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The energy of the sun comes from fusion of hydrogen nuclei 4H + 2e He + 5 + 2 (+ 26 MeV). H. Bindingsenergi per nukleon. nukleoner. He. The Sun. E = mc 2 m He < 4m H + 2m e. Every second 4 million tons of mass is converted to energy. Fusion is a universal source of energy.
The energy of the sun comes from fusion of hydrogen nuclei 4H + 2e He + 5 + 2 (+ 26 MeV) H Bindingsenergi per nukleon nukleoner He The Sun E = mc2 mHe < 4mH + 2me Every second 4 million tons of mass is converted to energy
Fusion is a universal source of energy... ... which we would like to exploit directly on Earth
Fusion on Earth D + T n + He + 17.6 MeV Li6 + n T+He + 4.8 MeV Li7 + n T+He +n – 2.5 MeV
Fusion energy • Inexhaustible • Safe • Short-lived radioactive waste • No CO2 emission • Fuels are abundant and geographically distributed • 15 fusion power stations could cover Denmarks total energy consumption
Increase of CO2 Concentrationbecomes significant Source: F. Joos, J.L. Sarmiento Phys. Bl. 51, 5, 405-411 (1995)
Danes and Chinese • Denmark spends 8291015 joule / year = 26 GW • A Dane spends 166 109 joule / year = 5.3 kW • An American spends 15.9 kW • A Chines spends 0.5 kW • The Chines want to catch up, so • They open a new power station every 2 weeks! • Without drastic action • CO2 emission rate will double in 50 years, • CO2 concentration in the atmosphere will build up still faster
Potential energy Nuclear forces attract Electrostatic forces repel
Fusion rates Many collissions required for each fusion event In the sun a proton on average lives several billion years, fortunately. For exploitation on earth the fusion rate must be so high that the average live time is approximately 100 seconds Fusion rate = R n1 n2 T 200 million degrees (20 times T in suns centre) n 1020/m3 P 10 bar
Plasma At temperatures above 10.000 – 100.000 °C gasses turn into plasmas. A neutral mixture of ions and electrons. A plasma can be confined by a magnetic field.
Laser light electron Doppler frequency shift Intensity Frequency How does one measure a temperature of 100 million degrees? The width reveals the electron temperature
JET outside Under construction in 1985
1991 JET outside NBI Lower Hybrid ICRH
TEXTOR Trilateral Euregio Cluster TEC FZ-Jülich (D), ERM/KMS (B), FOM (NL)
The system with the receiver (Catia) Figure 3. Graphical representation of the quazi-optical antenna inserted into the tokamak’s port (CATIA V5R8).
ASDEX upgrade, Max Planck Institut for plasmafysik, Garching (Munchen)
Energy confinement time 12 minutes = Energy / heating power Fusion power station: > 6 sekunder 12 hours
Magnetisk Indesluttet Fusions Plasma • Achieved parameters: • Temperature (T) 200 MK • Density (n) 1020m-3 • Confinement time () 1 sec. • n T 1 atm sec • Target: • n T 6 atm sec • Must be increased
Increase Turbulence • Transport • limits
The road to Fusion • ITER, science and technology of a burning fusion plasma. • Decision early 2004 • 10 years construction, • 20 years scientific exploitation • DEMO, demonstration fusion reactor • Design begins 2025 • Construction starts 2035 • Commercial fusion power 2050
Burning Fusion Plasma D + T (3.5 MeV) + n (14.1 MeV) Confined population of fast ions. Large free energy Heats the plasma Drives turbulence Affects confinement Transport What is the dynamics of the fast ions ? Can we influence it ?
Fast ions are almost invisible But their wakes give them away Fast ions draw a wake in the electron fluid, Which can be detected by scattering of microwaves !
Burning Fusion Plasma D + T (3.5 MeV) + n (14.1 MeV) • Large neutron flux through the inner wall • Cause material changes: • Hardens • Swells • Becomes brittel
Fusions-energi www.risoe.dk\euratom