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תערוכה. Musical instruments . כלי נגינה. Muse. Jerusalem. exhibition. Alrov Mamilla Avenue is located in the very heart of Jerusalem. There you can find reconstructed and restored buildings from the 19 th century, side by side with new and contemporary structures.
תערוכה Musical instruments כלי נגינה Muse Jerusalem exhibition
AlrovMamilla Avenue is located in the very heart of Jerusalem. There you can find reconstructed and restored buildings from the 19th century, side by side with new and contemporary structures. “ Muse “ is a new exhibition that opened on January,2012 in Mamilla. It follows the very successful previous three exhibitions : “ Through the Sculptures “, “ Fairy Tales and Legends “ and “ Stories of the Bible “.
Alrov Mamilla Avenue este situat în inima Ierusalimului. Acolo puteţi găsi clădiri reconstruite şi restaurate din secolul al 19-lea, alături de structuri noi şi contemporane."Muze" este o nouă expoziţie care a fostinauguratăînianuarie, 2012 înMamilla. Acesta urmează treiexpoziţiianterioare care s-au bucurat de mare succes: "Prin Sculpturi", “Basme şi Legende" şi "Povestiri din Biblie“.
זאת השנה הרביעית שאלרוב שדרות ממילה מציגים לאורך השדרה תערוכת אומנות מרתקת .נושא השנה : " מוזה " - פסלים בנושא כלי נגינה.
March 22, 2012 Photo : Noemi Music : Itzhak Perlman, Vivaldi , Violin concerto in A minor www.AlrovMamilla.com