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Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace Environment

Explore the importance of mental health in the workplace, learn strategies for creating a positive environment, develop leadership skills, and implement changes for a healthier and more productive work setting.

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Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace Environment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Building a healthy workplace

  2. Definitions • Work : application of physical and mental knowledge & skills; commitment over time; effort, labour & exertion • Employment : contract of employment for pay; set of specific tasks, located in specific physical/social context

  3. Definitions • Health : usually operationalized in terms of absence of physical and mental symptoms, illness and morbidity • Well-being : the subjective state of being healthy, happy, contented, comfortable and satisfied with one’s quality of life

  4. Work and health Possible causal pathways between health, work and well-being

  5. Work • Work provides income: material well-being and participation in today’s society • Work meets important psychosocial needs in societies where employment is the norm • Work is central to individual identity, social roles and social status • Employment and socio-economic status are the main drivers of social gradients in health

  6. Mental illness affects people of all ages, educational and income levels, and cultures • Some groups more likely to report mental health issues: • Women • Non-managers • Not-for-profit sector • Unionized employees

  7. A healthy working life is: ‘one that continuously provides working-age people with the opportunity, ability, support and encouragement to work in ways and in an environment which allows them to sustain and improve their health and well-being’ (Scottish Executive 2004) • ‘Work should be comfortable when we are well and accommodating when we are ill’ (Hadler 1997)

  8. What is a Mentally Healthy Workplace?

  9. What is a Mentally Healthy Workplace?

  10. Additional Training For Front-Line Managers • Responses to negative reactions • Insight into legal requirements • Handling difficult conversations • Softer skills • Creating an inclusive work environment • Recognizing signs and symptoms • Community supports available • Medical factors influencing mental health issues • Strategies for keeping employees functional and successful in the workplace

  11. Creating Positive Change in Organizations • Focus on education and communication to reduce fear, stigma and discrimination • Create a culture conducive to good mental health • Demonstrate leadership at the top • Provide the tools and training to support managers in their role

  12. Building a Healthy Workplace – Leadership Development • Building trust • Ensuring each employee understands their purpose • Setting clear expectations • Focusing on the most important priorities • Creating a circle of accountability • Growing and developing their employees • Developing Emotional Intelligence • Understanding mental health aspects in the workplace • Literature, courses etc… • GM@W • GWL Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace

  13. Changing the culture of work & health Culture:The collective attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that characterise a particular social group over time

  14. Shifting attitudes to work & health

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