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Classification . Johnathon Jelinek Aaron Romel Seth Murray. What is Classification . Classification is when you group together things that are similar, to support and organize your ideas. . Why use classification .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Classification Johnathon Jelinek Aaron Romel Seth Murray

  2. What is Classification Classification is when you group together things that are similar, to support and organize your ideas.

  3. Why use classification Classification allows a argument topic to be divided into categories, that influences the way you think about the topic-whether you’re serious, sincere, or humorous. It can organize your ideas, or simply a complex issue or show how complex a simple issue is.

  4. “Quality” Dictionary Definition: “degree of excellence” Our Definition: “well made, the best, hard work”

  5. Classification of Quality Quality of work Quality of product Quality of attributes Quality of Beliefs

  6. Quality of work Hard work, do their job to the best of their ability, to achieve the best result. Examples: Business worker working for a promotion vs. the company slacker

  7. Quality of product The product is the best made, safest to use, guaranteed, trusted name, performs its job with best performance. Examples: Busch beer is the worst compared to Sam Adams being a better quality beer

  8. Quality of attributes Something that other people look for in each other, to form a mutual attraction.

  9. Quality of beliefs Your beliefs are able to see the difference between right and wrong, differing from person to person. Example: most people believe that murder is wrong vs. other people feel that murder is fine.

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