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ABET Criterion 3f: 10 Years Later

A view from Puerto Rico by William J. Frey. ABET Criterion 3f: 10 Years Later. Interdisciplinary, Co-Integration Strategy: 1. Ethics into BSE (Business, Science, Engineering) 2. BSE into Ethics. Setting the stage for EC2000 at UPRM. Faculty Development Retreats in EAC (1998, 1999, 2000)

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ABET Criterion 3f: 10 Years Later

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  1. William J. Frey, College of Business Administration, University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez A view from Puerto Rico by William J. Frey ABET Criterion 3f: 10 Years Later

  2. William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM Interdisciplinary, Co-Integration Strategy: 1. Ethics into BSE (Business, Science, Engineering) 2. BSE into Ethics Setting the stage for EC2000 at UPRM

  3. Faculty Development Retreats in EAC (1998, 1999, 2000) • Interdisciplinary Research and Training Program in Ethics for Business, Science, and Engineering in the Puerto Rican Context (SBR 9810253) • Based on co-integration strategy: • Ethics into BSE and BSE into Ethics • Generated cases, modules and expertise in EAC from BSE standpoints William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM NSF Grant

  4. Interrelated activities integrate ethics across curriculum A Hybrid Holistic Approach

  5. Mini cases provide decision points that allow students to practice decision-making • Ethics tests (reversibility, harm, publicity) encapsulate ethical theory • Students write codes of ethics to help them critically encounter professional codes • An Engineering Ethics Bowl helps students develop understanding of basic and intermediate moral concepts • UPRM cases • BER cases involving “code concepts” grounded in relations to public, client, profession, peer William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM teaching Engineering Ethics skills

  6. Moral exemplars studies in computing have revealed that… • more focus can be given to teaching skills of moral expertise • Hastings Center • Stimulate moral imagination. • Recognizing moral issues. • Analyzing basic and intermediate moral concepts. • Eliciting a sense of responsibility. • Dealing with moral ambiguity and disagreement. William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM Advances in moral psychology

  7. Design pilot at graduate level, then integrate into undergraduate education • NSF Grant: Graduate Education in Research Ethics for Scientists and Engineers (SES 0629377) • workshop series to generate awareness and teach a moral deliberation procedure • free standing course in research ethics • faculty development workshops to generate awareness and teaching materials • outreach program to K-12 students (with graduate student ethics mentors) William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM High Point: EAC pilot program

  8. Implementation • 6 faculty development workshops for engineering faculty • 2 modules for ECE • Ethics “interventions” in Mechanical Engineering • Generate EAC resources (cases, modules, activities) • 3 NSF Grants William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM ABET 3f: Round One (2001-2002)

  9. Mistake to tie engineering ethics to ABET process • Engineering Ethics not important to self evaluation and overall program • No feedback from ABET evaluators on ethics integration activities • Bottom Line: Ethics response appeared in excess of what was required • You can get by with less next time William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM a Successful Failure (good results, little recognition)

  10. Assessment Filtering Effect • Assessment zeros in on content especially amenable to quantitative measurement and program-wide implementation • What was filtered (=left out) • Standalone course • Code writing activities • Engineering Ethics Bowl Debates • Interdisciplinary faculty retreats and workshops + materials (=cases modules) William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM Unexpected outcomes

  11. UPRM engineering school created SEGI to collect “soft” skills found in 3, a-k • SEGI = Social, ethical, global impacts of engineering • History of engineering and technology • Sustainable energy development • Community projects (without ethical reflection) • Old style AACSB: • Collect ethics, social, historical, legal, etc “components” into standalone course William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM New strategy: Concentrate “soft” skills

  12. William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM Engineering ethics integrated with other “soft” disciplines 3c—Ethics (and other components) in Design 3d—Multidisciplinary Team Skills 3f—Professional ethical responsibility 3h—Global and Social Impacts There are still two separate worlds: Engineering vs. Social/Humanistic Interdisciplinary reinterpreted

  13. William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM Getting by with less in 2008 Second abet visit under ec2000

  14. Discontinued Faculty Development Workshops • Faculty complained of “workshop saturation” • Engineering Ethics telescoped into 2 modules for ECE (Electrical and Computer Engineering) • Two basic ethical approaches (deontology and utilitarianism) • Primer on CIAPR code of ethics • 2 modules for senior capstone design class in Mechanical Engineering • “Ethical Awareness Module” (as with ECE) • “Being an Ethical Job Candidate” William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM De-emphasis of EAC

  15. Decline in ethical awareness over 15 years • Is it ethical to accept several job offers and choose only the best one? • Is it ethical to lie about one’s GPA on a job application in order to get an interview? • Is it really necessary to cancel a job interview if you are no longer interested in the position? • Module reveals an “awareness gap” that is not touched upon in engineering curriculum William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM An alarming trend

  16. Should I consider a job in a company with defense contracts? Is the CIAPR sensitive to the macro and micro ethical issues facing engineers? Is it necessary to become “colegiado” to practice (good) engineering? What should be done about the engineering brain drain in Puerto Rico? Students lack basic decision making skills and seem unaware of macro ethical issues discussed by students 10 years ago William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM Different Concerns 10 years ago

  17. William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM An Imperative: Collect and preserve the best practices of the last 30 years of Engineering Ethics Education Back to the Drawing Board

  18. NSF Grant: EAC Toolkit (2006-2009) • “Collaborative Development of Ethics Across the Curriculum Resources and Sharing of Best Practices” (SES 0551779) • Online repository of modules and resources in EAC for faculty in professional and occupational areas • Toolkit built on Rice University’s Connexions® knowledge sharing / open education platform • Currently studying how CNX platform has shaped and channeled Toolkit concept William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM Supporting EAC efforts

  19. Wiki • Blog (www.eactoolkit.com) • Web-CT/Blackboard • Connexions® • XML language • Creative Commons Attribution License • Content Commons • Work Groups • Lenses • How would values embedded in these platforms shape the Toolkit concept and promote the development of an EAC community? William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM Visual Toolkit over different platforms

  20. Risks of tying EAC to assessment and accreditation • Alternative: voluntary, interdisciplinary EAC community committed to identifying and sharing resources and best practices • Adding value to workshops, retreats, and conferences by creating virtual collaborative spaces and EAC resources commons • Working toward the three C’s: • Collaboration, Continuity, Community William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM Toolkit motivates independently of accreditation

  21. Some EAC Toolkit Modules

  22. professional codes humanistic readings engineering ethics cases theoretical groundings ethical heuristics service learning Haws, D. (2004). “The Importance of Meta-Ethics in Engineering Education.” Science and Engineering Ethics, 10(2): 204-210.  Haws, D. (2001) “Ethics Instruction in Engineering Education: A (Mini) Meta-Analysis,” Journal of Engineering Education. April: 223-229. William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM Pedagogical approaches (Haws)

  23. Engineering Ethics Modules for EAC • Col10552 • Four Years, Four Micro Interventions • Ethical Implications for Engineering – Student Module (m17226) • Socio-Technical Systems in Professional Decision Making (m14025) • Three Frameworks for Ethical Decision Making and Good Computing Reports (m13757) • Professional Ethics in Puerto Rico: Codes, Problem-Solving, and Ethical Dissent (m15501) • Theory Building Exercise: Responsibility and Incident at Morales (m15627) William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM Engineering Modules in Connexions®

  24. Modeled on GERESE grant • Targets Hastings skills • Moral imagination, moral awareness, analyzing moral concepts, eliciting a sense of responsibility, and dealing with ambiguity and disagreement • Also Targets (and integrates)… • 3c (ethics in design) • 3d (multi-disciplinary team skills) • 3f (professional and ethical responsibility) • 3h (social and global impacts) William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM EAC Pilot Program in Engineering ethics

  25. Successes • Skills based freestanding course in Engineering Ethics • EAC modules in engineering ethics for first and fourth year students • Successful faculty development workshop format • Failures • Tying EAC too closely to ABET • Assessment procedures filter out innovative practices • Virtual Toolkit to create community to develops and share EAC best practices • Challenges with open source and open education approaches William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM Conclusion: Successful Failure

  26. William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM William J. Frey University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez College of Business Administration wfrey@uprm.edu Thank you

  27. Huff, C., & Frey, William. (2005) “Moral Pedagogy and Practical Ethics.” Science and Engineeirng Ethics, 11(3): 389-408.  Huff, C., Barnard, L., & Frey, W. (2008). “Good computing: a pedagogically focused model of virtue in the practice of computing (part 1),” Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society6(3): 246-278.  Huff, C., Barnard, L., & Frey, W. (2008). “Good computing: a pedagogically focused model of virtue in the practice of computing (part 2),” Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society6(4). Frey, W. and O’Neill-Carillo, E. (2008), “Engineering ethics in Puerto Rico: issues and narratives”, Science and Engineering Ethics, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 417-31. Lugo, E. (1985). Etica Profesional Para La Ingenieria. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico: Libreria Universal. Munoz-Roman, W. (1997). Etica en la PracticaProfesional de la Ingenierıa: AspectosFilosoficos, Historicos y Procesales. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico. (Co-sponsored by the Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico). William J. Frey, CBA, UPRM Resources

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