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進化論和聖經中神的創造 Evolution and Biblical Creation. Fish Salamander Turtle Chicken Pig Cow Rabbit Human. (by Ernst Haeckel, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, Plates 4 & 5 from 18917d.25). 胚胎重演論 (Ontogeny recaptulates phylogeny). The Hourglass Model
進化論和聖經中神的創造Evolution and Biblical Creation
Fish Salamander Turtle Chicken Pig Cow Rabbit Human (by Ernst Haeckel, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, Plates 4 & 5 from 18917d.25)
胚胎重演論 (Ontogeny recaptulates phylogeny) The Hourglass Model 日晷模型 Developmental stage (發育時期) Morphological divergence during evolution (進化過程中形態上的差異 )
“Contrary to recent claims that all vertebrate embryos pass through a stage when they are the same size, we find a greater than 10-fold variation in greatest length at the tailbud stage. Our survey seriously undermines the credibility of Haeckel’s drawings, which depicts not a conserved stage for vertebrates, but a stylised amniote embryo. ”
a. 海洋七腮鰻 b. 電鰩 c. 小體鱘 Pectromyzon marinus Torpedo ocellata Acipenser ruthenus d. 多明尼加樹蛙 e. 歐洲鱉 f. 雞 Eleutherodactylus coqui Emys orbicularis Gallus gallus g. 袋鼠 h. 家貓 Trichosurus vulpecula Felis catus
脊柱 內臟 腿 臂 人的胚胎 Haeckel的人胚胎
“ The present generation cannot imagine the role he played in his time, far beyond his actual scientific performance … Haeckel’s easy hand at drawing made him improve on nature and put more into the illustrations than he saw … one had the impression that he first made a sketch from nature and then drew an ideal picture as he saw it in his mind.” R.B. Goldschmidt, The Golden Age of Zoology
一百萬年前 二、三千萬年前 長頸鹿頸部的進化
用 進 廢 退 • The Principle of • Use and Disuse • 反面證據 • Giraffes generally feed from low shrubs during the dry season. • Disproportional change of other parts of the body • Disadvantages of a long neck Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de Lamarck? (1744 - 1829)
達爾文和物種起源 Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) 1854年, 45歲 Nov. 22, 1859 “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection: Or, the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life” 1880年, 71歲
Columbia H.M.S. Beagle, 1835 Ecuador Brazil Peru Bolivia Chile Galapagos Islands
達爾文的自然進化論(Naturalistic Evolution) 達爾文的觀察 1. Galapagos群島鳥類(Darwin’s Finch)受環境影響產生的變異 2. 人工育種 達爾文的理論:漸進論 (Gradualism) 變異/突變 人 宇宙形成 (100-200億年前) 地球形成 (45億年前) 單細胞 生命 自然選擇 (物競天擇,優勝劣汰)
分 子 进 化 Evolution and Human Behavior ?Official Journal of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society
飛蛾工業黑化現象 (Industrial melanism of the pepper moth, Biston betularia) 自然進化論其他證據 • 細菌對抗生素的耐藥性和昆蟲對殺蟲藥的抗藥性。 • 鳥的體格和在暴風中的生存能力 • 食物結構的改變和鳥類的生存能力及嘴部形狀的變化 • 非洲鐮狀細胞性貧血的等位基因和抗瘧疾的特性 • 小鼠雄性不育的基因短期氾濫,造成全體滅亡。 • 飛蛾工業黑化現象 • Revised from Douglas Futuyma, “Science on Trial: The Case for Evolution”, 1983
Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) f. typica f. carbonaria Wales农村 Liverpool
污染區 (Rubery near Birmingham) 非污染區(Deanend near Dorset) 飛蛾 放飛數 重新俘穫數 飛蛾 放飛數 重新俘穫數 黑 447 123(27.5%) 黑 406 19(4.68%) 白 137 18(13.0%) 白 393 54(13.74%) Kettlewell H.B.D. Heredity 1955;9:323-342. Kettlewell H.B.D. Heredity 1956;10:287-301. 鳥類對飛蛾的捕食 森林 黑 白 污染區 15 43 非污染區 164 26 Kettlewell H.B.D. Ann Rev. Entomol 1961;6:245-262. Conclusion Industrial melanism is due to cryptic coloration and selective predation.
Liverpool西部 Wirral半島上飛蛾的變化和環境污染的關係 年代 ? 污染 狀況 飛蛾 1959年 ? 重 1984 ? 輕 1996年 ? 微 ~1850年 ? 無 1 0 1 100% 7% 61% 91.5% 93% 39% 8.5%
非 汙 染 區 汙 染 區
? • 為什麼Manchester周圍白色飛蛾不滅絕? b. 為什麼East Anglia農村黑色飛蛾占80% ? SCOTLAND c. 為什麼環境改善後, London(北緯52度)以北黑色飛蛾減少,但以南黑色飛蛾卻增加? IRELAND Manchester Wirral半島 East Anglia d. 為什麼 Wirral 半島樹幹上的苔蘚還沒有恢復,白色飛蛾就已經增加? NETHERLANDS ENGLAND WALES London BELGIUM e. 為什麼荷蘭在黑色飛蛾減少,白色飛蛾增加的同時,出現一種灰色飛蛾? FRANCE
“We contend, however, that there is little persuasive evidence, in the form of rigorous and replicated observations and experiments, to support this explanation at the present time. We suggest that more attention be directed to assessing ways in which typical and melanic morphs differ, other than in adult coloration, and to devising and testing alternative hypotheses.” Sargent TD, Millar CD and Lambert DM (1998) The “classical” explanation of industrial melanism: assessing the evidence. Evolutionary Biology 30:299-322. 树荫下的小树枝 树干