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LIBRA questionnaire

LIBRA questionnaire. Background. 1000 questionnaire answers from two big town regions in Sweden. Västragötaland. Skåne-Halland. Homogen structur in the construction industry. among the 1000 individs who answered the questionnaire there were only 5 % women, mostly in service functions

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LIBRA questionnaire

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LIBRA questionnaire

  2. Background

  3. 1000 questionnaire answers from two big town regions in Sweden Västragötaland Skåne-Halland

  4. Homogen structur in the construction industry

  5. among the 1000 individs who answered the questionnaire there were only 5 % women, mostly in service functions • mean age for men 42, women 41 • years in construction • Men 22 • Women 12

  6. 72 % work in companies of >50 employees and only 3 % work part time • 76 % are workers • 14 % are foremen or site managers • 10 % work in other positions; specialists, administrators, project managers etc

  7. 97 % of the men and all women are born in Sweden • 92 % of the men and 99 % of the women have both parents born in Sweden

  8. Homogen work places

  9. Men: 90 % of the men respond that nearly all or all are men on their workplace Women: 17 % of the women respond that they work with more women than men. 33 % work on gender independent work places 50 % work in work places dominated by men. .

  10. Traditional sharing of work

  11. Men: 89 % of the men work in workgroups where nearly all or all are men ( only 1 % of the men work in gender independent groups) Women: 13 % of the women resond that in their work group there are only women. 25 % work in gender independent work groups 62 % work with mainly men

  12. Diversity

  13. Are there women or individuals with a foreign background? • At your work place ? 45 % of the men and 53 % of the women answered yes 45 % of the men and 28 % of the women answered no 10 % of men 19 % of women answered don’t know • In your work group? 25 % of the men answered yes 31 % of the women answered yes

  14. Men answered % 36 better or much better 50 unchanged 14 worse or much worse Women answered % 50 better or much better 44 unchanged 6 worse or much worse How would the workplace change with more workers of opposite sex?

  15. What is the general attitude towards persons of foreign background?

  16. What is the general attitude towards women?

  17. How would more people with foreign background affect your workplace?

  18. How would more women affect your workplace?

  19. What are women’s compared to men’s conditions according….. Gender equality

  20. Personal perception of gender equality and diversity in the workplace

  21. Willingness to contribute actively

  22. Psychosocial environmentDescription of my workplace…

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