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* Source of information: National Bank of Poland Ministry of Finance. Private Sector Accounting and Auditing Reform and its Importance in the Transition to a Market Economy The Polish Experience. 17 May 2005, Baku. POLAND - basic figures. Population - 38.5 million
* Source of information: National Bank of Poland Ministry of Finance Private Sector Accounting and Auditing Reform and its Importance in the Transition to a Market Economy The Polish Experience 17 May 2005, Baku
POLAND - basic figures Population - 38.5 million GDP real growth rate - 5.9 % GDP per capita - 11,100 USD Capitalisation of Warsaw Stock Exchange - 94 billion USD - largest in CEE SME - ca 3.5 million Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Finance
Initial conditions - 1989 • There was no capital market • There was a monobank – a one-tier banking system • In the command economy, accounting was treated rather as book-keeping • Financial control instead of auditing • Simplified financial reporting requirements • Simplified aggregation of subordinate companies’ financial statements Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Finance
A&A Reform - first stage • Transition process from a command to a market driven economy • 1989 - collapse of communism, introduction of free market economy • 1991 - adoption of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance on Accounting - first Polish accounting regulations in a market economy (complete change in the attitude to the accounting regime - introduction of accrual accounting, going concern, historical cost, materiality, prudence, consistency ) Clear distinction between tax and accounting requirements - adoption of the Act on auditing and the publication of financial statements as well as on auditors and their self-regulation foundation of the National Chamber of Statutory Auditors setting professional standards for auditing prescribing practical requirements and ethics principles Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Finance
A&A Reform - second stage • 1994 - adoption of the Act on Accounting based on EU Fourth and Seventh Accounting Directives covers commercial and non profit entities modern regulationsperceived as investors-friendly - adoption of the Act on Auditors and their Self- Governing Body - based on EU Eighth Directive • 2000 - modernisation of the Act on Accounting towards International Accounting Standards (IAS) • 2001 - ROSC Accounting & Auditing useful diagnostic tool of summarising countries’ observance of internationally recognised standards Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Finance
A&A Reform - third stage • 2004 - Poland’s accession to the European Union (1st May) Poland’s membership in the EU entailed the obligation to apply IAS to consolidated financial reporting by companies listed on the stock exchange full transposition of the Accounting Directives • 2004 - amendment of the Act on Accounting - direct implementation of IAS/IFRS Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Finance
Application of IAS/IFRS in Polish law • The scope of entities applying IAS/IFRS beyond the minimal requirement of the EC Regulation 1606/2002: mandatory basis: consolidated accounts of listed companies and banks permissive basis: annual accounts of above mentioned entities annual and consolidated accounts of companies within the capital group postponement until 2007: companies whose debt securities only are admitted on a regulated market • Shareholders’ decision on application of ISA/IFRS • Definition of IAS • Interaction between IAS/IFRS and Act on Accounting - fallback to Act on Accounting Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Finance
Auditing - current regulations • Approval of persons responsible for carrying out the statutory audits of accounting documents - consistent with current EU regulations • Auditing standards based on International Standards on Auditing (ISA) • Code of Ethics based on IFAC’s Code Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Finance
Auditing - future regulations • Proposal for a Directive on statutory audit currentlyunder discussion in the European Parliament • Objectives ensuring the credibility and reliability of audited financial statements reinforcing the statutory audit improving co-operation between oversight bodies in the EU • New elements public oversight over the audit profession adopting ISA under the comitology procedure quality assurance mandatory rotation of auditors/audit firms audit committees independence and professional ethics liability of the statutory auditor Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Finance
A&A and the modern market economy • Without sound accounting and auditing it wasn't possible to: develop capital market attract foreign investments strengthen the credibility of SMEs’ reporting ensure thesecurity of market transactions • Co-operation with the World Bank as an important factor of the reform ROSC Accounting & Auditing update World Bank grant for A&A reform Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Finance
Policystatement Creating reliable, transparent, safe and open for investment economy in Poland Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Finance