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Brown easyBorrow (beta) Brown University Library. Screenshots, June 2007. In addition to resource sharing via traditional ILL (using ILLiad), Brown University is a member of three consortial direct borrowing plans, each with its own interface.
Brown easyBorrow (beta) Brown University Library Screenshots, June 2007 rev3. 6/15/07
In addition to resource sharing via traditional ILL (using ILLiad), Brown University is a member of three consortial direct borrowing plans, each with its own interface. Unfortunately, this wealth of resource options sometimes presents difficulties. rev3. 6/15/07
For example, a user might begin with a search in our OPAC, Josiah… …then check each of the three direct borrow systems …. …before finally submitting an ILL request, perhaps using World Cat. rev3. 6/15/07
With easyBorrow, a user need only perform one search, using Open WorldCat’s single search box. rev3. 6/15/07
Making use of Open WorldCat’s features, the user identifies a book of interest, then clicks on the title. rev3. 6/15/07
If wanted, the user clicks the “request this item” link. rev3. 6/15/07
Behind the scenes, the program checks to see if a circulating copy is available at Brown. If so, it displays this screen… rev3. 6/15/07
…and then redirects to the OPAC display. The user may choose to click the “Request This” button. rev3. 6/15/07
The search box can be placed on any web page. Here is another example of a user request, starting from the easyBorrow web page. rev3. 6/15/07
The title of interest is identified in Open WorldCat… rev3. 6/15/07
… and then is requested. rev3. 6/15/07
Our open-URL resolver has been • re-purposed. The user: • enters Brown credentials • chooses a preference for faster delivery or longer duration loan, • optionally supplies volume details, • and then clicks on the button to place the request. rev3. 6/15/07
The easyBorrow program checks for user authentication and authorization, then accepts the request. A confirmation screen appears, promising an email with details shortly, and the interaction with the user Is over. rev3. 6/15/07
Behind the scenes the system checks each potential supplying system in sequence until a request can be placed for the user. An email is sent within moments of the request, identifying the system in which the request has been placed, and providing a link to it. rev3. 6/15/07
The email link goes to the native patron interface of the system being used for the particular request, in some cases automatically logging into the user’s account. easyBorrow consolidates and streamlines requesting in multiple systems, but each system continues to stand alone, with its own user and staff interfaces. rev3. 6/15/07
A simple staff interface is being developed. This allows staff to monitor requesting, and will eventually include statistics. rev3. 6/15/07
The staff interface tracks the progress of the request… rev3. 6/15/07
A click on “history” for a request… rev3. 6/15/07
…displays the sequence and results of request attempts. The system currently can handle requesting in two of our three direct borrow systems. rev3. 6/15/07
ILL, using ILLiad, is the default service if the item is not available via any of the direct borrowing services. Also, during the beta phase of easyBorrow, requests are routed directly to ILLiad if there is no ISBN in the WorldCat record, if a volume of a work is wanted, or if the user indicates a need for more than one month’s use. rev3. 6/15/07
For statistical purposes we created an ILLiad rule that routes easyBorrow requests into a special queue. Until we automate registration of new ILLiad users later this summer, new patron information will be e-mailed from easyBorrow to ILL staff for manual input and request creation. rev3. 6/15/07
Architecture • Uses Service-Oriented Architecture principles. • PHP layer presents user and staff screens, provides OPAC API, and saves information to database (db). • Python layer checks for db request-entries, manages calls to Java tunnelers, updates db, and sends confirmation emails. • Java layer provides APIs for authentication and for each borrowing service. rev3. 6/15/07
Brown easyBorrow Team:Bonnie Buzzell, Birkin James Diana, Ron Fark, Bart Hollingsworth, Jean RainwaterBrown University Librarycontact: Bart_Hollingsworth@brown.edu rev3. 6/15/07