting parties of the “NETC@RDS General Agreement” • 6 development and research institutions or standardisation bodies • 2 technical organisations operating e-health services for the health insurance organisations • 4 hospitals and/or health professional associations • 2 regional governments • The consortium is politically supported by government health authorities (Ministries of Health and Social Affairs)
The NETC@RDS Provided Service • The NETC@RDS service for the electronification of the eye-readable EHIC serves three distinct processes : • Automated data capture for patient identification based on the EHIC common set of data elements • In some case, on-line verification of entitlement rights via national portals in the frame of a multilateral Agreement (G.A), and • Minimal data provision contributing to back office e-billing reconciliations • The e-EHIC trustworthy dataset can be obtained either : • by scanning & optical recognition of the eye-readable EHIC information • or by reading national/regional health smart cards then by checking data on-line
The Project Team www.netcards.eu
WP8 (REGLOM) Dissemination & Communication WP6 (IPG-LINZ)Evaluation WP7 (REGVEN)Socio-EcoImpact WP3 (GIE SV)Deployment WP2 (HVOS) WP9 (ZZZS) Cooperation CASSTM/TC Maintenance & Evolution WP5 (AUTH) WP4 (ZI) Security & data protection Legal affairs (G.A) WP1 (GIE SV) WP coordination and projet monitoring The Managerial Structure
Estimated Total Investment E.U community contribution (M€) PHASES Budget (M€) 0,50 0,25 Market Validation phase (A1) 4,88 2,44 Market Validati on phase (A2 - A3) 15,33 3,50 Initial Deployment phase (B) 6,19 ETIC (phases A.x + B)* 20,71 *Not including costs for exploitation and maintainance of the service
Phase B Mile Stones MACRO – PLANNING (T0 = 01/06/07) e-Billing enhancements 15 national Portals Portal Security audit 120 SP/ 58 SU 350 SP/ 175 SU 500 SP / 225 SU User training Service Level Agreement Linking portals to all entitlement repositories Technical support OCR test procedure Observatory (industry & standardisation bodies) Extension to other HIO Monitoring service sites Full Deployment Plan M2 M1 M3 Industrial eEHIC compatible Roadmap & roll-out Grade T0+27 T0+39 T0+12
Outlook for Benefits • For patients • Significantly simpler and faster procedures • For health care providers • Less administration and manual typing of data, speeding up costs refunding • For health insurance providers • Less administration, improved reliability and security of data • saving investment in new electronic card systems • For business companies and the smart card and telecom Industry • Fostering the development of e-Health services on the European market • For EU convergent policy • Interoperability amongst national health and social information systems • Validated professional basis for imminent political decisions on e-EHIC • Use of the same document at EU-wide scale • Implementing new e-Health services relying on the NETC@RDS infrastructure (.e.g. secure access to medical prescription, pan-European project epSOS)
Long Term Sustainability • Background • 16 out of 28 partners are potential e-EHIC card issuers • G.A as legal basis for on-line verification at the point of care • Operational on-line infrastructure via National Access Points as potential gateways to EESSI in 15 EU/EFTA member states + Switzerland • Common ISSP and security audit approval procedure • 500 running service units/points foreseen by 2010 in the 16 NETC@RDS countries as potential e-EHIC large scale pilots • Know-how and lessons learnt from NETC@RDS experience • Implementation of Web Services based on the CWA e-EHIC • Foreground • A potential piloting structure for the introduction of the e-EHIC in view of a political decision and EU-funding
MS C Health Care Provider MS B Health Insurance repository MS B Health Care Provider MS A Health Care Provider NPAP/IPAP NPAP/IPAP Portal NPAP/IPAP NPAP/IPAP MS A Insurance repository Other National Schemes EESSI Inter linking on-line national infrastructures via EESSI MS D Health Care Provider MS D Health Insurance Repository
Conclusion • The project consortium enlarged now to 28 beneficiaries and members for Germany (AOK Bayern, ZTG) and Poland (NFZ) • Sponsors from Switzerland (Canton of Bâle), Bulgaria (NHIF) in addition to Smart Card Industry companies (GEMALTO, FIME, SIEMENS Informatica) • Reallocation of the budget amongst partners is under consolidation • Project Phase B time extension up to 30/11/2010 • Technical cooperation with convergent EU-funded initiatives (epSOS, Stork, TEN4Health) • NETC@RDS is bridging the gap between the e-EHIC legal, functional, technical requirements and the legacy health information systems at national and regional scale