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Demographic Information. I plan to attend the 2010 ACLAM Forum. 51% (94). 49% (89). Yes. No. Which of the following BEST represents the number of years you have been practicing laboratory animal medicine?. 5% (9). 13% (24). 22% (41). 19% (36). 0 to 5 years. 6 to 10 years. 41% (76).
I plan to attend the 2010 ACLAM Forum 51% (94) 49% (89) Yes No
Which of the following BEST represents the number of years you have been practicing laboratory animal medicine? 5% (9) 13% (24) 22% (41) 19% (36) 0 to 5 years 6 to 10 years 41% (76) 11 to 15 years 16 to 25 years > 25 years
Which of the following BEST describes your primary employer? 3% (6) 2% (3) 8% (14) 53% (98) 11% (20) Academia 24% (45) Industry Government Non-profit Consulting Other
Which of the following species does your institution presently maintain in their animal facility? 93% 97% 78% 63% 62% 62% 10% 59% 56% 55% 44% 41% 35% 32% 29% 24% 23% 20% 15% Rats Mice G Pig Gerbils Amphibians Other Hamsters Rabbits Dogs Ferrets Goats Sheep Birds Fish Cats NPH Cattle Swine
Rodents From this point forward the term “rodents” refers to mice and rats.
Does your facility house rodents (mice and/or rats)? 3% 97% Yes No
Do you house rodents principally in: 23% 64% 13% Microisolators or Isolators Open cages (no filter top) Substantial # of both types
Do animal care personnel use different types/ amounts of PPE to handle immunodeficient animals than when handling immunocompetent animals? 42% 58% Yes No
Do animal care personnel wear some form of head covering when manipulating rodents? 1% 14% 37% 49% Only for microisolators/isolators Only for open cages (no filter top) Worn for all cage types Not used for rodents
Do personnel wear foot protection such as shoe covers/dedicated shoes when manipulating rodents? 1% 12% 17% 70% Only for microisolators/isolators Only for open cages (no filter top) Worn for all cage types Not used for rodents
Do personnel wear dedicated footwear specific to the animal facility/area when manipulating rodents? 1% 5% 35% 59% Only for microisolators/isolators Only for open cages (no filter top) Worn for all cage types Not used for rodents
Do personnel who wear dedicated footwear disinfect it either before or after use when manipulating rodents? 2% 1% 24% 73% Only for microisolators/isolators Only for open cages (no filter top) Done regardless of cage type Not done for rodents
Do personnel wear dedicated clothing that completely covers arms, legs & torso when manipulating rodents? 10% 48% 42% Only for microisolators/isolators Worn regardless of cage type Not worn for rodents
Do personnel wear disposable sleeve covers as auxiliary PPE to cover the area from wrist to elbow when manipulating rodents? 1% 8% 14% 77% Only for microisolators/isolators Only for open cages (no filter top) Worn regardless of cage type Not worn for rodents
Do personnel wear animal facility/area/task dedicated scrub attire not covered by a jump suit /coveralls when manipulating rodents? 2% 3% 39% 56% Only for microisolators/isolators Only for open cages (no filter top) Worn regardless of cage type Not worn for rodents
Do personnel wear animal facility/area/task dedicated scrub attire covered by a surgical gown/lab coat when manipulating rodents? 1% 10% 35% 54% Only for microisolators/isolators Only for open cages (no filter top) Worn regardless of cage type Not worn for rodents
Do personnel wear street clothes covered by a surgical gown/lab coat when manipulating rodents? 1% 3% 46% 50% Only for microisolators/isolators Only for open cages (no filter top) Worn regardless of cage type Not worn for rodents
Do personnel wear gloves when manipulating rodents? 1% 2% 97% Only for microisolators/isolators Worn regardless of cage type Not worn for rodents
Do personnel handling rodents wear 2 pairs of gloves for additional protection? 6% 27% 67% Yes No Only for select instances
Which best describes rationale for wearing 2 pairs of gloves? Increased protection against rips/tears Eliminates need to wash hands when moving from room to room 27% 51% 10% 12% Better protection against exposure to infectious agents due to glove quality Other
Do personnel wear safety glasses/face shields when manipulating rodents? 31% 69% Worn regardless of cage type Not worn for rodents
Do personnel wear any form of respiratory protection when manipulating rodents? 7% 3% 28% 62% Only for microisolators/isolators Only for open cages (no filter top) Worn regardless of cage type Not worn for rodents
Do most personnel handling rodents wear surgical masks or other type of face mask (not respirators such as N-95 mask)? 44% 56% Yes No
Do most personnel handling rodents wear respirators (N-95 mask) when manipulating rodents? 18% 82% Yes No
Do personnel that wear respirators (N-95 mask, etc) fit-tested for the respirator? 6% 94% Yes No
Which best describes the principal reasons for wearing respiratory PPE (any type) in facilities housing only rodents? 7% 8% Allergen protection for wearer Infectious agent protection for wearer 60% 14% Protect animals from human infectious agents Protect animal from human commensal organisms 5% Prevent / reduce exposure to compounds / molecules for wearer 6% Not applicable in facility
Do personnel use a foot bath containing a disinfectant to enter facility/rooms containing rodents? 1% 5% 94% Only for open cages (no filter top) Used regardless of cage type Not used for rodents
Do personnel use sticky mats to remove particulates from soles of shoes before entering facility/rooms containing rodents? 3% 18% 79% Only for microisolators/isolators Used regardless of cage type Not used for rodents
Are personnel required to change gloves before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 1% 7% 92% Change No Change out Not applicable
Are personnel required to change shoe covers before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 17% 45% Change 38% No Change out Not applicable
Are personnel required to change disposable gown before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 29% 42% Change No Change out 29% Not applicable
Are personnel required to change reusable gown before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 15% 59% 26% Change No Change out Not applicable
Are personnel required to change scrub suit before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 3% 18% 79% Change No Change out Not applicable
Are personnel required to change jumpsuit before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 3% 19% 78% Change No Change out Not applicable
Are personnel required to change disposablejumpsuit before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 19% 62% 19% Change No Change out Not applicable
Are personnel required to change lab coat before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 13% 54% 33% Change No Change out Not applicable
Are personnel required to change disposablelab coat before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 28% 48% 24% Change No Change out Not applicable
Are personnel required to change face mask before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 18% 31% Change 51% No Change out Not applicable
Are personnel required to change apron before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 4% 9% 87% Change No Change out Not applicable
Are personnel required to change sleeve covers before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 19% 9% 72% Change No Change out Not applicable
Are personnel required to change eye protection before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 2% 39% 59% Change No Change out Not applicable
Are personnel required to change hearing protection before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 3% 18% 79% Change No Change out Not applicable
Are personnel required to change cap or bonnet before entering another animal area/room within the same animal facility that contains rodents? 30% 30% 40% Change No Change out Not applicable
Change required to enter another animal area/room within the same animal facility containing rodents Shoe Covers Reusable gown Gloves Disposable gown Change No Change out Not applicable Jumpsuit Scrub suit Disposable Jumpsuit
Change required to enter another animal area/room within the same animal facility containing rodents Disposable lab coat Lab coat Face mask Change No Change out Not applicable Sleeve covers Apron
Change required to enter another animal area/room within the same animal facility containing rodents Hearing Protection Eye Protection Change No Change out Not applicable Cap or bonnet
Change required to enter another animal area/room within the same animal facility containing rodents Shoe Covers Gloves Face mask Change No Change out Not applicable Cap or bonnet
Change required to enter another animal area/room within the same animal facility containing rodents Disposable lab coat Reusable gown Disposable gown Lab coat Change No Change out Not applicable Jumpsuit Scrub suit Disposable Jumpsuit