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CLASSICA DYNAMIC OF PARTICLES AND SYSTEMS— CHAPTER 3 Oscillations. Associate Professor: C. H.L IAO. Contents:. 3.1 Introduction 99 3.2 Simple Harmonic Oscillator 100 3.3 Harmonic Oscillations in Two Dimensions 104 3.4 Phase Diagrams 106 3.5 Damped Oscillations 108
Contents: • 3.1 Introduction 99 • 3.2 Simple Harmonic Oscillator 100 • 3.3 Harmonic Oscillations in Two Dimensions 104 • 3.4 Phase Diagrams 106 • 3.5 Damped Oscillations 108 • 3.6 Sinusoidal Driving Forces 117 • 3.7 Physical Systems 123 • 3.8 Principle of Superposition-Fourier Series 126 • 3.9 The Response of Linear Oscillators to Impulsive Forcing129
3.1 Introduction • If the particle is displaced from the origin (in either direction), a certain force tends to restore the particle to its original position. An example is an atom in a long molecular chain. • The restoring force is, in general, some complicated function of the displacement and perhaps of the particle's velocity or even of some higher time derivative of the position coordinate. • We consider here only cases in which the restoring force F is a function only of the displacement: F = F(x).
the kinetic energy The incremental amount of work dW
ωo represents the angular frequency of the motion, which is related to the frequency νo by
Ex. 3-1 Find the angular velocity and period of oscillation of a solid sphere of mass m and radius R about a point on its surface. See Figure 3-l. Sol.: The equation of motion for θ is
3.3 Harmonic Oscillations in 2-D (2- Dimensions) where the restoring forceis
3.4 Phase Diagrams We may consider the quantities x(t) andto be the coordinates of a point in a two-dimensional space, called phase space.
3.5 Damped Oscillations • The motion represented by the simple harmonic oscillator is termed a free oscillation;
Underdamped Motion The envelope of thedisplacement versus time curve is given by
Ex. 3-2 Sol.:
Ex. 2-3 Sol.:
3.6 Sinusoidal Driving Forces The simplest case of driven oscillation is that in which an external driving forcevarying harmonically with time is applied to the oscillator where A = F0/m and where w is the angular frequency of the driving force
3.7 Physical Systems • We stated in the introduction to this chapter that linear oscillations apply to more systems than just the small oscillations of the mass-spring and the simple pendulum. • We can apply our mechanical system analog to acoustic systems. In this case,the air molecules vibrate.
The hanging mass-spring systemV.S. equivalent electrical circuit.
Ex.3-4 Sol.:
Ex. 3-5 Sol.:
3.8 Principle of Superposition-Fourier Series The quantity in parentheses on the left-hand side is a linear operator, which wemay represent by L.
Periodic function In the usual physical case in which F(t) is periodic with period τ = 2π /ω F(t) has a period τ *Fourier's theorem for any arbitrary periodic function can be expressed as:
Ex. 3-6 Sol.:
Problem discussion. Thanks for your attention.
Problem discussion. • Problem: • 3-1, 3-6, 3-10, 3-14, 3-19, 3-24, 3-26, 3-29, 3-32, 3-37, 3-43