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Cultural Facilities Fund Information Session

Cultural Facilities Fund Information Session. January 2014. About the Fund. Passed by MA State Legislature in July, 2006 Part of major economic stimulus bill Broad-based advocacy effort-then and now $55 million in planning and capital grants to-date $15 million in current 2014 Round

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Cultural Facilities Fund Information Session

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cultural Facilities Fund Information Session January 2014

  2. About the Fund Passed by MA State Legislature in July, 2006 Part of major economic stimulus bill Broad-based advocacy effort-then and now $55 million in planning and capital grants to-date $15 million in current 2014 Round Three types of grants: Capital, Planning & SRP

  3. About the Fund: CFF Goals Thoughtful planning, development and maintenance of cultural facilities Increased investment from public and private sources Encourage responsible stewardship policies for cultural facilities

  4. Program Administration • Massachusetts Cultural Council • MassDevelopment • Cultural Facilities Fund Advisory Committee

  5. Program Administration • Massachusetts Cultural Council • State arts and culture agency committed to building a central place for the arts, sciences and humanities in the everyday lives of communities across the Commonwealth • Manages grant review process: from guidelines to grant panels

  6. Program Administration • MassDevelopment • State’s economic development agency • Administers the grant agreement process and disbursements • MassDevelopment board has final authority on all matters of Fund administration, including final approval on all grant decisions

  7. Program Administration • Cultural Facilities Fund Advisory Committee • Created by statute to advise MassDevelopment on management and operation of Fund • Nine (9) members: • President and CEO of MassDevelopment, Executive Directors of MCC and MA Office of Travel and Tourism • 6 Governor-appointed members from all regions of the state with expertise in finance, construction, and fundraising

  8. Eligible Applicants • Nonprofit cultural organizations • Municipalities that own cultural facilities • 50% dedicated to cultural purposes • 50,000 sq ft, unless >125 years old and historically or culturally significant, in which case it can be any size • Higher education institutions that own cultural facilities • Open access to community beyond educational mission • Must demonstrate financial need

  9. Grant Categories • Capital Grants In the past, maximum grants have ranged from $250,000 to $675,000. • Feasibility and Technical Assistance Grants In the past, maximum grants have ranged from $25,000 to $37,500. • Systems Replacement Plan Grants-$7,000

  10. Capital Grants

  11. Capital Grant Program Grant funds may be used for: • Site or facility acquisition • Renovations or repairs • Expansion of existing facilities • Construction of new facilities • Purchase of major integrated equipment • Any combination of above

  12. Capital Grant Program Grant funds may NOT be used for: Regular operating activities and staff salaries Office furniture and computer hardware and software Organizational marketing materials Mortgage or loan payments Any other costs not related to approved project

  13. Capital Grant Award Ranges: Award maximums for Capital Grants have not been set at this time. In the past, maximum grants have ranged from $250,000 to $675,000.

  14. Capital Grant Review Criteria Statutory Financial Capacity Project Planning Transformative Impact Implementation

  15. StatutoryThreshold Review Criteria • Demonstrated community need for the project*. • Benefits tourism in the local area**. • Demonstrated financial need for a grant. • Demonstrated local support*. *Please address “community need” and “local support” in terms of your cultural organization and/or programming. **Tourism is defined as: “a person traveling 50 miles or more one way to a destination or who stays overnight”.

  16. Financial Capacity Threshold Review Criteria • Demonstrates financial capacity to undertake project within 12 months of application deadline • Cultural Data Project is complete (Cultural Nonprofits) • Demonstrated capacity to raise matching funds within 12 months • Thoroughly addresses impact project will have on the organization’s future finances (if expanding) • Capital reserves or demonstration of funding depreciation

  17. Project Planning Review Criteria • Integral to the strategic plan for larger projects • Project is appropriately sized relative to capacity • Evidence of business planning if expanding programs or facility (market demand/operating impact analysis/financing) • For maintenance projects: Is in the context of an overall capital needs assessment and/or replacement schedule

  18. TransformativeImpact Review Criteria(For new construction or expansion projects) Is located in an urban or village center Has a “transformative impact” on host community Creates opportunities for additional private investment within the community Supports neighborhood public/private partnerships, and increases foot traffic in the area immediately surrounding the project

  19. ImplementationReview Criteria • Project budget includes status of funding sources and uses • Evidence that a project can begin to be implemented and the match can be raised within 12 months of application deadline. • Identified and/or hired appropriate leadership and key contracted personnel

  20. Required Supplementary Materials Project budget &Timeline YTD—Financials Three years of audits/review Resumes of team Strategic Plan Tax Letter Lease or Deed

  21. Additional Supplementary Materials Architectural Plans Cost estimates Regulatory Approvals (zoning, etc.) Contracts (design or build) Maintenance Plans/Replacement Schedules ADA self-assessments Letters/press clippings demonstrating support

  22. Additional materials for Transformative Impact Projects: A map for the project and where additional private investment and could be positively impacted by your project. Letters or agreements with local partners to spur transformative impact as a result of your project. If your project is part of a municipal plan to improve the area, please provide a brief summary of such a plan, or web links

  23. Feasibility and Technical AssistanceGrant Program Maximum awards have ranged between $25,000 and $37,500

  24. Feasibility and Technical Assistance Grants Grant funds may be used for planning as it relates to your facility, for example: • Business plans • A & E • Capital campaign feasibility studies • Accessibility assessments • Etc.

  25. Feasibility/Technical AssistanceReview Criteria • Statutory Criteria • Project Planning • Implementation

  26. StatutoryReview Criteria • Demonstrated community need for the project*. • Benefits tourism in the local area**. • Demonstrated financial need for a grant. • Demonstrated local support*. *Please address “community need” and “local support” in terms of your cultural organization and/or programming. **Tourism is defined as: “a person traveling 50 miles or more one way to a destination or who stays overnight”.

  27. Project Planning Review Criteria • Planning effort is linked to mission and an overall organizational or facilities plan • Project is logical next step in the overall facilities planning efforts • For site acquisition, expansion, or new construction, the planning should address impacts to the organization’s ongoing operations and finances

  28. ImplementationReview Criteria • Feasibility and planning consultants have been identified • Scope of services has been formulated • Planning consultants are qualified • Complete and clear planning/feasibility budget

  29. Required Supplementary Materials Planning budget Project Timeline Scope of Services for Planning Consultants YTD—Financials Two years of audits/review Resumes of team Lease/Deed

  30. Additional Supplementary Materials Architectural Plans Cost estimates Regulatory Approvals (zoning, etc.) Contracts (design or build) Maintenance Plans/Replacement Schedules ADA self-assessments Letters/press clippings demonstrating support

  31. Systems Replacement Plan Grants $7,000

  32. Systems Replacement Plan:What is it? An assessment of the 20-year repair and replacement needs and costs for a nonprofit facility: Provides a comprehensive facilities analysis by a specialist engineer, architect or construction consultant Forecasts the necessary replacement of systems and equipment, presuming routine maintenance Yearly breakdown of proposed costs and savings Green building assessment and universal accessibility

  33. Systems Replacement Plan: What Will Be Assessed? • Building envelope • e.g. roof, walls, and entry systems • Mechanical systems • e.g. heating, cooling, ventilation and plumbing • Electrical systems • Life safety systems

  34. StatutoryReview Criteria • Demonstrated community need for the project*. • Benefits tourism in the local area**. • Demonstrated financial need for a grant. • Demonstrated local support*. *Please address “community need” and “local supporT” in terms of your cultural organization and/or programming. **Tourism is defined as: “a person traveling 50 miles or more one way to a destination or who stays overnight”.

  35. PlanningReview Criteria Facilities planning has been incorporated into your organizational planning historically. Planning effort is the next logical step for your organization.

  36. SRP Supplementary Materials Current YTD Financials Two Years of Audits/Review Strategic Plan Tax Letter (if applicable) Lease/Deed (if applicable)

  37. Grants Administration Information Matching Requirements Administrative Process: MCC/MassDevelopment Intent to Apply Cultural Data Project Application & Materials

  38. Grantee Matching Requirements • 1:1 match required for all grants • Cash match sources can be from a variety of sources: corporate, philanthropic , private or public (all but state)

  39. Grantee Matching Requirements • Capital Grant match must technically be raised within 24 months of the approval date. • Applications are more competitive if the project can begin to be implemented within 12 months of application deadline. • Feasibility & Technical Assistance and System Replacement Grant match must be raised within 12 months of the approval date

  40. Ineligible Matching Funds Organizational operating funds Loans to match the grant Funds already expended on project prior to Jan. 1, 2014 Funds received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

  41. Grants Administration Process Disbursement of funds occurs only after: Full 1:1 match amount has been raised Massachusetts Historical Commission reviews and approves project Final Budget submitted and approved by MassDevelopment

  42. Grants Administration Process Disbursement of funds occurs onlyafter: • Grant Agreement with MassDevelopment is fully executed • An updated budget is submitted • Requisitions for work performed (dated no earlier than January 1, 2014) have been submitted to and approved by MassDevelopment

  43. Grants Administration Process • Returning grantees: • Must submit all invoices from previous project for disbursement to MassDevelopment by Feb. 7, 2014 • Must demonstrate distinction between previous scope-of-work and new scope-of-work • Previous grant agreement must be closed and all funds disbursed or declined by Mar. 7, 2014

  44. Step 1: Intent to Apply Create an organizational profile, which will allow you to access the online application - http://mass.cgweb.org Complete the Intent to Apply (Project Overview page) online by February 7, 2014

  45. Step 2: Cultural Data ProjectCapital Grants ONLY • A powerful online financial management tool for arts organizations • Independent non-profit data collection agency • Provides cultural organizations with an array of tools to understand, analyze and report on their own financial situation. • Organizations can benchmark and compare their own information with other cultural organizations throughout MA, 12 additional states, and the District of Columbia

  46. Cultural Data Project cont’d • Free for participating organizations • Other participating grantmakers: • Barr Foundation • Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation • The Boston Foundation • Greater Worcester Community Foundation • The Kresge Foundation • Linde Family Foundation • National Dance Project • Trust for Mutual Understanding

  47. Cultural Data Project cont’d Complete the CDP process for each of your most recent three fiscal years by the application deadline, 5 p.m. on March 7, 2014. • Municipalities, colleges and universities are exempt • CIP Partners and Colleagues already participating in the program should bring CDP up to date • All others should begin the process immediately following the Intent to Apply

  48. Cultural Data Project cont’d • For more Information • Visit www.massculturaldata.org • Refer to the CDP Process handout • CDP Help Desk: 1-877-MASSCDP or help@massculturaldata.org • CDP Webinar: Tuesday, February 4 at 2:00 pm • http://www.massculturaldata.org/news.aspx

  49. Step 3: Application & Materials • Application is online • Most of narrative is entered electronically • Supplementary Materials are submitted as hard copies

  50. Step 3: Application & Materials Application due March 7, 2014 by 5:00 pm: • Complete the online application and hit “SUBMIT” by deadline • Mail or hand-deliver two copies of required hard copy materials by deadline. Can be sent in before online application is complete (N.B Not a postmark deadline! - must be in hand to the MCC) Guidelines & Application: www.massculturalfacilities.org

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