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turRUS® Automation System. Hotel Users Screen Layout Description. www. turrus .com main page , bottom page , Ekstranet section Otel Girişi/Hotel Entry tab for log in/ entry . . User Entry Screen. TURRUS should automatically come to the screen to company code /firma kodu
turRUS® AutomationSystem Hotel Users ScreenLayoutDescription
www.turrus.commainpage, bottompage, EkstranetsectionOtel Girişi/Hotel Entrytabforlog in/entry.
UserEntryScreen TURRUS shouldautomaticallycometothescreentocompanycode /firma kodu Username and passwordaretheinformationsallocatedtoyou Languageselection can be changedif it is treated with a different language, English and German languagesareactive at the moment Wewouldliketoremindyouthat : ***everytransactionyoumakebeforelogin, must be approvedby us beforetheyappear on the site, ***After a shortwhile, do not forgettocheckwhetheryourtransaction has beenapprovedornot *** applicationapproval and verificationapprovaldatas can be checkedthroughthe top of eachscreen
General InformationsScreen Hotel’s general informationsare in thisarea. Please step in, update and pressupdatebuttonifyouseeanythingwrongormissing. Yourupdatewill be seen on the site afterourapproval. Picture which is seen on searchpages and hoteldetailcard , can be determined on thisscreen. You can load a picturewith a max. 150kb dimensionbyusingupdatebuttonunder Kart Resmi/Card Picture
DetailedInformationsScreen Hotel detailpagesareadded on thisscreen. “Overview” hoteldetailpage is thefirst pop-uppage and content is filledfromthispart. Toopenoradd a detail, pressupdatebuttonundertheconcernedunittransactiontoreachdetailentrancescreen. We can addorupdatewhatwewantto . Toendthetransaction, pressupdatebutton and waitforourapprovaltosee it on the site.
Hotel Features Approvalwaitingnote is on top of thepage (plscheckadjoiningpicture) Ifit’s not approved yet, yousee a yellowexclamation mark. Ifit’sapproved, yousee a greenindentation mark. YoumayaddhotelfeaturesbyusingHotel Featurespage. You can addhotel’sdefiningfeaturesaccordingto a classificationsuch as “to be paid” or “free of charge” . Youmayrequesttoerase an incorrect data whichwasenteredbefore. Thisrequest can be done fromthesubsectionmenu. Approval is neededfor all kind of addingsso site will be visibleafterourapproval.
ContractTransactions 1 All pricingtransactionsare done fromhereaccordingtoroomtypes. You canaddroomtypestoenterprices of yourhoteland waitforapproval. You can continuetothenext step afterroomtypeapproval. Afterroomapproval, roomtypes can be seen on subsection, as shown in theadjoiningpicture. Youmayenterdetailedpagesbyclickingtransactionbutton / işlem kutusu
ContractTransactions 2 Contractmenupagescreen and itsconcernedroomtypedetailsare as shown in theadjoiningpicture. On theleftside, there is a“ContractMenu” and weuse it toupdateourpricingsbythehelp of Period & PriceSettingsunderthe “ContractMenu”. Press “Add A Period” if a newperiodwill be added Press “PeriodList” tosee all previousperiodsthataddedhere Press “RoomAccomodation” toaddaccomodationoptionsaccrodingtothechosenroom. “Periodnames “areusedfordiscerntheperiodseasily and theyare not seen on anypart of the site. Type of board/Pansiyon tipi : such as bed & breakfast, half board, etc. Market/Pazar tipi : Choosewhich market type is suitableforthehotel Pricetype/fiyat tipi : Is thepriceforperpersonorperroom Type of work/Çalışma Şekli : hotel’scommisiondetails Rate : hotel’scommisionpercentage Currency : Selectthecurrencyyouwouldliketosee Per Person / Kişi Başı: Per personprice in oneroom OneAdult/tek yetişkin: ifonlyoneperson in oneroom AdditionalBed / İlave yatak : additionalbedprice ChildPrices / Çocuk Fiyatları: has tobe filled , iftheres no childprice , thenpleasefill it bywriting 0. Tosavetransactions, press “SavePeriod/Periyodu Kaydet” button.
ContractTransactions 3 Under “ContractMenu” , youmayseeRoomTypeFeaturesbutton /Oda tipi özellikleri on theleftside. Plsfillthispartwithprominentfeatures of theroom. Thispart can be seen on RoomTypesPriceScreen of the web site. Ifthere’s a rulethatyouneedtoindicate, you can select it under “roomrules” headline
ContractTransactions 4 Youcan enteryour total quotafrom “QuotaSettings” under “ContractMenu” Ifthereareany stop saledatesfordefiniteperiods, you can alsoaddthemfrom “QuotaSettings”.
Extra Service & Picture Gallery Fromthisscreen; you can enterneededinformations , importantdetails and extra service (which is a mustornecessitytotake) informationsthat has to be knownbytheclientsduringhotel c/in-c/out and duration of stay. Themostimportantpointis thatenteredextraservicesarepaidservices and theexactinformationis givenfromhere, such as; custemerchoosetohavetheextraor he orshemust pay theextra Hotel picturegallery : Pictures can be addedfrom “Picture Gallery “ undermainmenu. Pictures (max. 150kb / each) can be selected all together and all can be saved at once. Afterapproval, you can makechanges on thepicturesordeletethem. Tomakechangesortodelete, plstakeyourmouse on thepicture and checkthemenuunderthepicture
CategoryTransactions Thisscreenallowsyoutoselecthotel ‘s categoryorcategoriesthatwill be displayed on searches . You can add as muchsuitablecategory as youwant. Pleasekindlycheck all yourupdates and changes has beenaprrovedor not. Pleasegetsupportbywriting us (info@turrus.com ) for all yourquestions, opinions and all shortcomingsyousee in the web site.