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This guide provides step-by-step instructions on transferring grants in and out of Boston College. It covers the necessary notifications, paperwork, and timelines involved in the transfer process.
FIRST STEP • OLD INSTITUTION ALWAYS INITIATES THE TRANSFER PROCESS • The following should be done asap– • Make sure the funding agency allows the PI to transfer the grant • The PI should send an email notification to all players at the old and new institution • PI needs to notify program officer and grants management specialist. • PI needs to notify DRA and OSP office at the current/old institution • PI should connect with appropriate DRA at the new institution • DRA then notifies appropriate OSP at new institution
Transferring Grants Out of Boston College • Submission of relinquishing statement before PI arrives at new institution (OSP) • Submission the final Financial Status report (OSP) • List of equipment to be transferred (DRA/OSP) • All outstanding expenses have been paid and PO’s closed (DRA) • Subawards properly closed out • An invention statement needs to be completed and submitted (PI/OSP) • Make sure all animals and IRB matters have been addressed (PI/DRA) • Provide new institution with a copy of the current award notice and relinquishing statement (DRA/OSP)
Transferring Grants In to Boston College • Needs an application cover sheet (DRA) • Needs budget (PI/DRA) • Needs scope of work (PI/DRA) • Progress report from current year (PI) • If multiple PI – we need a revised PI Plan (PI/DRA) • Names and contacts of subaward institutions (PI/DRA) • Performance Site (NIH) (DRA) • Resource Page (NIH) (DRA) • Request list of PI’s pending proposals
Transferring Grant in: New Institution • List of equipment to be transferred (DRA/OSP) • List of personnel transferring if applicable (PI/DRA) • Biosketches for new key personnel (PI/DRA) • Updated other support for all key personnel (PI/DRA) • Checklist page (DRA) • Human and Animal Assurances if applicable (PI/DRA) • Human Subjects training certificates if applicable (PI/DRA) • Biohazards, Radioactive, etc. (PI/DRA)
TIMING • Always start as soon as possible. Funding agencies recommend to provide them with at least 60 (sixty) days notice. • Timing depends on how much notice the PI gives their current institution, their program officer and grants management specialist. • It also depends on the timeline of the old institution, when they start and complete the process. • It depends on the funding agency. Each funding agency might have a different processes and times frames. It also depends on what time of year it is. • It is always longer than you think!
FAQ #1: • 1. What happens when the animals/human subjects or equipment are involved? How might this impact timing of the transfer? • When animals/humans or equipment are involved, it should not hinder the transfer time. These items should be addressed prior to the PI arriving at his new institution. The only possible impact would be that they could not use a piece of equipment or cover expenses related to animals/humans until approval is granted. However, the new institution should be able to expedite the protocol for humans/animals and use the previous institutions approval until the protocol has been reviewed and approved by the new institution. DRA should be proactive and inform the PI that they should complete a protocol and submit it for review. Equipment should be in place by the time the PI arrives, if not, then the PI needs to make do while the equipment is being transferred.
FAQ #2 • 2. What happens when the PI submitted a proposal at their original institution and it’s still under review? • The PI should reach out to the scientific review council to see when it is being reviewed and inquire as how this should be handled if awarded. The regular process is to let the proposal be reviewed as is and then it is at the discretion of the Program Officer on how they want to process the award by either issuing it to the new institution or to the old institution.
FAQ #3 • 3. What happens when a PI transferring is a PI of a subaward? • The PI/DRA needs to inform the lead institution that the PI is transferring to another institution. The lead institution will then need to close out the subaward at the current institution and then decide whether or not to issue the subaward to the new institution. • The lead institution OSP office should reach out to the transfer PI/DRA/OSP to inquire about necessary paperwork if the intention is to issue a subaward to the new institution. • The PI should have informed his new institution (DRA/OSP) about this subaward situation.
FAQ #4 • 4. What happens if there are special terms and conditions in the existing award? Will those terms carry over to the new institution or is there an opportunity to ask for changes? • The new institution’s OSP office should have a copy of the award letter prior to the PI transferring. At that time the OSP office will review the terms and conditions and if need be request negotiating unacceptable terms and conditions out of the award with the sponsoring agency.
FAQ #5 • 5. Does the financial reporting from the old institution impact the timing of the relinquishment and the new budget? • The financial report does not truly impact the transfer process. The financial report is important but it is the relinquishing statement that is the priority and should be submitted asap. If the relinquishing form is not completed and submitted, then the transfer cannot happen. The relinquishing statement is important as it provides the new institution with an estimated award amount. The financial report is submitted after the relinquishing statement. If there is a difference in the amount on the relinquishing statement and financial report, the amount on the financial report would be the actual amount to be transferred.
FAQ #6 • 6. Who initiates in the commons, research.gov etc. • OSP office is responsible for the submission of the Financial Report and Relinquishing Statement through the electronica portals if applicable. • In the real world, The DRA is the person uploading and completing the transfer forms in the electronic portals, such forms as the cover sheet/budget/progress report/biosketches/resources/facilities/current and pending. However, the PI should be heavily involved.
Answer #7 • 7. What does OSP need to set up a new PI in PS for the PTF? • OSP Needs the PI’s name , their Eagle ID and their department number, the PI also needs to be in the HR system in order for them to be put in the PS system for PTF’s • Alternative would be to use the Chairperson’s name, Eagle ID until the new faculty member is in the HR System.
FAQ #8 • 8. How will the pre-award spending work if we aren't sure of the official transfer date? • Need to make sure PreAward spending is allowable by the sponsor. PreAwardspending is basically an advanced account request. The start date is usually/normally the day after the end date used on the relinquishing statement. That is the date that should be used for the advanced account request. If for some reason the award does not start on that date, we will address that at that time. • Always remember to provide the chartstring of a non sponsored account when requesting advanced account/preaward spending.
FAQ #9 • 9. Is the internal closeout process different from a typical grant closeout? • Internal closeout would be the same as a regular close out process. Why would it be different?
Almost the end… • Please feel free to email us/ call us / meet with us with any questions or concerns. • No Question is ever a stupid question. That is how we all learn. • Remember this is teamwork, we need each other to be successful.
“ m e P=primaryresponsibility S=secondaryresponsibility I=informational Hello”: New PI Hir s/ Transfers A Com unicationResource o s s a n c m e
m P =primaryresponsibility S=secondaryresponsibility I=informational “Good-Bye BC”: PITransfers A Com unicationResource De pt/Grant Futu re Co o mpliance Dept/Grant Administrators Future Institution C mpliance Offices Responsibilities PI OSP f e r n Inormcurrentinstitutio (dpt.chair,gantadmin) P S I Contactsponsoring S* P agenciesinadvanceof transferdate a C Reviewaccounttoseeif equipmentwspurchased onit.(refer toapital Equipment policy) S P I ContactComplianceOffice todiscuss any possible S P IRB,IAUC,Materials I TransferorIntellectual Propertyissues Sub-Awardcommunicationand transfer.(referto SubAward Dept.Modification Request form) S P S g Confirmstatusofexistin personnel(i.e.,terminate orinitiatesubcontract) I P S v o Ifgranthadcst-sharing, reiewaccountto determineifrequirements S P haveallbeen met CloseoutallPOs,Pcards, n completeeffortreportsad P S clearallencumbrances. Completecloseoutchecklist Completeagency relinquishing docs,final v S in entionstatementand I P projectreport *varies witheachagenc y