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About us. Leading mental health and community services provider Cover 1.3m population covering Bury, Oldham, Rochdale, Stockport, Tameside and Glossop and Trafford Mainly provide services outside of hospital in the community, inpatient and specialist mental health services
About us • Leading mental health and community services provider • Cover 1.3m population covering Bury, Oldham, Rochdale, Stockport, Tameside and Glossop and Trafford • Mainly provide services outside of hospital in the community, inpatient and specialist mental health services • Approximately 6,000 staff • Approximately 14,000 public members • Annual turnover £273m (2014/15) • 87% of patients are satisfied with the care they receive
The case for change • Growing demands and more complex needs • Drive for integrated care and partnership working • More care in the community, outside of hospital • Integration of physical and mental health • Enable patients to self-manage and self-care • Maintaining a skilled and motivated workforce • Financial challenge • Maximising assistive technology to support care delivery
Our vision Our vision is to deliver the best possible care to patients, people and families in our local communities by working effectively with partners, to help people to live well.
Our strategic goals • These are our overarching priorities that support the vision and steer the organisation in the right direction: • Put local people and communities first • Strive for excellence • Use resources wisely • Be the partner of choice • Be a great place to work
Goal: Put local people and communities first • People are at the centre of all of our plans, after all that’s the reason we are here. This means that we will: • Listen, involve and be accountable to our patients, carers, governors and members • Promote and deliver health and wellbeing in our local communities • Contribute to developments in our communities through our corporate social responsibility commitment
Goal: Strive for excellence • We want to be a leading provider of care and strive for excellence in all of our services. This means we will: • Provide safe and effective commissioned services • Deliver an excellent experience for service users and carers • Involve people with lived experience in service change and redesign, putting the patient first • Provide whole person care • Deliver efficient, innovative and competitive services
Goal: Use resources wisely • We need to responsible with public money and use all of our resources wisely. This means we will: • Work within a financial plan that supports and enables the delivery of commissioned services • Identify opportunities for developing and enhancing services • Continually assess our business and market position to ensure we remain valued by our service users, carers and commissioners • Maximise the effectiveness of resources by being efficient and innovative
Goal: Be the partner of choice • We want to continue to be the preferred NHS partner of choice for community and mental health services. This means we will: • Work with commissioners to influence service design and improve service delivery • Respond proactively to commissioner intentions • Continue to build on the development and delivery of care closer to home • Deliver high quality outcomes • Demonstrate the benefits of delivering integrated community and mental health services outside of hospital
Goal: Be a great place to work • We want to continue to build a skilled and motivated workforce, as well as to attract the best people to work for us. This means we will: • Promote a culture of openness, transparency and innovation that values everyone’s contribution in delivering high quality patient care • Create a trained, well developed workforce that is committed to the delivery of the Principles of Care • Expect personal responsibility and accountability in the delivery of patient care • Celebrate success and recognise best practice
Discussion Please discuss the following: What does the vision mean to you? What opportunities and challenges does it present? How are you working towards this vision already? What key questions do you have?
Keep in touch Website: penninecare.nhs.uk Twitter: @penninecarenhs #vision Facebook: like Pennine Care’s page Email: communications.penninecare@nhs.net