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Health Agenda Goal # 2b. Ensure that all students are moderately to vigorously active at least 50 percent of the time in physical education classes. Progress to Date—2010-11
Health Agenda Goal # 2b Ensure that all students are moderately to vigorously active at least 50 percent of the time in physical education classes. • Progress to Date—2010-11 • Conducted seven days of professional development training for elementary physical education teachers, including MVPA implementation. • Conducted 32 hours of professional development training for elementary, middle, and high school physical educators with a focus on MVPA activities. • Conducted two days of SOFIT training for12 physical education teachers and department staff with an emphasis on MVPA observation techniques. • In an effort to fund the necessary trainings, the department submitted a grant proposal to the Colorado Health Foundation (CHF) in April 2011. Funding announcements will be made in July 2011.
Health Agenda Goal # 2b Measurements to Date • The physical education department delivered the PEP grant program with an emphasis on MVPA to 58 schools in 2009-2011. This program will be delivered to 30 additional schools in 2011-12. • Twelve physical education teachers and staff member were trained to conduct the SOFIT evaluation too to determine the percent of MVPA. • An external evaluator was contracted to conduct classroom observations on our PE teachers using the SOFIT protocol. The SOFIT protocol measures the percentage of time students are physically active during PE class, the percentage of time during PE class PE teachers are delivering content related to fitness and health, and the percentage of time PE teachers use higher level classroom management strategies. During the observations, PE teachers were able to exceed national averages and recommended levels in each of these categories. During PE classes, students were physically active an average of 64.5%.
Health Agenda Goal # 2b Other Developments and Implications • In April 2011, the Colorado Legislature passed HB 1069 requiring school districts to implement a policy requiring at least 30 minutes of physical activity per school day. The DPS Healthy Schools team recommends a modification of the existing wellness policy (Policy ADF – School Wellness) to meet requirements of this law. It is unclear how this law will be enforced. The impact on DPS is likely to be minimal. Schools with recess and physical education are already meeting the required levels.
Health Agenda Goal #_____ Immediate Next Steps • By July 2011, the Board of Education must approve a policy or policy amendment to meet requirements of HB 1069. • Funding from the PEP grant will allow us to continue professional development for elementary physical education teachers in 2011-12. • If approved, funding from the Colorado Health Foundation grant proposal will provide training for middle school and high school physical education teachers during the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 school years. • The CHF grant will provide funding during the next three years for MVPA evaluations using the SOFIT assessment tool.