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Ag Mechanics I

Ag Mechanics I. Hobbton High Proper Use of Hand Tools Mr. Tim Warren. Hammers. Hold hammer near the end away from th e hammer to improve accuracy and leverage Large nails require the use of a heavier hammer than small nails Using nails to fasten wood is fast, but is the weakest method.

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Ag Mechanics I

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ag Mechanics I • Hobbton High • Proper Use of Hand Tools • Mr. Tim Warren

  2. Hammers • Hold hammer near the end away from th e hammer to improve accuracy and leverage • Large nails require the use of a heavier hammer than small nails • Using nails to fasten wood is fast, but is the weakest method

  3. Hammers • Many types of nails are available. The correct type should be used for the job. Common nails are used most in construction, but finishing nails should be used when the head needs only be set below the surface of the wood

  4. Measuring and Marking Tools • “Measure twice, cut once “ is a good rule to follow to reduce the amount of wasted materials and time • Most measuring tools are divided into 1/16” marks. The shortest lines on the rule a usually 1/16th measurements • The string of a chalk line should be stretched tight and snapped in the middle to mark an accurate long straight line

  5. Measuring and Marking Tools • The string of a chalk line should be stretched tight and snapped in the middle to mark an accurate long straight line • A scratch awl, file, or scriber can be used to mark a scratch on metal • Soapstone can be used to mark metal without leaving a permanent scratch

  6. Metal Cutting Tools • Files- since files only cut on the forward stroke, pressure should be reduced on the backstroke • Hacksaws- Teeth should be pointed away from the handle because most of the cutting is done on the forward strokes • Taps and Dies- When used to cut metal, oil should be used for lubrication

  7. Screwdrivers • Use the correct size and type for the job • A heavy duty screwdriver has a square shank so that a wrench can be used to help remove large screws

  8. Saws • Do not saw out the marked line because the board will be too small is it was measured and marked accurately. Saw on the waste side of the mark • Hand crosscut saw is used to cut off ends of boards across the grain

  9. Squares • Handle should be held firmly against the edge of the board • A framing square has rafter tables

  10. Squares • The combination square can be used as miter square, plumb bob, level, depth gauge, marking gauge, and inside and outside try square

  11. Sanding • Sand with the grain and use very fine sandpaper to prevent scratches • Coarse sandpaper is used to remove large amounts of wood when sanding, but it leaves scratches in the wood

  12. Saws • Coping saw is a very narrow, thin blade that can be removed and inserted in a hole to saw out a hole in the middle of a board

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