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In Touch for forms 10-12

In Touch for forms 10-12. Margarita Hanschmidt, Helje Kaskel, Mikael Davies et al Varied and challenging Wide variety of themes Cultural information Exam help Balanced development of all language skills. What does In Touch offer for pupils?.

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In Touch for forms 10-12

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Presentation Transcript

  1. In Touch for forms 10-12 Margarita Hanschmidt, Helje Kaskel, Mikael Davies et al • Varied and challenging • Wide variety of themes • Cultural information • Exam help • Balanced development of all language skills

  2. What does In Touch offer for pupils? • A wide range of interesting topics with subtopics • Grammar + Refresh exercises • Writing skills • Extracts from modern English literature • Culture tips • Humorous listening and reading texts • Nice photos and illustrations • New toolboxes • Songs and poems • Personal CD-ROM

  3. Textbook with a CD/CD-ROM • Balanced development of reading, listening, writing and speaking skills • Much attention to vocabulary, reading comprehension, pronunciation, intonation, spelling • A separate grammar section and a dictionary • Project-based learning • Much pair work and group work • Cultural advice on how to behave in English speaking countries

  4. Student’s CD/CD-ROM • CD/CD-ROM with material for individual work • For listening • main texts • Grammar practice • Vocabulary exercises • Text-related tasks and exercises • Listening practice • Refresh tasks

  5. Learning process Working with words Freehand Write on Listening Pronunciation Culture tips Projects COMPREHENSION (READING, LISTENING) INTRO KEY TEXTS TALKING, ELABORATION In addition: translation exercises, idioms, learning skills (Tool boxes), read on texts, crosswords.

  6. Toolboxes • In Touch 1: Guessing the meaning; Guessing what the text is about; Explaining words; Grouping; Using a dictionary; Jogging your memory • In Touch 2: Scanning, skimming; Elaboration; Inferring; Summarizing; Taking notes; Peer teaching; Selecting words to remember • In Touch 3: Tuning into the text; Set expressions; Making it personal; Activating prior knowledge; Pre-taught vocabulary; Semantic mapping • In Touch 4: Listing the main points; Making a mind map; Listing questions; Story grammar; Linguistic clues

  7. InTouch 3 & 4: topics • In Touch 3 • 1Dreams (future choices, dilemmas, conflicts) • 2A class of your own (different schoolsystems, problems, cheating, exhange students, relationships, difficult people) • 3 My brilliant career (job satisfaction, summer jobs, odd jobs, how to start a company, pitfalls, elevator speeches, first aid) • 4Celebrating creativity and Christmas (benefits, keys, Estonian culture, ideal teacher, traditions) • In Touch 4 • 1Open House (town v. countryside, flat-hunting, classifieds, unemployment, homeless people, Estonian architecture) • 2Rest and Recreation (services, shopping, shopaholics, eating, vegetarianism, cultural differences, generation differences) • 3Opposites attract (love, marriage, children, cohabitation, gender equality, values, virtues, vices, moral compass) • 4Do the right thing (honesty, multicultural diversity, netiquette, crime & punishment, politics, football hooligans, safe environment)

  8. Teacher’sguideand CDs • Each unit: aims and lesson plans • Additional material: role plays, vocabulary development, pronunciation practice, games and quizzes (incl. transparencies) • A key to all exercises • Suggestions regarding language portfolios • Transcripts • CD includes listening material from the textbook

  9. Tests • vocabulary and grammar tests • reading comprehension • writing tasks • speaking tasks • includes a key

  10. Already published: In Touch 1 & 2 for form 10 In Touch 3 & 4 for form 11 In 2010 In Touch 5 & 6 for form 12

  11. Further plans • Web environment - downloadable online materials: • tests • additional materials • tips and advice • updates

  12. THANK YOU!

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