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Preparing for an I n cluded Life Functional Skills in HS

www.mcie.org. Preparing for an I n cluded Life Functional Skills in HS. Carol Quirk, Ed.D . Arizona TASH June 14, 2012. Why go to school?. ...to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education

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Preparing for an I n cluded Life Functional Skills in HS

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  1. www.mcie.org Preparing for an Included LifeFunctional Skills in HS Carol Quirk, Ed.D. Arizona TASH June 14, 2012

  2. Why go to school? ...to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living... IDEA 2004

  3. Being Included is… • Being THERE • WITH same age peers • WHERE they learn and socialize • Having a sense of BELONGING • Membership in the school community • Having friends • Learning • Communication/Socialization skills • Post-School employment skills

  4. Young Adults with Significant Disabilities Carter, E. W., Austin, D., & Trainor, A. A. (in press). Predictors of postschool employment outcomes for young adults with severe disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies. How Do Young Adults with Significant Disabilities Fare? The Early Years After Exiting High School

  5. Young Adults with Significant Disabilities 43% employed in jobs with other workers how have a disability For 21 hours/week or less Average pay = $6.15 25-30% employed

  6. The FOUR “F”s: And SHREDDING! Food Filth Flowers Folding

  7. Predictors of Employment • Goal of attending a two or four year college • 11% of students with ID had this goal • 58% students with other disabilities had this goal • Goal of paid community-based employment • 33% of students with ID had the goal of sheltered employment • 8% of students with other disabilities had goal of sheltered employment • Grigal, Hart, & Migliore, 2011

  8. Employment Outcomes for Youth with ID and/or ASD Carter, E. W., Trainor, A. A., Ditchman, N., Swedeen, B., & Owens, L. (2009). Evaluation of a multi-component intervention package to increase summer work experiences for transition-age youth with severe disabilities. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 34, 1-12.

  9. Employment Outcomes for Youth with Disabilities When youth spend two years in a post-secondary college experience • 26% more likely to leave Vocational Rehabilitation with paid employment • 73% higher weekly income DataSet: RSA911 Migliore, A., Butterworth, J., & Hart, D. 2009. Postsecondary Education and Employment Outcomes for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities. Fast Facts Series, No. 1. Boston, MA: Institute for Community Inclusion

  10. The Think College Standards for Inclusive Higher Education www.thinkcollege.net © Think College 2012

  11. OLD Definition of Functional Skills 1979 “Functional Skills refer to the variety of skills that are frequently demanded in natural domestic, vocational, and community environments.” Brown, Branston, Hamre-Nietupski, Pumpian, Certo, & Gruenewald. (1979). A strategy for developing chronological age appropriate and functional curricular content for severely handicapped adolescents and adults. The Journal of special Education 13(1). 1989: “Functional/critical skills… include skills/activities that are required or expected of non-handicapped peers. These skills are essential to the student’s performance and participation in a variety of community environments. Falvey, M. (1989).Community-based curriculum: instructional strategies for students with severe handicaps.Baltimore: Brooks.

  12. New Definition of Functional Skills 1998: “…skills such as communication, cooperation, problem solving, self-initiation, responsibility…have been shown to be more related to job stability than the ability to perform specific vocational tasks.” “… the academic and social benefits of inclusion rely on students being full-time members of general education classes and their school communities.” Jorgensen, C.M (1998). Restructuring high schools for ALL learners: Taking inclusion to the next level. Baltimore: Brooks.

  13. Life Skills • Collaboration • Computer use • Problem solving • Communication

  14. Functional College/Career Readiness Skills • Communication competence (need access to AAC!) • Academic content (especially literacy) • Social skills • Work behavior • Knowledge of how to access supports

  15. Criteria • Age-Appropriate • Required now to participate in school/work • Required as an adult for employment or home • Improves communication/social interactions • Promotes self-determination

  16. Instead of: Consider:

  17. Instead of: Consider:

  18. InclusionJobsHigh Expectations It’s not just about participation, it’s about OUTCOMES

  19. Case Study-Keith • Strengths • decodes up to 2nd grade • computes single digits • transitions to class independently • Follows 1-2 step directions • motivated to work

  20. Case Study-Keith • Interests • The WEATHER • COOKING • BASEBALL • GIRLS • COMPUTER • Preferences • Predictability of routine and staff • Female teachers • Peer supports • Social praise and ‘high fives’ • Working on some tasks independently

  21. Case Study-Keith • Needs Support with: • Reading • Word problems • Math (e.g., budgeting, money) • Organization skills (often loses things) • Initiating conversation • Answering questions • Making decisions • Initiating an activity if not directed

  22. Planning Supports: Information About the Class Sit quietly in seat Take notes Answer questions Perform assigned role Take turns Listen Respect opinions of others Work in assigned area Complete activity Ask for help if needed

  23. Putting It All Together

  24. Keith’s Action Plan

  25. 9th Grade Schedule

  26. 10th Grade Schedule

  27. 11th Grade Schedule

  28. 12th Grade Schedule

  29. Outside of class…

  30. Extracurricular Activities • Clubs Participant • Athletics Manager Participant Score Keeper Concession Ticket Sales Spectator

  31. Post School Schedule

  32. THANK YOU! www.mcie.org Questions, Comments, Thoughts

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