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Role of digital marketing plays in political campaigning strategies

Important role of digital marketing in political campaigns strategies. digital marketing for elections, digital marketing for political campaigns in india.<br>For more information:- https://www.updateeverytime.com/role-of-digital-marketing-in-political-campaign-strategies/<br>

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Role of digital marketing plays in political campaigning strategies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Role of Digital Marketing In Political Campaign Strategies

  2. Branding the Name of the candidate • Have a famous brand name like NarendraModi and Barack Obama. • Have an attractive slogan.

  3. Make sure you have a website • Websites should have contents related to the candidate. • Contents like their political journey, achievements, upcoming events, etc. • It becomes easy for the voters to choose who they want to vote for.

  4. Political campaign on social media • Have accounts on social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook to spread messages. • It enhances the popularity among people. • The more followers someone have the more their posts are going to be liked and shared.

  5. Marketing Through WhatsApp • Use Whatsapp to spread memes and funny content related to political parties. • Instruct young members of the party to spread these messages. • You can even pay them for spreading messages on Whatsapp.

  6. Know who your audience is to target them • Target the voters through your manifestoes. • Promise to do things for every group in order to attract them. • Mostly youngsters are targeted and are promised to be given jobs.

  7. The door to door campaigning • The main candidate of a particular region should reach to the people to earn votes • Plan various events to address to the people. • This strategy has been used since the old times.

  8. Audience poll • Audience poll is conducted before the main elections to get an idea who is going to win the elections. • This will also tell the performance of your political advertising marketing.

  9. Bulk-SMS • Continuously send funny text messages to the voters which may also have slogans written in them. • Have a creative team for creating catchy messages.

  10. Thank You Please like and share.

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