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Classical Era

Explore the Classical Era and the Age of Enlightenment, a time of significant change and growth in Europe. Discover the impact of revolutions, the rise of the middle class, and the shift towards individualism in government. Uncover the cultural and societal shifts that shaped art, architecture, and philosophy during this transformative period.

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Classical Era

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  1. Classical Era The Age of Enlightenment

  2. Baroque Era Louis XIV, XV Frederick the Great Catherine the Great POWER WEALTH Classical Era French and American Revolutions Middle class becomes more influential “The first law is to enjoy oneself.” Things are a-changin’

  3. The Enlightenment • What’s IN? • rational, logical, empirical, reasoned • What’s OUT? • Status quo, supernatural (What comes into question?) • The “brotherhood of man” becomes a popular theme, and Freemasonry grows. Both of these are, to some degree, at odds with the principals of enlightenment thinking. • Contradiction, inconsistency, paradox = quite acceptable, almost the norm.

  4. The Classical Era • European society is becoming more cosmopolitan.

  5. The Classical Era • “Classical,” “classic,” “classicism”= very broad terms; not particularly well suited to describe this time in history. Interest in clean, simple lines of classical Greek architecture may provide connection. • Approximately the 18th Century

  6. Classicism Defined • The period of the ancient Greeks and Romans • A standard (enduring) • Genre of music • Time period 1750-1820

  7. The Classical Era • Cultural, societal adolescence--much change (often violent) & growth • Industrial revolution: • move from agrarian to industrial economy • migration from country to cities • huge cities--e.g., 1800 Vienna = 250,000!! • American and French Revolutions: • Europe in turmoil caused by Napoleon’s expansionism after French Revolution • redefine relationship of government and people

  8. The Classical Era • How is the relationship of government/aristocracy and common people redefined? • IndIvIdual becomes central. Government exists to serve ME;Ido not exist to serve government (and, no, I will NOT eat cake...). • The American and French Revolutions illustrate the point.

  9. The Rise of the Middle Class • a VIMP sociological process • industrialization produces more money for lower classes • eventually more “wealth” produces more leisure time • more leisure time leads to search for entertainment that produces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • fundamental changes in the arts: • music functions mostly as Entertainment (not worship as in Baroque era)

  10. Classical Thinking • Reason was supreme • Sought the perfect society • Enlightenment • Beauty • Rules were valuable

  11. Classical Period Art

  12. Rococo • Emphasis on ultra beauty and nature • Less dramatic (more sweet) than Baroque • Themes: aimed at the wealthy class • Lighter, frivolous • Picnics, lovers, Greek gods • Portraits

  13. Jean-Honore Fragonard, The Swing, 1768-9

  14. Art in the 18th Century • Baroque had been the style from 1600 to 1750 • Elaborate, impressive • Show glory of church and/or state • New direction was disputed Baroque Classical (Simpler) Rococo (Sweeter, nature)

  15. Jacques Louis David • Napoleon Crossing the Alps

  16. Jacques Louis David Coronation of Napoleon

  17. Jacques Louis David Napoleon in his study

  18. Sculpture and Architecture • Horatio Greenough • Washington University of Virginia (Designer – T. Jefferson)

  19. Architecture • Recalled ancient classical • U.S. Capital • Monticello

  20. Petit Trianon, Versailles, France 1764 (Louis XVI)NEO-CLASSICAL

  21. Fragonard,The Swing,1769 Rococo

  22. David, The Death of Socrates, 1787 NEO-CLASSICAL

  23. Date data Caravaggio, The Calling of St Matthew; Baroque beginnings 1600 – 1742 – Handel’s Messiah oratorio 1776 – Amer. Rev. 1787 – J.L. DavidDeath of Socrates(Mozart, Don Giovanni) 1789 – French Rev.

  24. Age of Enlightenment Literature and Philosophy

  25. The Enlightenment • Application of the scientific method to social problems • Parallel to the scientific awakening • Foundation of Classical art and music • The world behaves according to patterns and these ought to be obeyed

  26. Basic Premises • Scientific method can answer fundamental questions about society • Human race can be educated and all people are important • Emergence of the middle class • Belief in God based on reason

  27. Growth of Deism • Intellectuals believe in God but see him as a "watchmaker" • Deists skeptical of organized religion • Catholic church was attacked • Deists struggle with personal standards • Denial of providence (Voltaire) disputed by others (Pope, Rousseau) • Denial of evil

  28. Thomas Hobbes • Empiricism "All that is real is material, and what is not material is not real." – Hobbes

  29. Thomas Hobbes • Government "[Early man was] solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short... [and in a constant state of] warre, [living in] continual fear and danger of violent death.“ – Leviathan • Absolute monarchy sent by God to help mankind • Hobbes' concepts used to justify colonialization

  30. John Locke • The forefather of our forefathers • Attacked by Charles II • Friend of Newton • Influential in American revolution

  31. John Locke • Government • Second treatise of Civil Government • Chaos without government • God gave mankind natural rights • Life, liberty, pursuit of property • Innate goodness of mankind led to formation of governments • Governments, which were formed by the people, must guarantee the rights of the people • People have a right to rebel against tyrannies

  32. John Locke • Theory of Knowledge • Essay Concerning Human Understanding • Reasoning puts man above animals • Rejected concept that ideas are innate • Outer ideas from experience • Inner ideas from contemplation • Mankind can attain all knowledge

  33. Alexander Pope • English Poet • Contributed to political thought and love of language • Believed that God was in control of the earth and that all things were ultimately for our good • Essay on Man • Essay on Criticism • Many famous sayings came from these books

  34. “Trust not yourself; but your defects to know, Make use of every friend – and every foe. A little learning is a dangerous thing;” – Alexander Pope from Essay on Criticism

  35. Jonathan Swift • Hated injustice • Politically active • Satirist • Gulliver’s Travels • A Modest Proposal…

  36. “For of what use is freedom of thought if it does not produce freedom of action?” • Swift, “On Abolishing Christianity” (1708) [Quoted in Barzun, From Dawn to Decadence, 2000, p.273]

  37. Philosophe • French name for philosopher • Enlightenment reached height in France

  38. Voltaire • Pen name • Critical of Catholic church • Influenced others by letters • Denied writings to avoid problems • Exiled to England for a while • Returned to live on Swiss border

  39. “The individual who persecutes another because he is not of the same opinion is nothing less than a monster.” • Voltaire

  40. “I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” • Voltaire

  41. Jean-Jacques Rousseau • Contest: "Does progress in the arts and sciences correspond with progress in morality?" • No! • As civilizations progress, they move away from morality • Examples: Romans, Greeks, Egyptians • Civilization itself leads away from true fundamentals • Technology and art give false desires • Social Contract • “Noble Savage”

  42. Jean-Jacques Rousseau • Influence on French and American revolutions • "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" • Invest all rights and liberties into a society • Compare to a corporation

  43. “Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains.” • Rousseau

  44. Summary of Rousseau's Teachings

  45. Denis Diderot • Encyclopedia • Teach people how to think critically • Solicited articles from many experts • Controversial articles brought criticism • Overall, moved forward the ideas of Enlightenment

  46. "The good of the people must be the great purpose of government. By the laws of nature and of reason, the governors are invested with power to that end. And the greatest good of the people is liberty. It is to the state what health is to the individual." - Diderot in L'Encyclopedie: Article on Government, quoted in Barzun, Jacques, From Dawn to Decadence, Perennial, 2000, p370.

  47. Immanuel Kant • From Germany • Strict habits • The Critique of Pure Reason and …Practical Reason • Weakness of Empiricism • Transcendentalism • Empiricism and other knowledge • Ex: infinity • Categorical Imperative

  48. "You should behave with only those types of behavior that are dictated by the absolute nature of the basic principle on which the act is based." "Act as if your actions would become a moral maxim (principle or model) for all others and at all times." – From Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative

  49. David Hume • Scottish philosopher • Leader of empiricism movement • Grew to distrust all

  50. Adam Smith • Scottish professor • Wealth of Nation (1776) Free trade/capitalism • Devised capitalism • Laissez Faire la nature Literally, "let do": a philosophy that advocates minimal government interference in the economy.

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