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Denver Health School-Based Health Centers Expansion Initiative

Denver Health's efforts to expand school-based health centers in Denver Public Schools, with funding support, legislation, and future plans for new clinics.

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Denver Health School-Based Health Centers Expansion Initiative

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  1. Health Agenda Goal #5c Progress to Date • Denver Health opened a new clinic at Manual High School during school year 2010-11. • In partnership with the Foundation for Educational Excellence, Denver Health received funding from the Colorado Health Foundation to open a new School-Based Health Center on the Evie Garrett Dennis E-12 Campus. The new clinic is anticipated to open in January 2012. • Denver Health was awarded a planning grant from the Colorado Health Foundation. In partnership with DPS, we are developing a list of objective criteria that might be used to identify future School-Based Health Center sites. We anticipate a final product by August 2011. • Two federal grant applications submitted to request funds to build and staff a new School-Based Health Center at Place Bridge Academy.

  2. Health Agenda Goal #5c Measurements to Date • Denver Health started the 2010-11 school year with a total of 12 School-Based Health Centers in Denver Public Schools. At the end of the year, this number increased to 13 full-time clinics. • Currently students attending 22 “satellite” schools may access services at one of the existing School-Based Health Centers. • It is anticipated that 8,300 students will receive services in one of the School-Based Health Centers by the end of the school year. • It is projected that district students will visit School-Based Health Centers more than 20,000 times for medical care, 9,000 times for mental health care, and 6,000 times for reproductive health education by the end of the school year. • By the end of the school year, more than 350 insurance enrollment events will be hosted at School-Based Health Center sites, resulting in more than 4,500 individuals enrolled in some type of health insurance or health discount plan.

  3. Health Agenda Goal #5c Other Developments and Implications • Denver Health spearheaded legislation in the form of House Bill 11-1019 that allows all School-Based Health Centers in Colorado to bill private insurance companies yet waive collection of co-pays and deductibles from students. Collection of payment from private payers will help clinics be more sustainable. The bill was signed into law in March 2011. • Starting in school year 2011-12 the School-Based Health Center at Manual High School will be opened to all neighboring Denver Public School students. • Denver Health will request funding from the Colorado Health Foundation for expansion funding for two new School-Based Health Centers over the next three years. An application will be submitted in the fall of 2011. • During the 2010-11 school year, Denver Health conducted 59 immunization clinics at district elementary and middle schools without a school-based health center. 3,393 children received more than 5,200 flu and adolescent vaccines.

  4. Health Agenda Goal #5c Immediate Next Steps Key activities and dates for school year 2011-12: • By August 2011, the School-Based Health Center at Manual High School will be prepared to open as a district clinic. • By September 2011, objective criteria for identifying and prioritizing future school-based health center sites will be finalized. • An application for two new School-Based Health Centers will be submitted to the Colorado Health Foundation in the fall of 2011. • By January 2012, a new School-Based Health Center will open at the Evie Garrett Dennis E-12 Campus.

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