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Dive into the GJK algorithm for collision detection in games, covering its pros, cons, workings, and termination conditions in a detailed crash course. Learn about configuration space, support mappings, affine transformations, convex hulls, and more. Master the essential principles of collision detection to enhance your game development skills.
Physics for Games Programmers: Crash Course in Collision Detection Gino van den Bergen gino@dtecta.com
Three Phases • Broad phase: Determine all pairs of objects that potentially collide. • Mid phase: Determine potentially colliding primitives of a pair of objects. • Narrow phase: Determine contact between two primitive shapes.
Overview • Narrow phase: • Discrete: GJK algorithm • Continuous: GJK ray cast algorithm • Mid phase: AABB tree • Broad phase: • Discrete: Sweep & Prune • Continuous: Space-time Sweep & Prune
Narrow Phase: GJK Algorithm • An iterative method for computing the distance between convex objects. • First publication in 1988 by Gilbert, Johnson, and Keerthi. • Solves queries in configuration space. • Uses an implicit object representation.
GJK Algorithm: Pros • Extremely versatile: • Applicable to any combination of convex shape types. • Computes distances, common points, and separating axes. • Can be tailored for finding space-time collisions. • Allows a smooth trade-off between accuracy and speed.
GJK Algorithm: Pros (cont'd) • Performs well: • Exploits frame coherence. • Competitive with dedicated solutions for polytopes (Lin-Canny, V-Clip, SWIFT) . • Despite its conceptual complexity, implementing GJK is not too difficult. • Small code size.
GJK Algorithm: Cons • Difficult to grasp: • Concepts from linear algebra and convex analysis (determinants, Minkowski addition), take some time to get comfortable with. • Maintaining a “geometric” mental image of the workings of the algorithm is challenging and not very helpful.
GJK Algorithm: Cons (cont'd) • Suffers from numerical issues: • Termination is governed by predicates that rely on tolerances. • Despite the use of tolerances, certain “hacks” are needed in order to guarantee termination in all cases. • Using 32-bit floating-point numbers is doable but tricky.
Configuration Space (recap) • The configuration space obstacle of objects A and B is the set of all vectors from a point of B to a point of A.
Configuration Space (cont’d) • A and B intersect: A – B contains origin. • Distance between A and B: length of shortest vector in A – B.
Translation • Translation of A and/or B results in a translation of A – B.
Rotation • Rotation of A and/or B changes the shape of A – B.
GJK Algorithm: Workings • Approximate the point of the CSO closest to the origin • Generate a sequence of simplices inside the CSO, each simplex lying closer to the origin than its predecessor. • A simplex is a point, a line segment, a triangle, or a tetrahedron.
GJK Algorithm: Workings (cont’d) • Simplex vertices are computed using support mappings. (Definition follows) • Terminate as soon as the current simplex is close enough. • In case of an intersection, the simplex contains the origin.
Any point on this face may be returned as support point Support Mappings • A support mapping sA of an object A maps vectors to points of A, such that
Affine Transformation • Shapes can be translated, rotated, and scaled. For T(x)=Bx+c, we have
Convex Hull • Convex hulls of arbitrary convex shapes are readily available.
Minkowski Sum • Shapes can be fattened by Minkowski addition.
Basic Steps (1/6) • Suppose we have a simplex inside the CSO…
Basic Steps (2/6) • …and the point v of the simplex closest to the origin.
Basic Steps (3/6) • Compute support point w = sA-B(-v).
Basic Steps (4/6) • Add support point w to the current simplex.
Basic Steps (5/6) • Compute the closest point v’ of the new simplex.
Basic Steps (6/6) • Discard all vertices that do not contribute to v’.
Termination (1/3) • As upper bound for the squared distance we take the squared length of v. • As lower bound we take v∙w, the signed distance of the supporting plane through w. • Terminate a soon as where εrel is the tolerance for the relative error in the computed distance.
Termination (3/3) • In case of a (near) contact, v will approximate zero, in which case previous termination condition is not likely to be met. • As secondary termination condition we usewhere v is the current closest point, W is the set of vertices of the current simplex, and εtolis a tolerance based on the machine epsilon.
Separating Axes • If only an intersection test is needed then let GJK terminate as soon as the lower bound v∙w becomes positive. • For a positive lower bound v∙w, the vector v is a separating axis. • The origin and the CSO lie on different sides of the supporting plane, and thus, the CSO cannot contain the origin.
Separating Axes (cont'd) • The supporting plane through w separates the origin from the CSO. + 0
Separating Axes and Coherence • Separating axes can be cached and reused as initial v in future tests on the same object pairs. • When the degree of frame coherence is high, the cached v is likely to be a separating axis in the new frame as well. • An incremental version of GJK takes roughly one iteration per frame for smoothly moving objects.
Barycentric Coordinates • A point x of a simplex can be expressed as a convex combination of the vertices yi • The parameters λi are better known as barycentric coordinates of xwith respect toyi.
Computing Contact Data • For interpenetrating objects GJK returns a simplex W (usually a tetrahedron) that contains the origin. • GJK also returns the barycentric coordinates of the origin with respect to W. These are the λi for which
Common Point • Recall that simplex W is obtained from subtracting support points of A and B, thus • These support points form simplices contained by the respective objects. • By storing these support points we can compute a common point
Contact Normal • For doing physics we also need a contact normal. • For non-intersecting objects, the vector v at termination can be used as a contact normal. • Compute the closest points using the barycentric coordinates of v, similar to common-point computation.
Contact Normal (cont’d) • The closest points form proper contact data as long as the objects do not interpenetrate. • However, keeping the objects from interpenetrating can be problematic.
Penetration Depth • For interpenetrating objects we use the penetration depth vector as contact normal. • The penetration depth is the shortest distance over which one of the two objects needs to be translated in order to stop the objects from interpenetrating.
Penetration Depth (cont'd) • The vector v is the penetration depth vector. + 0
Expanding Polytope Algorithm • Penetration depth cannot be computed using GJK. • For this you need a separate algorithm called Expanding Polytope Algorithm. • EPA relies also on support mappings and is applicable to the same family of convex shapes.
Hybrid Approach • Fatten objects by Minkowski addition of a tiny sphere. • The addition creates a smooth skin around the objects (bones). • If only the skins are overlapping, use the closest points of the bones to find the contact data.
Hybrid Approach (cont’d) • As soon as the bones start overlapping use EPA on the fattened objects to find the penetration depth vector. • EPA is used only for emergencies. • Bonus: fattened objects have rounded edges, so normals behave less jumpy over time. (No jitter!)
Contact Manifolds (1/4) • GJK and EPA return a pair of simplices at termination. • These lie in the contact plane but do not form the complete contact manifold. • Not having the complete contact manifold will result in jitter.
Contact Manifolds (2/4) • Create contact manifold by performing a local search on the objects: • Slightly perturb the normal by adding a tiny vector. • Add the support point for the perturbed normal if it is a new vertex. • Perturb in some structured fashion, e.g. N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW.
Contact Manifolds (3/4) • The added support points for the perturbed vectors result in a complete contact manifold. • The perturbation needs to be only slightly larger that the numerical noise in computed normal.
Contact Manifolds (4/4) • Manifolds obtained from convex objects are points, line segments, and convex polygons. • The intersection of the manifolds, again a point, a line segment, or a convex polygon, forms the contact manifold.
Shape Casting • Find the earliest time two translated objects come in contact. • Boils down to performing a ray cast in the objects’ configuration space. • For objects A and B being translated over respectively vectors s and t, we perform a ray cast along the vector r = t–s onto A – B. • The earliest time of contact is
Normals • A normal at the hit point of the ray is normal to the contact plane.