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Unit Ten

Unit Ten. Birthplace of WangZhaojun. Unit Ten. Birthplace of WangZhaojun. Zhaojun Village. Xiangxi River.

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Unit Ten

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  1. Unit Ten Birthplace of WangZhaojun

  2. Unit Ten Birthplace of WangZhaojun Zhaojun Village Xiangxi River

  3. Birthplace of Zhaojun is located in Baoping Village (originally named Yanjiaping; once named Wangjiawan), 5.5kilometers away from the west of Xingshan town and on the upper reaches of Xiangxi River.

  4. Wang Zhaojun, whose given name was Qiang, was renamed Mingjun or Mingfei to avoid the word “zhao” because of the governor at that time—Sima Zhao, whose name consisted of the word “zhao” in Jin Dynasty. In Han Dynasty she was selected to the palace. In 33 AD, Chanyu--- another emperor in Xionglu wanted to build better relationship with Han by means of marriage. So Zhaojun volunteered to marry Chanyu, and made great contributions(贡献) to the good friendship between Han and Xionglu.

  5. Zhaojun village is facing Xiangxi River, against Shamao Mountain, with a lot of mountains around it and lots of green trees covering those mountains. A famous poet in Tang Dynasty(朝代)--- Dufu once praised the birthplace of Zhaojun. In the village there are some beautiful sights, such as Nanmu Well,Niangniang Spring,Make-up Plate,Wangyuelou and some other relics(遗迹). Zhaojun House has been rebuilt since 1979. People have built Zhaojun Memorial Museum(纪念馆), Long Gallery and Zhaojun Statue. It is really a beautiful place.

  6. 昭君出塞 back

  7. Translation: 昭 君 故 里 昭君故里位于香溪上游兴山县城西5.5公里处的宝坪村,原名烟家坪,又名王家湾。王昭君,名嫱,晋朝时因避司马昭讳改称明君或明妃。汉朝时被选入宫,公元33年,匈奴的另一个皇帝单于想通过和亲与汉朝建立更好的关系。昭君自愿请行,嫁给单于,为汉朝和匈奴的亲善和好作出了贡献。 昭君村,面临香溪河,背靠纱帽山,群峰环绕,山上森林覆盖。唐朝著名诗人杜甫曾赞美过昭君故里。村里有很多美丽景观,比如楠木井,娘娘井,梳妆台,望月楼等遗迹;1979年以来国家一直在进行维修,重建了昭君宅,新建昭君纪念馆,长廊碑林,昭君塑像等。它真是一个美丽的地方。 back

  8. Passage 1 Zhaojun Village

  9. Zhaojun Village lies in Xingshan County, northwest of Hubei Province. Xiangxi River runs along it.Shennongjia Natural Reserve is not very far from it. Zhaojun Village was named after the Chinese national heroine---Wang Zhaojun, one of the four beauties in ancient China.In honor of her great contributions to the country, people built this village in Ming Dynasty and rebuilt it in Qing Dynasty. At the entrance of the Village, there is a bridge called Pipa Bridge .It is said that if you go across it, you can hear a sound just like someone playing thelute.

  10. Go up along many steps, and you can see the Makeup Stage. Zhaojun once did makeup there. If you continue to go up, you will see the center of Zhaojun Village--Zhaojun House. In front of the door, there are many stone carves with words written by famous people who had visited this village. Go straight ahead, and you can see a big white marble statue right in the middle. It’s Wang Zhaojun Statue. It is said that the statue came from Inner Mongolia and cost a lot. At the back of the statue is Zhaojun Museum.

  11. back

  12. On the left is BlackBamboo Garden, in which bamboos are black. Nobody knows the reason. Behind the museum is the viewing aisle. When you are going through the aisle, you can get a wonderful view. If you are thirsty, you can get clean and fresh water for free from Niangniang Spring or from Nanmu Well. People say that the piece of Nanmu in the well has been there for thousands of years without going bad, which made the water clean all through the year. It is also said that water from Niangniang Spring and Nanmu Well tastes sweet and can make you more beautiful.

  13. I think it is true because the native girls there are very charming and attractively beautiful and most of them have drunk the water from these two wells. There are eight sights in Zhaojun Village, such as former Zhaojun’s Back Garden where there are many beautiful flowers and her former Reading Room with many old and valuable books, etc. Go there please, and I believe that you’ll feel everything there is very fresh.

  14. Notes: 1. Zhaojun Village was named after the Chinese national heroine---Wang Zhaojun, one of the four beautifies in ancient China. 昭君村的名字是由中国民族女英雄---王昭君的名字而来,王昭君是古代中国四大美女之一。 2. It is said that if you go across it, you can hear a sound just like someone playing the lute.据说如果你穿过这桥时,你会听到好像有人在演奏琵琶的声音。 It is said that…据说 类似的表达有: It is believed that…据信 It is hoped that…据希望 It is thought that…据认为

  15. 3. Go straight ahead ,and you can see a big white marble statue right in the middle.径直朝前走,你会看见在正中央有一座巨大的纯白汉白玉雕像。 Right in the middle 正中央 4. People say that the piece of Nanmu in the well has been there for thousands of years without going bad, which made the water clean all through the year.人们说井里的楠木已有数千年了,一直没有烂掉,这使里面的水常年清澈见底。 go bad 走味,烂掉 5. I think it is true because the native girls there are very charming and attractively beautiful and most of them have drunk the water from these two wells.我认为那是真的,因为这里的本地女孩都很迷人和漂亮,她们大多数喝这两口井的水

  16. Zhaojun Square back

  17. New words: Shennongjia Natural Reserve 神农架自然保护区 heroine n. 女英雄; 女主角 beauty n. 美;美女 in honor of 纪念 makeup n. 化妆 carve n./v. 雕刻; 雕像 Inner Mongolia 内蒙古 bamboo n. 竹;竹子 aisle n. 走廊; 通道 former a. 以前的, 先前的

  18. Exercises: I. Answer the questions : 1. Where is Zhaojun Village? 2. What does the name of Zhaojun Village come from ? 3. How many sights are there in Zhaojun Village? 4. Where did Wang Zhaojun’s statue come from? 5. If you are thirsty, where can you drink water? II. Decide the statements true or false: 1. Zhaojun Village lies in Xingshan County, southwest of Hubei Province. ( ) 2. At the entrance of the Village, there isn’t a bridge called Pipa Bridge. ( ) key

  19. 3. Go up along many steps, and you can see the Makeup Stage. ( ) 4. Behind the museum isn’t the viewing aisle. ( ) 5. There aren’t also many more sights in Zhaojun Village. ( ) III.Multiple choices: 1. Wangzhao Jun’s great contributions to the country, people built this village in Ming Dynasty. A. In honor of B. In honor to C. In honors of D. On honor of 2. On the left is Black Bamboo Garden, bamboos are black. A.. which B. that C. in which D. on which key

  20. 3. People say that the piece of Nanmu in the well has been there for without going bad. A. thousand of years B. thousands of years C. thousands of year D. thousand of year 4. Go straight ahead , and you can see a big white marble statue of Zhaojun . A .in the front B. behind it C. beside it D. right in the middle 5. We can infer from the passage that it is ______that makes the natives charming and beautiful. A. sweet and clean water B. food they eat C. wood in the well D. makeup every day key

  21. 昭君故里-兴山新县城 back

  22. Translation: 昭 君 村 昭君村位于鄂西北地区兴山县境内。香溪河沿着它缓缓流过。离它不远是神农架自然保护区。 昭君村的名字来源于中国民族女英雄---王昭君,中国古代四大美女之一。为了纪念她对国家的巨大贡献,人们在明代修建了昭君村并在清代进行重修。 在村子的入口处,有一座桥叫琵琶桥。据说在上面走,可以听到像人在弹奏琵琶的声音。

  23. 沿一排排台阶而上,首先看到的是梳妆台。昭君曾在这里梳过妆。继续往上走,可以看到昭君村的中心地---昭君宅。在门前,有许多石头雕刻,上面刻有参观过这村子的许多名人的留言。径直朝前走,你可以看见在正中央有一座巨大的汉白玉雕像。那就是王昭君雕像。据说那雕像是从内蒙古运来的,耗费了许多的人力和物力。雕像后就是昭君纪念馆。 左边是紫竹苑,里面的竹子是黑色的。没人知道是什么原因。纪念馆后面是风景长廊。边走边可以观看风景。

  24. 如果渴了,可以在娘娘泉或者在楠木井喝那清澈的泉水或者井水。据说楠木井的楠木在井里有好几千年了,从没有烂过,并使井里面的水常年清澈见底。据说娘娘泉里面的水和楠木井里的水,喝起来是甜的且能使人更加漂亮。我想这是真的,喝这里水的当地女子看上去都很迷人和漂亮。如果渴了,可以在娘娘泉或者在楠木井喝那清澈的泉水或者井水。据说楠木井的楠木在井里有好几千年了,从没有烂过,并使井里面的水常年清澈见底。据说娘娘泉里面的水和楠木井里的水,喝起来是甜的且能使人更加漂亮。我想这是真的,喝这里水的当地女子看上去都很迷人和漂亮。 在昭君村里还有很多景点,比如从前的昭君后花园,在那里有许多漂亮的花儿;从前的昭君读书房,那里存有很多有价值的古书。 请到那儿去吧,我相信那里的一切对你来说都是新鲜的。 back

  25. Passage 2 Xiangxi River

  26. Xiangxi River rises in the Shennongjia Forest District of west place in Hubei, and it is the imperial concubine in Han Dynasty -Wang Zhaojun’s homeland. It is said that one day Zhaojun was washing face by the mouth of a small stream, unintentionally pearls of necklace fell into the small stream. From then on the stream was limpid, containing fragrance in the water, so it is called Fragrant Stream or Xiangxi River.

  27. With its beauty, richness and vast feelings, Xiangxi River feeds this square hometown--- the hometown of the moist Zhaojun, and revitalizes mountain children of Xingshan County. Girls in Xingshan not merely has Zhaojun's simple and honest and kindhearted virtue , but also has ZhaoJun's beauty after drinking limpid and clean fragrant water in Xiangxi River all the year round. Singing gently in a folk song like a lark and dancing like a fairy maiden, they all look bright, beautiful and handsome. So many people come to employ women soldiers, test performers,

  28. test performers, choose waitresses because of respect for the fame of the ritual girls. Xingshan County is well-known as" beauty county ".Boys in the mountain drink fragrant water in it and grow up, with that kind of indomitable character at heart while as a child. Xiangxi River is the children's natural natatorium in summer .They practice hard under the burning sun. These " little water ducks " known along the riverside of Xiangxi River swim to the whole provincial capital from the mountain, to the whole country.

  29. 香溪源风光 back

  30. They have mounted the prize-awarding platform of the national teenagers' swimming contest. Xingshan, a remarkable place with outstanding people and rich resources, presents various colorful flowers and fruits during four seasons along the river bank due to the moist watering of Xiangxi River. Many places appear to be harvest scenes. Villagers are rich, the good name of "township of fruit" is raised all sides far. Xiangxi River is inexhaustible and promotes the economic development of Xingshan County with its hydroelectric resource to the limit.

  31. Notes: 1. Xiangxi River rises in the Shennongjia Forest District of west place in Hubei, and it is the imperial concubine in Han Dynasty -Wang Zhaojun’s homeland.香溪发源于鄂西的神农架林区,这里是汉朝妃子王昭君的故乡。 2. It is said that one day Zhaojun was washing face by the mouth of a small stream.… 传说有一天,昭君在溪口边洗脸… It is said that…据说…

  32. 3. Xingshan County is well-known for " beauty county ".兴山成为远近闻名的“美人县”。 be well-known 众所周知 4. Xiangxi River is inexhaustible and promotes the economic development of Xingshan County with its hydroelectric resource to the limit。 香溪河取之不竭,用之不尽的水资源是推动兴山经济发展的动脉。

  33. New words: district n.区,区域imperial a.帝国的concubine n. 妾, 姨太太 limpid a.清澈的fragrance n. 香味 moist a. 潮湿的, 湿润的 lark n.云雀,欢乐, 百灵 indomitable a.不屈不挠 的,坚定的 natatorium n.游泳池, 游泳场 contest. n.竞赛,争论 v. 竞赛,争取,争辩remarkable a. 显著的, 异常非凡的, 值得注意的 ritual n. 仪式,典礼, 宗教

  34. Exercises: I. Answer the questions: 1. Where does Xiangxi River rise? 2. What does the name of Xiangxi River come from? 3. How important is Xiangxi River? 4. Where is the children's natural natatorium in summer in Xingshan? 5. Do you like Xiangxi River? Why ? II. Decide the statements true or false: 1. Xiangxi River rises in the Shennongjia Forest District of west place in Hubei. ( ) key

  35. 2. Xingshan County isn’t well-known for "beauty county ". ( ) 3. Xiangxi River is the imperial concubine in Han Dynasty -Wang Zhaojun’s homeland. ( ) 4.Xiangxi River doesn’t feed this square hometown--- the hometown of the moist Zhaojun.( ) 5. Xiangxi River is inexhaustible and promotes the economic development of Xingshan County with its hydroelectric resource to the limit. ( ) III. Multiple choices: 1. Xiangxi River in the Shennongjia Forest District of west place in Hubei. A. rose B. rises C. is risen D. has risen key

  36. 2. It is said one day Zhaojun was washing face by the mouth of a small stream, unintentionally pearls of necklace fell into the small stream. A. x B. that C. if D. whether 3. Xingshan County " beauty county " . A. Known for B. is famous for C. is well-known for D. is well-known as 4. From the passage we can see that people living along the river are _____. A. hardworking B. beautiful and charming C. kind-hearted D. all of the above. 5. We can infer that someone in Xingshan County must have got a medal in the ______ contest. A. running B. swimming C. boating D. skating key

  37. 香溪源风光 back

  38. Translation: 香 溪 河 香溪发源于鄂西的神农架林区,这里是汉朝妃子王昭君的故乡。传说有一天,昭君在溪口边洗脸,无意中把颈上项链的珍珠散落溪中,从此溪水清澈,水中含有香气,故名香溪。 香溪河以它美丽富饶和博大情怀,滋润着昭君故里这方热土,哺育兴山儿女。兴山姑娘不仅具有王昭君纯朴善良的美德,长年饮用清澈洁净的香溪河水,模样水灵俏丽,还有王昭君的美貌。一曲山歌如百灵婉唱;一招一势似仙女的舞姿,招女兵,考演员,

  39. 挑礼仪小姐的慕名而来,兴山成为远近闻名的“美人县”。山里的娃子喝香溪河水长大,从小骨子里有着山里人那种百折不挠的品格。夏天的香溪河是孩子们的天然游泳馆,他们在焦灼的烈日下搏击苦练,这些被称之为香溪河畔的“小水鸭”从大山里游向全省城,游向全国,登上了全国青少年游泳比赛的领奖台。挑礼仪小姐的慕名而来,兴山成为远近闻名的“美人县”。山里的娃子喝香溪河水长大,从小骨子里有着山里人那种百折不挠的品格。夏天的香溪河是孩子们的天然游泳馆,他们在焦灼的烈日下搏击苦练,这些被称之为香溪河畔的“小水鸭”从大山里游向全省城,游向全国,登上了全国青少年游泳比赛的领奖台。 兴山,人杰地灵,物产丰富。得以香溪河的滋润浇灌,呈现河岸花果四季,万顷桔红橙黄的丰收景象,乡民家庭富裕,兴山“水果之乡”的美名远扬四方。香溪河取之不竭,用之不尽的水能资源是推动兴山经济发展的动脉。

  40. Key (Unit Ten) Passage 1 I. 1.Zhaojun Village lies in Xingshan County, northwest of Hubei Province . 2. Zhaojun Village was named after the Chinese national heroine---Wang Zhaojun, one of the four beauties in ancient China. 3. About eight sights in Zhaojun Village 4. The statue came from Inner Mongolia 5. If you are thirsty, you can get clean and fresh water for free from Niangniang Spring or from Nanmu well. II. 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F III. 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A back back back

  41. Passage 2 I. 1. Xiangxi River rises in the Shennongjia Forest District of west place in Hubei. 2. It is said that one day Zhaojun was washing face by the mouth of a small stream, unintentionally pearls of necklace fell into the small stream. From then on the stream was limpid, containing fragrance in the water, so it is called Fragrant Stream or Xiangxi River. 3. With its beauty, richness and vast feelings, Xiangxi River feeds this square hometown--- the hometown of the moist Zhaojun, and revitalizes mountain children of Xingshan County. back

  42. 4. Xiangxi River 5. I like Xiangxi River, because of its beauty, richness, vast feelings and so on. II. 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T III. 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.B back back

  43. Thank You Back

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