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Questions to ask yourself as a Governor

Questions to ask yourself as a Governor. FT Governors’ Association Development Day. April 2009. MONITOR. PCT. THE FT MODEL IS AN EXCITING NEW FORM OF LOCAL ACCOUNTABILITY. MEMBERS PUBLIC PATIENTS STAFF OTHER STAKHOLDERS. REGULATORS. Contract. CHAIR. Terms of Authorisation.

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Questions to ask yourself as a Governor

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  1. Questions to ask yourself as a Governor FT Governors’ Association Development Day April 2009


  3. THE ROLE OF GOVERNOR IS CRITICAL – LINKING LOCAL STAKEHOLDERS TO THE FOUNDATION TRUST’S MANAGEMENT BUILDING LOCAL RELATIONSHIPS HOLDING TO ACCOUNT • Help FT work with members • Members understand FT performance • FT understand members views • Governors work with the Directors • you understand FT • FT understands your views • Receive the Annual Report and Accounts • Make key appointments • Chair • Non-Executive Directors • Set remuneration • Approve appointment of Chief Executive • Appoint the auditors

  4. SUGGESTED QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF AS A GOVERNOR COMPLIANCE UNDERSTANDING PERFORMANCE NON EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS (NEDs) • 1 Are appropriate appointment and appraisal processes in place? • How good a job is the Board doing? • Do we have the right people on the Board? • Do we meet and talk to the Chair and other NEDs sufficiently to express our views and understand their judgements on the trust? • Does the Board adequately explain performance, eg when its presents the Annual Report and Accounts? • Quality of care • Finances • Staff • Does the Board keep us informed of major problems, risks and actions? • Are we happy with the independence and expertise of the auditors? • Do we understand what the regulators require of the trust? • Authorisation • Registration • 2 Do the Board or the Regulators currently have significant concerns about meeting these requirements? • 3 Is the Board taking appropriate action? BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEMBERS FORWARD PLANS BOARD OF GOVERNORS 1 Is the trust taking appropriate action to grow a representative membership and encourage election turnout? 2 Do we have good mechanisms for explaining trust performance and plans to members? 3 Do we have good mechanisms for understanding members’ issues and expressing them to the Board? • 1 Have I had sufficient induction to understand my role, the trust, and existing plans and issues? • Do we have the right agendas, committees and discussions to carry out our role well? • Do we have a good relationship with the Chair? With the Board Secretary? 1 Do we have effective mechanisms to canvass members’ views on the future of the trust? (patients, staff) 2 Does the Board adequately explain priorities and options they are considering for the forward plan? 3 Do we have a reasonable opportunity to express our views on the key decisions in the forward plan?

  5. COMPLIANCE • . Do we understand what the regulators require of the trust? • Authorisation • Registration • Do the Board or the Regulators currently have significant concerns about meetingthese requirements? • 3 Is the Board taking appropriate action?

  6. UNDERSTANDING PERFORMANCE • . Does the Board adequately explain performance, eg when its presents the Annual Report and Accounts? • Quality of care • Finances • Staff • . Does the Board keep us informed of major problems, risks and actions? • . Are we happy with the independence and expertise of the auditors?

  7. NON EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS (NEDs) • 1. Are appropriate appointment and appraisal processes in place? • . How good a job is the Board doing? • . Do we have the right people on the Board? • . Do we meet and talk to the Chair and other NEDs sufficiently to express our views and understand their judgements on the trust?

  8. MEMBERS 1. Is the trust taking appropriate action to grow a representative membership and encourage election turnout? 2. Do we have good mechanisms for explaining trust performance and plans to members? 3. Do we have good mechanisms for understanding members’ issues and expressing them to the Board?

  9. FORWARD PLANS 1. Do we have effective mechanisms to canvass members’ views on the future of the trust? (patients, staff) 2. Does the Board adequately explain priorities and options they are considering for the forward plan? 3. Do we have a reasonable opportunity to express our views on the key decisions in the forward plan?

  10. BOARD OF GOVERNORS • 1. Have I had sufficient induction to understand my role, the trust, and existing plans and issues? • Do we have the right agendas, committeesand discussions to carry out our role well? • Do we have a good relationship with the Chair? With the Board Secretary?

  11. SUGGESTED QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF AS A GOVERNOR COMPLIANCE UNDERSTANDING PERFORMANCE NON EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS (NEDs) • 1 Are appropriate appointment and appraisal processes in place? • How good a job is the Board doing? • Do we have the right people on the Board? • Do we meet and talk to the Chair and other NEDs sufficiently to express our views and understand their judgements on the trust? • Does the Board adequately explain performance, eg when its presents the Annual Report and Accounts? • Quality of care • Finances • Staff • Does the Board keep us informed of major problems, risks and actions? • Are we happy with the independence and expertise of the auditors? • Do we understand what the regulators require of the trust? • Authorisation • Registration • 2 Do the Board or the Regulators currently have significant concerns about meeting these requirements? • 3 Is the Board taking appropriate action? BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEMBERS FORWARD PLANS BOARD OF GOVERNORS 1 Is the trust taking appropriate action to grow a representative membership and encourage election turnout? 2 Do we have good mechanisms for explaining trust performance and plans to members? 3 Do we have good mechanisms for understanding members’ issues and expressing them to the Board? • 1 Have I had sufficient induction to understand my role, the trust, and existing plans and issues? • Do we have the right agendas, committees and discussions to carry out our role well? • Do we have a good relationship with the Chair? With the Board Secretary? 1 Do we have effective mechanisms to canvass members’ views on the future of the trust? (patients, staff) 2 Does the Board adequately explain priorities and options they are considering for the forward plan? 3 Do we have a reasonable opportunity to express our views on the key decisions in the forward plan?

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