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A Guide To Dog Bad Breath Treatment

Before you can effectively treat bad dog breath, you must first understand what can cause it.While many people think that dogs inevitably have bad breath, there is often a simple reason behind it. Or, it may be something more serious that needs to be addressed quickly. Visit: https://my-furry-friend.com/2022/07/28/dog-bad-breath-treatment/<br><br>

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A Guide To Dog Bad Breath Treatment

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  1. A Guide To Dog Bad Breath Treatment

  2. The smelliest animal in the world is the striped polecat, followed by the lesser anteater and the stinkbird. These animals’ secretions, sweat glands, and digestive systems are the cause of their foul smells. Yet, you may think that none of them are a match for your dog’s breath. If your dog has ever opened their mouth and their breath almost blinded you, it’s time to look for dog bad breath treatment. Yet, one remedy will not work for all. Keep reading to learn all you need to know.

  3. Dog Bad Breath Treatment: Understand the Causes Before you can effectively treat bad dog breath, you must first understand what can cause it. While many people think that dogs inevitably have bad breath, there is often a simple reason behind it. Or, it may be something more serious that needs to be addressed quickly.

  4. Unsupervised Snacking Dogs love to get into the trash, and when they do, their stinky dog breath will reflect it. Other forms of unsupervised snacking, such as cat poop and decomposing animals, can also cause this horrendous breath that no owner wants to deal with. Unfortunately, it is in a dog’s nature to get into smelly things that will cause this.

  5. Bad Oral Hygiene Just like humans, poor oral hygiene can cause plaque build-up and lead to periodontal disease. This is one of the most common causes of bad breath in dogs. If you don’t regularly brush your dog’s teeth, and if your dog isn’t much of a chewer, plaque build-up is most likely the cause of their bad breath. Plaque and tartar build-up can cause inflammation in the gums, which can lead to infection, cavities, tooth loss, and tissue destruction.

  6. Diabetes Diabetes is more common in dogs than you may think, and their breath may give you a hint as to whether or not they have it. A dog’s breath that has a sweet and fruity smell to it may indicate diabetes. Of course, make sure to check if they had anything sweet or fruity to eat first. Make an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as you can. Diabetes is a serious condition, but it can be treated. This will also allow you to look for other indicators, such as frequent urination and drinking.

  7. Liver Disease Unfortunately, your dog’s bad breath may also point to liver disease. However, there would also be other symptoms that would go along with the foul odor, such as a yellow tint to their gums, lack of appetite, and frequent vomiting. Because liver disease can be a severe condition, it’s crucial that you get your dog to your veterinarian as soon as you notice these symptoms.

  8. Kidney Disease While many dogs eat poop, and therefore their breath smells like poop, not many drink urine, even during potty training. However, if your dog’s breath smells like urine, this may be a sign that they have kidney disease. It’s best to make a visit to the veterinarian to be sure, as kidney disease can indicate a more significant medical problem.

  9. Getting Rid of Dog Bad Breath Now it’s time to explore your options regarding dog bad breath treatments. It’s best to try a few different treatments to see what works for your dog. Sometimes, a mix of them all is the way to go. Here are some of dog bad breath remedy you could do:

  10. Preventative Treatments The best way to prevent bad breath in dogs is by regularly brushing their teeth and providing them with age-appropriate chew toys. It is more important to do preventive treatments for smaller breeds, as they are more prone to developing periodontal disease than larger breeds. This is due to the fact that their teeth are closer together, which leads to the growth of more bacteria. Along with this, to prevent your dog from developing diabetes, kidney, and liver diseases, it’s essential to feed them a balanced diet and give them enough exercise. You should also be seeing your veterinarian for annual check-ups.

  11. Find a Cure for Dog Bad Breath Treatment If your dog has severely bad breath, it can be highly unpleasant whenever they open their mouth. But, of course, you don’t want to have to stay away from them. This is why finding the best dog bad breath treatment is so important. Use this guide to discover what may be causing your dog’s bad breath and various treatments that could work for them. It may be easier than you think, so give it a try today!

  12. Want to learn more? check out these https://my-furry-friend.com/2022/07/28/dog-bad-breath-treatment/ for dog bad breath treatment.

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