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Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 1

NUTRITION CLUSTER VISION The nutritional status of emergency affected populations is safeguarded and improved by ensuring an appropriate response that is predictable, timely, effective and at scale. . Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 2. Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 3. Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 4.

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Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 1

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  1. NUTRITION CLUSTER VISION The nutritional status of emergency affected populations is safeguarded and improved by ensuring an appropriate response that is predictable, timely, effective and at scale. Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 2 Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 3 Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 4 Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 5 Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 6 Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 1 Coordination, Advocacy and Resource Mobilisation Capacity Development for Humanitarian Response Preparedness Policy, Standards, Guidelines Assessment , Monitoring and Information Management Best Practices and Lessons Learned (R&D) OUTPUTS OUTPUTS OUTPUTS OUTPUTS OUTPUTS OUTPUTS • Country Level: • Resources for country cluster coordination mobilised • Evidence based national strategic plans developed • Standard operating procedures of the cluster adapted to country settings • Inter-cluster and cross-cutting issues integrated • Gaps advocated for and filled • Country Level: • Cluster tools are adapted, translated and endorsed at national level • Adaption and circulation of international guidelines and joint statements are facilitated • Country Level: • Capacity mapping carried out • Orientation trainings conducted • Trainings of HTP modules conducted as needed • Country Level: • Lessons learned are documented and shared with the GNC and RO • Operational research issues are identifed and channeled through the GNC and RO • Country Level: • Human resource gaps are filled • In-country supply needs assessed and gaps filled • Emergency preparedness and response plans developed • Country Level: • Minimum cluster reporting requirements established • Nutrition information systems developed/ maintained and contribute to decision making and advocacy • Gap analysis and mapping is conducted • Cluster performance is monitored and evaluated • Cluster information is shared • Assessments, surveillance and surveys are coordinated with the cluster • Regional Level: • Support for country level adaptation is provided • Oversight of dissemination and implementation of policies standards and guidelines is ensured • Regional Level: • Dedicated regional cluster hub established • Regional networks established with institutions and other bodies • Inter-cluster coordination mechanisms established • Regional Level: • Regional oversight is provided to country clusters on operational research and evaluation. • Country cluster lessons learned and best practices are shared regionally • Regional Level: • Regional technical/operational capacity established • Nutrition cluster coordinator trainings conducted • Regional Level: • Organization of nutrition cluster trainings in the region supported • Regional rosters created • Regional supply hubs and inter-country supply support options assessed • Development of emergency preparedness and response plans for countries and regions facilitated • Regional Level: • Regional nutrition data repository is established and maintained • Global Level: • Existing tools and manuals are revised and adapted, based on needs identified by the field and/or accumulation of new evidence. • Process for developing guidelines/ guidance on new and emerging issues is facilitated • New guidelines are systematically disseminated • Tools systematically rolled out to regional and country level • Global Level: • Dedicated global cluster team established • Resources for cluster coordination mobilised • Generic standard operating procedures developed • Intercluster coordination strengthened • Coordination with existing and new global partners established • Strategic plans reflecting country and regional priorities are developed • Advocacy strategy developed and implemented to address needs at CO, RO and Global level • Global Level: • Operational research needs are reviewed and prioritized • Process for meeting needs for operational research is facilitated • Operational research findings are systematically disseminated • Systematic evaluation mechanisms are instituted • Lessons learned repository is maintained and disseminated • Global Level: • Training plans are based upon regional and country level training needs assessments • GNC handbook and induction package developed • Global Level: • Performance indicators for the cluster determined • Minimum reporting requirements for the cluster established • Global Level: • Nutrition cluster roster maintained • Emergency supply stockpiles identified and coordinated • Standby agreements for emergency response made

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