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The Water Dialogues in the Philippines

The Water Dialogues in the Philippines. November 2008 IWG meeting Prepared by: Rory Villaluna. Where we are now. Regulation Research Research paper on regulation prepared by consultant Had a series of multistakeholder dialogues on the regulation ( June, July, August, October)

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The Water Dialogues in the Philippines

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Water Dialogues in the Philippines November 2008 IWG meeting Prepared by: Rory Villaluna

  2. Where we are now Regulation Research • Research paper on regulation prepared by consultant • Had a series of multistakeholder dialogues on the regulation ( June, July, August, October) • Resulted to concrete proposals ( advocacy agenda) for policy reforms

  3. Where are we now • Financing Research • Paper has been prepared • Two multi-stakeholder dialogue held on Financing • Advocacy agenda on financing redefined

  4. Policy reforms influenced • Light handed regulation for small water service providers • Preparation and Approval of Guidelines for non-piped water connections • Preparation and on-going public consultations on the Guidelines for small piped networks working in partnership with main utilities • Formal Agreement between National Water Resources Board and the Cooperative Development Authority on the Guidelines for regulating water cooperatives

  5. Institutional reforms influenced • Philippine Roadmap Process has been multi-stakeholder in nature • Platform for advocacy has been institutionalized • Creation of the Philippine Development Forum on Water (PDF-Water) under the National Planning agency (NEDA) with donors, CSOs and other dialogue participants having a voice in this process • Sub-committees established with multi-stakeholder membership • Formal establishment of the National Water and Sanitation Providers ( NAWASA) with broad-based support and recognition

  6. Policy Reforms being advocated • Proposed legislation for a rationalized economic regulation for water service providers • Financing windows for small water service providers • Ring fencing of LGU accounts for water service delivery • Right to water and sanitation to be respected, fulfilled and ensured by LGAs and NGAs through different forms of partnership arrangements

  7. What still needs to be done by April 2009 • Final water dialogues workshop to finalize all reports and discuss them in the context of the international thematic documents. ( original plan had to be postponed due to lack of funds) • Moving from the research and understanding level of dialogue to advocacy and communications phase • Process documentation

  8. Risks • No funds for the final workshop • Change of leadership in partner agencies • 2010 National and Local elections • Original people from partner agencies behind the dialogues are changing ( either in terms of personalities or priorities)

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