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One of the most important things that any woman can develop when she is pregnant is her birth plan. http://doulatraininghq.com/birth-plans-examples/
Example Birth Plans For Expecting Mothers
Birth Plan is one of the most important things for a pregnant women to have. Every birth is different, whether you are a first time mother or whether it is your second or third child. When you hire on a doula not only are you hiring them for their expertise in the field of child birth, but you are hiring them to help you establish a birth plan.
A birth plan is something that you should be completely comfortable with before you ever get close to your delivery date. Along with your doula, you should research your options for both a natural birth as well as the possibility of a cesarean if it should become necessary.
The reality of giving birth is that no matter how prepared you think you might be always expect the unexpected. One of the things that you must also consider when coming up with a birth plan is involving your loved ones so that they can help with anything that you will not be able to do on your own after the birth.
It is important to consider that when you create your birth plan your doctor should also be apart of the process. At least one to two months prior to your due date you should take your birth plan in to one of your prenatal visits and discuss it with your doctor so that you’ll get the opinion of your doctor on the decisions that you have made.
Your birth plan should: • be fairly short but full of explanation. • be about a page in length and cover all of your plans for any given situation. • also dictate what you want your loved ones to be doing during an emergency situation
Think about the post-partum plans as well. • Do you want to hold your baby immediately after the birth? • Do you want to have the baby taken out of the room so you can get some rest after the initial delivery is over? • Do you want the hospital staff to initiate the first feeding of your baby?
Below are Example Birth PlansForExpecting Mothers Birth Plan Example #1 Birth Plan Example #2 Birth Plan Example #3