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  1. Results from Questionnaire

  2. Gender 17 7

  3. Age This is an important question as it allows us to have an idea on who we should aim our documentary at for the target audience

  4. How often do you eat fast food? The results indicate that more people eat fast food once a week more than those who choose to eat fast food once a month or everyday. This will help us to improve our documentary as it allows us to have an idea on how often the public eat fast food

  5. What do you think of when you see this? • Too Big • Very tasty • Gross • Mouth-watering • Good • Food • Juicy • Expectation • Lovely • Yuck • I'm hungry • Yum • Fit • Nice • Disgusting The word above indicate the type of vocabulary that people link to fast food. The words will give us an idea how we can incorporate them into our documentary

  6. Now what do you think of this? • Reality • Food • Ew • Want it • Ugly • Unedible • Grim • Yum • Yuck • Unhygienic • Rank • Vile These set of words show what people thought of when they looked at this image. This helps us to understand how people really feel when advertisements lie to them as the product doesn't compare to the one on the advert

  7. Why do you eat fast food? The results above show that the reason that was picked the most for eating fast food was because it is convenient. The lowest set of results came from people choosing fast food because it tastes great and is ‘food. These results will help us in our documentary because they will help us to compact our target audience and make our documentary suit a wider audience

  8. When do you normally eat fast food? The chart above presents the results for when people usually tend to eat fast food. Dinner was the time of the day that most people chose for when they eat fast food. This may be because many people are in work or at school during this time of the day and fast food is quick and convenient for them. This figure could be used in our documentary because it allows us to know when the most popular time in the day is to purchase fast food

  9. How often do you purchase fast food after watching an advert? From the results above its clear to see that most people that we asked believed that they were not influenced by watching a fast food advertisement. Although some people did believe that they purchase fast food once a week after watching an advert. This is useful for our documentary because we can now tell how much influence fast food has on the public

  10. Do you think advertisements manipulate the choices we make when it comes to fast food? As part of our research we wanted to see if people would watch an advert promoting fast food and would be manipulated into wanting to purchase some. 46% of people we asked believed that advertisements do manipulate the choices we make with 8% of people thinking that they are not manipulated by what they see. This helps us when looking for places to go and what to get

  11. Are you aware of the effects of fast food on our health? 25 0

  12. If the answer is yes, please state what? • Diabetes • Heart Problems • Cholesterol • Salt • Fatty • Unhealthy • Obesity • Blood Pressure

  13. How many calories do you think are in a McDonalds salad? 600 300 200 500 Real Answer Too many 730 1000 450 700 175000 800 396

  14. What channel would be suited for this documentary? The most popular channel that people believed our documentary should be broadcasted on was Channel 4 with BBC One coming in as a close second. This makes us have an understanding on what channel we should broadcast our documentary on

  15. What age group do you think this documentary would be aimed at? The chart above shows our results for the target audience for our documentary. Out of the people that we asked most people believed that teens would be a suitable age range to aim our documentary at. Therefore, when we produce our documentary, we will be able to make the target range more specific

  16. Do you think Fast food advertisements should be played after or before watershed? The pie chart present the results from whether advertisements should be played before or after the watershed. Surprisingly, 58% of people thought that our documentary should be played before the watershed rather than after. This helps us to know that we need to place our documentary before the watershed as we want a particular target range to watch and benefit from our programme

  17. What time do you think this documentary should be scheduled? Because people thought that our documentary should be aired before the watershed, they also thought that our documentary should be broadcasted between 6pm and 9pm. This narrows down what time before the watershed people want to watch our documentary

  18. Do you take notice of the hygiene rating when going to a fast food restaurant? From our questionnaire results, we could see that most people did in fact look at the food hygiene rating when they entered a fast food chain. This helps us with our documentary as we now know that people do find food hygiene rating important when choosing where to eat

  19. Do you take notice of the nutrition chart when going to a fast food chain? Just like the food hygiene rating poster, most people who we asked did in fact take notice of the nutrition chart when they entered a fast food chain. This helps us with our documentary as we now know that people do find the nutrition chart important when choosing where to eat

  20. Would you buy fast food if it was advertised the way it really is? The pie chart above shows that 80% of the people that we asked would still eat fast food even if they were shown the true image of the food in fast food advertisements rather than the false advertisements plastered on billboards and aired on TV. Surprisingly, people would still buy fast food after seeing a true advert which shows which is a figure that we could use in our documentary

  21. Do you think healthy food is less advertised than fast food? From our questionnaire results, we saw that the people we asked decided that healthy food is less advertised than fast food, however there was still a few people who didn't agree with this. This is something we could use in our documentary because we can possibly see why this happens

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