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ENGG2012B Lecture 21 Power series approach to the complex exponential function. Kenneth Shum. Analogy. Approximation of a fraction by decimal numbers. Approximation of a rational function by power series. Approximation of 1/(1-x) near x=0. 1 1+x 1+x+x 2 1+x+x 2 +x 3 1+x+x 2 +x 3 +x 4
ENGG2012BLecture 21Power series approach to the complex exponential function Kenneth Shum ENGG2012B
Analogy Approximation of a fractionby decimal numbers Approximation of a rational function by power series Approximation of 1/(1-x) near x=0. 1 1+x 1+x+x2 1+x+x2+x3 1+x+x2+x3+x4 1+x+x2+x3+x4+x5 … • Approximations of 2/3 • 0.6 • 0.66 • 0.666 • 0.6666 • 0.66666 • 0.666666 • … ENGG2012B
Analogy Approximation of a transcendental number by decimal numbers Approximation of a transcendental function by power series sin(x) x x – x3/3! x – x3/3! + x5/5! – x7/7! x – x3/3! + x5/5! – x7/7! + x9/9! … • Approximation of • 3 • 3.1 • 3.14 • 3.141 • 3.1415 • 3.14159 • … ENGG2012B
Analogy Accuracy = number of decimal places Accuracy = number of terms 1 + x + x2 + x3 + O(x4) 2 – 3x + O(x2) 1 + x + x2 + x3 + O(x4) + 2 – 3x + O(x2) = 3 – 2x + O(x2) • 2.351 (3 decimal places) • 1.8 (1 decimal places) • 2.351 + 1.4 = 4.2 (1 decimal places) higher-order terms Addition with carry Addition without carry ENGG2012B
Multiplication of power series • Multiplication of two power series is essentially the same as convolution. (a0 + a1x + a2x2 + a3x3+…)(b0 + b1x+ b2x2 + b3x3 + …)= a0b0 + (a0b1 +a1 b0)x + (a0b2+a1b1+a2b0)x2 + … ENGG2012B
Taylor series • Given a smooth function f(x), we derive the Taylor series expansion at x = x0, a0 + a1(x – x0) + a2(x – x0)2 + a3(x – x0)3 + … by setting ak= f(k)(x0) / k!, for k=0,1,2,…. • We need to answer two questions: • Does the derived Taylor series converges? • If it converges, does it converges to the function f(x)? ENGG2012B
Example • Find the Maclaurin series of f(x) = (1+x)1/2. y y2 = 1+x x ENGG2012B
Method 1 • Differentiate repeatedly and apply the formula ak= f(k)(x0) / k!, for k=0,1,2,…. • f(x) = (1+x)1/2 a0 = 1 ( the y-intercept) • f’(x) = (1/2)(1+x)–1/2 a1 = 1/2 (the slope at x=0) • f’’(x) = (1/2) (–1/2)(1+x)–3/2 a2 = –1/8 • f’’’(x) = (1/2) (–1/2)(–3/2)(1+x)–5/2 a3 = 1/16 • f’’’’(x) = (1/2) (–1/2)(–3/2) (–5/2)(1+x)–6/2 a4 =–5/128 • … by mathematical induction ak = (1/k!)(1/2) (–1/2)(–3/2)…(–(2k–1)/2). • If we extend the definition binomial coefficients to real number x,we can write the Maclaurin series expansion as ENGG2012B
Method 2 • Let the required power series be • Solve for the ai’s by equating the coefficients in • a02 = 1 a0= 1, and we have to choose a0=1. • 2a0a1 = 1 a1 = 1/(2a0) = 1/2. • 2a0a2 + a12 = 0 a2 = (–a12)/(2a0) = –1/8. • 2a0a3 + 2a1a2 = 0 a3 = (–a1a2)/a0 = 1/16. • … ENGG2012B
Other methods of obtaining power series expansion of a function (I) • From the example in last Friday’s lecture, Differentiate both sides to get the power series expansion of 1/(2-x)2 But does itconverge for all x? ENGG2012B
Taylor series may not converge • Consider the power series • g(2) is infinite because 1/(2-x) is undefined at x=2. g(x) is undefined at x=2 divergent divergent convergent 0 -2 -3 -1 1 2 3 x ENGG2012B
Geometric series In the geometric series, 1/(1– x) = 1+x+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+… equality holds when |x| < 1.The R.H.S. diverges if |x|>1. If we carelessly substitute x=1.1, then L.H.S. of 1/(1– x) = 1+x+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+… is equal to -10, but R.H.S. is divergent. ENGG2012B
Other methods of obtaining power series expansion of a function (II) • Integrating both side of 1/(1– x) = 1+x+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+… we get for x between -1 and 1. ENGG2012B
Question • What is the Maclaurin series of ENGG2012B
The Taylor series may not convergeeven if the function is well-defined • Use geometric series • It converges if |x|<1, but diverges if |x|>1. ENGG2012B
Why does it fail to converge? • The reason is revealed if we extend the domain to complex number where z may be a complex number. Im z = j divergent convergent Re The value of 1/(1+z2)is infinite if z=j z = - j ENGG2012B
Complex power series • The variable z may be real or complex number. • The coefficients a0, a1, a2,.. may be real or complex numbers. ENGG2012B
Complex geometric series • For any complex number z with |z|<1,the series 1+z+z2+z3+z4+… converges to . • Example: set z=(1+j)/2. |z| = 1/sqrt(2) • 1+z = 1.5+0.5j • 1+z+z2 = 1.5+j • 1+z+z2+z3 = 1.25+1.25j • 1+z+z2+z3+ z4= 1+1.25j • 1+z+z2+z3+z4+z5= 0.875 + 1.125j • 1+z+z2+z3+z4+z5+z6= 0.875 + j • 1+z+z2+z3+z4+z5+z6+z7= 0.9375 + 0.9375j • If we add infinitely many terms, it will converge to 1 + j. ENGG2012B
Recall from calculus: limit of series • Consider an infinite series • The numbers aimay be real or complex. • Let Sn be the nth partial sum • The infinite series is said to be convergent if there is a number L such that, for every arbitrarily small > 0, there exists an integer N such that • The number L is called the limit of the infinite series. • If no such L exists, the infinite series is said to be divergent. ENGG2012B
Picture for the convergence ofa sequence of complex numbers Complex infinite series Real infinite series Im Complex plane S1 S2 S0 L L- L+ L Re ENGG2012B
A necessary condition for convergence If a series aiconverges, then | ai | converges to zero.This means that for any arbitrarily small >0, we can find a sufficientlylarge integer N such that | ai | < for all i N. N This conditionis not sufficientbecause we havethe divergent series 1/i. 2 ENGG2012B
The converse is false • Conversely if |ai| approaches 0 as i approaches infinity, the series a1+ a2+ a3 + … may or may not converges. • The harmonic series 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+1/6+… is divergent. • However, 1 – 1/2 + 1/3 – 1/4 + 1/5 – 1/6 +… is convergent. ENGG2012B
Absolute and conditional convergence • An infinite series z1+z2+z3+… is called absolutely convergent if |z1|+|z2|+|z3|+… is convergent. • An infinite series z1+z2+z3+… is called conditionally convergent if z1+z2+z3+… is convergent, but |z1|+|z2|+|z3|+… is divergent. ENGG2012B
Examples divergent conditionally convergent absolutely convergent ENGG2012B
Cauchy convergence criterion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cauchy%27s_convergence_test • This is a necessary and sufficient condition for convergence of series. • Given any arbitrarily small >0, we can find a sufficientlylarge integer N such that | am +am +1+ am+2 +… +an| < for all m, n N. (m < n) for any >0 The absolute value ofthe sum of the terms in the window from m to n is less than If the “window size”is one, it reducesto the necessarycondition in p.15. m N n ENGG2012B
Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789-1857) • French mathematican. • Introduced the epsilon-delta argument in calculus. • The Cauchy-Riemann conditionin complex analysis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustin-Louis_Cauchy ENGG2012B
Cauchy’s convergence criterion applied to geometric series • It is known that the series 1+0.5+0.52+0.53+0.53+0.54+ … is convergent, but we can still apply Cauchy’s convergence criterion as an illustration. • Let be an arbitrarily small and positive real number. • Let N be the smallest integer such that 0.5N < . • Then for any integer m and n > N, with m<n, we have 0.5m + 0.5m+1 +… + 0.5n = (0.5m-0.5n+1) /(1-0.5)< 0.5m /0.5 < 0.5m-1 < 0.5N< . • We can conclude from Cauchy’s convergence criterion that this geometric series converges. ENGG2012B
Theorem Absolute convergence implies convergence • Proof by Cauchy’s convergence criterion • Suppose z1 + z2 + z3 + … converges absolutely. By definition, |z1| + |z2|+ |z3| + … is convergent. • Want to show z1 + z2 + z3 + … is convergent. • Let be an arbitrarily small positive number. • There exists a large integer N, such that |zm|+|zm+1|+…+|zn| for all m, n N, with m <n. • But |zm+zm+1+…+zn| |zm|+|zm+1|+…+|zn| by the triangular inequality for complex numbers. • Therefore |zm+zm+1+…+zn| for all m, n N, with m <n. ENGG2012B
Important property • Letbe a power series, whose coefficients are complex numbers. • If p(z) converges at z=z0, then p(z) converges absolutely for all z in the circle |z| < |z0|. Im z0 Re convergent Since p(z) is absolutely convergent,it is also convergent. ENGG2012B
Proof by Cauchy’s convergence criterion • Suppose that p(z0) converges, and|z0|>0. Let be any positive number less than 1. Want to prove that p(z) converges absolutely for |z|< |z0|. • The absolute value |ai z0i| tend to zero as i approaches infinity. • We can find a large integer M such that |ai z0i| < 1 for all i M. |ai| < |z0|–i for all i M. • Let be an arbitrarily small positive number. • Increase M if necessarily so that M/(1– ) < . (this is possible because <1) • Consider a complex number z satisfying |z|< |z0|. • For any m<n be two integers larger than M, we have |amzm| + |am+1zm+1| +…+ |anzn| = |am | | z |m + |am+1 | | z |m+1 +…+ |an | | z |n < |z0|–m | z |m + |z0|–(m+1) | z |m+1 +…+ |z0|–n | z |n <|z0|–m | z |m + |z0|–(m+1) | z |m+1 + |z0|–(m+2) | z |m+2 +… = |z/z0|m/ (1 – |z/z0| ) < |z/z0|M/ (1 – |z/z0| ) < M/ (1 – ) < • Hence p(z) = a0 + a1z1 + a2z2+… is absolutely convergent. Im z0 Re |z0| ENGG2012B
Modus Tollens of the important theorem • If the power series diverges at z=z1, then p(z) diverges whenever |z| > |z1| From Logic:A implies B not B implies not A Im Re z1 ENGG2012B
Region of convergence for power series in general For any power series there exists a radius R, such that • the power series converges if |z – c| < R, • the power series diverges if |z – c| > R. Im divergent convergent Re The region of convergence of a power serieshas the shape of a disc. The radius is calledthe radius of convergence. R ENGG2012B
Why? • Consider three cases. • Case 1: The power series converges everywhere. In this case, R = infinity. The whole complex plane is the region of convergence. • Case 2: The power series converges only at the origin z=0. In this case R = 0. The region of convergence contains a single point. ENGG2012B
Why? (cont’d) • Case 3: the power series converges for some complex number z0 and diverges for some complex number z1. We must have|z0| |z1|, otherwise it would violate the “important property” in p.23. • If |z0|= |z1|, then the results follows immediately by the “important property”. • If|z0|< |z1|, there is an annulus of uncertainty|z0|<z<|z1|. Pick a complex number z’ such that |z’| = (|z0|+|z1|)/2. If the power series converges at z’, then the area of convergence can be enlarged to |z| < |z’|.If the power series diverges at z’, then the area of divergence can be enlarged to |z| > |z’|.In any case, we shrink the annulus of uncertainty. If we repeat this argument infinitely many times, the difference between|z0| and|z1|can be made arbitrarily small. This will give the desired radius of convergence. divergent z1 z0 convergent uncertain ENGG2012B
Region of convergence for Taylor series • Coefficients ai are complex numbers. c is the centre, and variable z is complex-valued. There exists a radius R, such that • the series converges if |z – c| < R, • the series diverges if |z – c| > R. • The region of convergence hasthe shape of a disc. • The radius is called the radiusof convergence divergent Im convergent R c Re ENGG2012B
Behavior on the boundary of the region of convergence • On the circle of convergence |z-c| = R, a Taylor series may or may not converges. • All three series zn, zn/n, and zn/n2 Have the same radius of convergence R=1. But zn diverges everywhere on |z|=1, zn /n diverges at z= 1 and converges at z=– 1 , zn/n2 converges everywhere on |z|=1. R ENGG2012B
Convergence test: comparison test Let z1 + z2 + z3 + z4 + … be a given infinite series. (z1, z2, z3, … are real or complex numbers) If we can find non-negative real numbers b1, b2, b3, b4, … such that • |zi| bi for all i, and // zi is dominated by bi • b1 + b2 + b3 + b4 + … converges, then z1 + z2 + z3 + z4 + … converges absolutely. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_test ENGG2012B
Last time: the region of convergence is proved by the comparison test Want to see whetherconverges. Try to find a which is convergent and dominates bi zi i If b1 + b2 + b3 + b4 + … convergesthen |z1| + |z2| + |z3| + |z4| + … converges -bi Note: If we cannot find such a series bi,it does not mean that the series zi is divergent. Even if we can find such a series bi, the test does not tell where it converges to. ENGG2012B
Proof by Cauchy’s convergence criterion (CCC) • Because b1 + b2 + b3 + b4 + … converges, for any >0, we can find a large integer N such that |bm| + |bm+1|+ …|bn| for all m, n N (m<n). (this is true by CCC) • By the assumption that |zi| |bi| for all i, we have |zm|+|zm+1|+ … +|zn| |bm|+|bm+1|+ …+|bn| • Hence |z1| + |z2| + |z3| + |z4| + … converges, by CCC again. ENGG2012B
Convergence test: ratio test • If an infinite series z1 + z2 + z3 + … , with all terms nonzero, is such that Then • The series converges if < 1. • The series diverges if > 1. • No conclusion if = 1. For simplicity, we assume that the limit exists. ENGG2012B
Proof by comparing with geometric series • Suppose that < 1. • Pick a number such that < <1. • Because the |zn+1/zn| tends to , we have |zn/zn+1| < for all sufficiently large n. • a large integer N such that |zn+1/zn| < for all n N. • Therefore |zn+1| < |zn| for all n N. • By the comparison test, |zN| + |zN+1| + |zN+2| + … converges • |zN+1| < |zN|, |zN+2| < 2|zN|, |zN+3| < 3|zN|. • Take bn = |zN| n in the comparison test. • |zN|( +2 +3 +…) is a convergent geometric series. • Hence zN + zN+1 + zN+2+ … converges by comparison test • Hence z1 + z2 + z3+ z4 + … + zN + zN+1 + zN+2+ … converges. ENGG2012B
Proof (cont’d) • Suppose that > 1. • Because the |zn+1/zn| tends to and > 1, |zn+1/zn| > 1 for all sufficiently large n. • |zn+1| > |zn| for all sufficiently large n. • |zn| do not converge to zero as n goes to infinity. • Hence, z1 + z2 + z3 + … is divergent. • If = 1, there is no conclusion, because • (1/n) is divergent • (1/n2) is convergent, and converges to 2/6. ENGG2012B
Three examples R= • The power series converges for all complex numbers z. The radius of convergence is infinity. • It is because for each z, the ratio of consecutive terms as n approaches infinity. By the ratio test, this power series converges for every complex number z. ENGG2012B
Three examples (cont’d) R=1 • : radius of convergence = 1. It converges at the point z= –1, but diverges for all |z|>1. • : radius of convergence is 0, because it diverges everywhere except z=0. R=0 ENGG2012B
Three properties for power series • A power series can be differentiated term by term within the region of convergence. • A power series can be integrated term by term within the region of convergence • The order of summing the terms in a power series does not matter. We can re-arrange the order of summation freely for power series. All of these properties are not true for series in general. ENGG2012B
Eight Wonders of the Mathematical World • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxAZ_FLudKc ENGG2012B
Logical flow Real-valued exponential function Power series expansionconverges for all xby comparison test Extend the domainof the function tocomplex numbers.It converges for all complexnumber z. Define the complex exponentialfunction by ez is a short-hand notation for exp(z). ENGG2012B
The expected properties of exponential function For any complex numbers z1 and z2, Proof by multiplying the L.H.S.: ENGG2012B