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Roller Coaster Physics

Roller Coaster Physics. By: Aline Nguyen and Celia Li :). Table of Contents. What Is A Roller Coaster? How It Works. Relevant Physics Concepts. Its Practical Application The Inventor How Has It Impacted Society and the Environment? Any Questions? Multiple-Choice Questionnaire.

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Roller Coaster Physics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Roller Coaster Physics By: Aline Nguyen and Celia Li :)

  2. Table of Contents • What Is A Roller Coaster? • How It Works. • Relevant Physics Concepts. • Its Practical Application • The Inventor • How Has It Impacted Society and the Environment? • Any Questions? • Multiple-Choice Questionnaire.

  3. What is a Roller Coaster? • a steep, sharply curving elevated railway with small open passenger cars that is operated at high speeds as a ride, especially in an amusement park.

  4. How It Works • a chain lift is a long chain (there could be one or a set of these) that goes up the hill under the rail. • It's wound around two gears: one on the bottom of the hill and one at the top. The bottom gear gets turned by a motor. • the roller coaster is attached to the chain with chain dogs, which are sturdy hinged hooks.

  5. How It Works (continued) • With the motor turning the bottom gear, the chain carries the roller coaster up the hill. • At the top of the hill, the chain dogs release their grip and the roller coaster descends the hill. • The brakes are not in the train, they're on the track. • There are sets of clamps are placed at the end of, as well as other points on the track. • There's a hydraulic system run by a main computer. When the train has to stop, the system closes the clamps on vertical metal fins under the roller coaster. Friction slows the train down until it comes to a complete stop.

  6. Roller Coaster Physics • A roller coaster going up the hill causes potential energy to build up. • The higher the roller coaster is in the air, the longer distance gravity can pull it down. • The roller coaster descends the hill, releasing the potential energy as kinetic energy, the energy of motion, which increases the speed of the roller coaster.

  7. b) As the roller coaster descends the first hill, the potential energy decreases because it is converted to kinetic energy. a) The roller coaster at its highest point. Maximum potential energy is here. d) The hills that follow the first hill are smaller in size. This is because the roller coaster does not have as much energy as it did when it was at the lift hill. c) Maximum kinetic energy is at the bottom of the hill, which causes it to go up another hill, building up more potential energy.

  8. Roller Coaster Physics (continued) • Once the roller coaster descends the first hill, gravity makes the roller coaster continue along the track, with the potential energy changing to kinetic energy. • The roller coaster has plenty of kinetic energy when approaching a loop-de-loop and not a lot of potential energy, but the level of potential energy increases when the roller coaster approaches the top of the loop. • When the train leaves the loop, potential energy changes into kinetic energy once again.

  9. Roller Coaster Physics (continued) • Newton's First Law of Motion: if no net force acts on an object, it maintains its state of rest or its constant speed . • This means that the roller coaster will continue to go forward, even when it goes up the track. (forward velocity). • By the time the roller coaster reaches the end of the track, it has run out of energy. It either stops completely or builds up more energy by going up the lift hill again. • As the roller coaster's speed increases, the seat exerts a force on you, pushing you forward (accelerate). As the roller coaster slows down, the bars restraining you exert a force on you, causing you to decelerate.

  10. Roller Coaster Physics (continued) • The two forces acting on you: gravity and acceleration. • No matter where you are on a roller coaster, gravity is pulling you down. You feel this force when you are riding a roller coaster. The Wicked Twister in Cedar Point, Ohio.

  11. La Marcus Thompson is often referred to as, "The Father of the Roller Coaster.” Born on March 8, 1848. Patented the first roller coasters on January 20, 1885. He created the Switchback Railway at Coney Island in New York City. This was the first gravity-powered roller coaster invented in the United States. He built about fifty more roller coasters in the United States and Europe in four years. Opened the Scenic Railway in Atlantic City, New Jersey in 1887, alongside designer James A. Griffith. His legacy lived on through Thompson Company coasters after his death in 1919. The Inventor

  12. How Has It Impacted Society and the Environment? • Many people worldwide visit amusement parks to ride roller coasters every year. • While roller coasters are fun to ride, the force of acceleration from riding them possibly causes ear injuries (ear barotraumas). • Caused by a quick change in pressure between the ear drum and the environment. This results in dizziness, hearing your ears pop, and temporary hearing loss. • Ear barotraumas are unlikely to happen, but it is possible.

  13. The End!!! :) Thanks For Watching!!! :)

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