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The Future and Current Situation of Occupational Stress Research in China 我国职业紧张研究的现状和努力方向. Yu Shanfa 余善法 Henan Provincial Institute of Occupational Health 河南省职业病防治研究所 Email:chinastress@sina.com. Contents 内容. Advance in occupational stress research in China
The Future and Current Situation of Occupational Stress Research in China我国职业紧张研究的现状和努力方向 Yu Shanfa 余善法 Henan Provincial Institute of Occupational Health 河南省职业病防治研究所 Email:chinastress@sina.com
Contents 内容 • Advance in occupational stress research in China ( The instruments in stress researches and the researches have been conducted in China) 我国职业紧张研究进展(研究中使用的有关测量工具和开展的主要研究) • The problems in occupational stress researches in China 我国职业紧张研究中存在的问题 • The directions of occupational stress research in the future 今后的研究方向 • The occupational stress research projects that Henan Provincial institute of occupational Health have conducted duringthe past twenty years • 河南省职业病防治研究所近20年来所作的工作
Advance In Occupational Stress Study in China我国职业紧张研究进展 In 1990, researchers in China started to conduct the research on occupational (job) stress. Now there are 50 universities, institutes ,and occupational health organizations involved in this field. since 1994,400 papers or more have been published in China. 1990年,我国始有研究者开展职业紧张研究。迄今,在相关学科领域,有50余个教学、科研等单位开展了这方面的研究。 自1994以来,国内发表工作紧张相关内容的论文约400余篇。
The projects which have been conducted in China 我国开展的主要研究项目 1.To translate and introduce occupational stress questionnaire in English into Chinese;职业紧张问卷的翻译、引进 2.Occupational stress and mental health;职业紧张与心理健康方面的研究 3.Occupational stress and cardiovascular disease (factors); 职业紧张与心血管疾病关系的研究 4.Effect of occupational stress on neuroendocrine and immune function; 职业紧张对神经内分泌和免疫功能功能的影响
5. Molecular biological research of occupational stress reactions 职业紧张相关因素的分子生物学研究 6. Other things其他 --Occupational stress and safety;职业紧张与安全的研究 --Physiological and psychological vulnerability to stress in working populations;生理和心理因素对职业人群紧张的影响 --Occupational stress and work ability;职业紧张和工作能力的研究 --Occupational stress and individual factors (personalities, sex, age, marriage status, education level)职业紧张和个性特征关系的研究
The subjects who contained in research 当前调查的主要职业人群 --Nurses and doctors;医护人员 --Train, truck, and bus drivers, dispatchers;火车、货车及公交车司机和调度员 --VDT (visual display terminals) operators; VDT操作者 --Offshore and land oil production workers;石油开采工 --Teachers in middle school;中学教师 --Policemen;警察 --Saleswomen;售货员
--Managers;管理人员 --Airport services机场地勤人员 --Designers;设计人员 --Professional staff in institute;科研专业人员 --Workers in chemical and aluminum factories, steelworks 化工厂、铝厂、钢铁厂工人 --Construction workers 建筑工 -- workers in the refrigerator assembly line电冰箱厂装配线工人
The instruments in stress researches研究中使用的有关测量工具 • Mental Health Questionnaire心理健康问卷 • Work Ability Index工作能力指数 • The Maslach Burnout Inventory职业倦怠问卷 • WHOQOL-BREF世界卫生组织生存质量测定量表简表 • Occupational Stress Questionnaire职业紧张问卷 -- Generic Job Stress Questionnaire 一般工作紧张问卷 -- Occupational Stress Indicator职业紧张指数 -- JOB Content Questionnaire工作内容问卷 -- Effort-reward imbalance measure付出-回报失衡模式问卷 -- Mclean’s Job Stress Questionnaire Mclean’s 工作紧张问卷 -- Occupational Stress Inventory Revised Edition职业紧张量表 -- JSS 工作紧张测量问卷 -- Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire哥本哈根社会心理健康状况调查表
Generic Job Stress Questionnaire一般工作紧张问卷 --The questionnaire be developed by Joseph J. Hurrell,Jr. in USA NIOSH. -- This questionnaire be made up of 22 subscales. -- This questionnaire be used for many countries. 该问卷由美国国立职业安全与卫生研究院(NIOSH)的Joseph J. Hurrell,Jr.博士等人研制,此表也已在多个国家使用,由22个子量表组成。
Activity Level活动水平 • Background Information背景信息 • Conflict at Work (16 items)工作中的冲突 Control Scale (16 items)工作控制 • Employment Opportunities (4 items)雇用机会 • General Health (17 items)一般健康状况 • General Job Information一般工作信息 • Health condition (24 items)身心症状 • Esteem (10 items)自尊感 • Job Requirements (10 items)工作需求 • Job Satisfaction (4 items)工作满意感 • Mental Demands (5 items)心理需求
Non Work Activity (7 items)非工作活动 • Other Health Information (32 items)其他健康信息 • Physical Environment (10 items)物理环境 • Problems at work (Coping Strategy) (6 items)应付策略 • Social Support (12 items)社会支持 • Work Hazards (5 items) 工作危险 • Work Limitation (5 items)工作限制 • Workload and Responsibility (11 items) 工作负荷和工作责任 • Your Job (Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity)(14 items) 角色冲突和角色模糊 • Your Job Future (5 items) 工作前景
This questionnaire was translated and introduced into China In 1995 by YU Shan-fa et al, now it be used by many units and researches. 这个问卷由余善法等于1995年首先翻译、引进,已在多个单位的多项研究中使用。
The theory model of this questionnaire该问卷的理论模式 INDIVIDUAL FACTORS JOB STRESSORS Personality Traits Stage Of Career Development Job / Task Demands • Work Load • Control Organizational Factors • Role Demands • Management Styles • Career / Security Issues • Interpersonal Relations Physical Conditions • Noise • Heat /Cold Acute Reactions Psychological Affect Job Dissatisfaction Illness Hypertension CHD Alcoholism Mental Illness Physiological Heart Rate Blood Pressure Behavioral Sleep Problems Substance Use / Abuse Non—Work Factors Suffer Factors Financial Status Family Situation Social Support Coping Figure3: Model of job stress and health relationships
Occupational Stress Indicator 职业紧张问卷 --The questionnaire was developed by Cary L. Cooper, et al in 1988。 --Now there are multiple languages edition, it be used for over 20 countries. --This questionnaire be made up of 6 subscales. 该问卷由Cary L. cooper教授等于1988年研制的,目前已有多种语言版本,在20多个国家使用.该问卷由六个部分组成。
Source of Stress(61 items)紧张来源 --factors Intrinsic to Job工作本身因素 --the Managerial role管理因素 --Relationships with Others与他人的关系 --Career and Achievement生涯与成就 --Organizational Structure 组织结构 --Home/Work Interface家庭/工作干扰 • General Behavior(14 items)一般行为 --Attitude to Living生活态度 --Style of Behavior 行为方式 --Ambition抱负
Work Locus of Control(12 items)工作心理控制源 --Organizational Forces组织力 --Management Processes 管理过程 --Individual Influences个人影响力 • Current State of Health当前的健康状态 --Mental(18 items) 心理健康 --Physical(12 items)躯体健康
Coping with Stress(28 items)应付策略 --Social Support社会支持 --Task Strategies任务策略 --Logical逻辑性 --Home/Work Relationship家庭/工作关系 --Time时间管理 --Involvement投入 • Job Satisfaction(22 items)工作满意感 --Achievement/Value成就/价值 --The Job Itself工作本身 --Organizational Design组织设计 --Organizational Processes组织过程 --Personal Relationships人际关系
This questionnaire was translated and introduced into China In 1996 by YU Shan-fa et al, now it be used by many units and researches. 这个问卷由余善法等于1996年首先翻译、引进,已在多个单位的多项研究中使用。
The theory model of this questionnaire该问卷的理论模式 Sources of stress Symptoms of stress Intrinsic to the job Individual symptoms • Raised blood pressure • Depressed mood • Excessive drinking • Irritability • Chest pains Disease CORONARY HEART DISEASE MENTAL ILLNESS Role in the organization Relationships at work INDIVIDUAL Career development Organizational symptoms • High absenteeism • High labor turnover • Industrial relations difficulties • Poor quality control Organizational structure and climate PROLONGED STRIKES FREQUENT AND SEVER ACCIDENTS APATHY Home-work interface
JOB Content Questionnaire 工作内容问卷 • --The questionnaire was developed by Karasek in 1970s. • --In the beginning, the questionnaire was used to study the relationship of occupational stress and cardiovascular disease, now it is used to evaluate occupational stress level of workers extensively. • --This questionnaire included 49 items. 该问卷由美国 Karasek 博士于七十年代研制,原用于工作 应激与心血管基本病关系的研究,现广泛用于评价职业人群 的职业应激强度。该问卷包括49个条目。
Skill Latitude技术水平 --learn new things, repetitive work, requires creative, high skill level, variety, develop own abilities, education required by job. 学习新知识、重复性工作、需要创造性、高技术水平、工作任务变化、 发展个人能力、工作需要的文化程度。 • Decision Authority决定水平 --allows own decisions, little decision freedom, lot of say. 允许自己做决定、决定自由度、发言权 • Macro-level Decision Authority宏观决定水平 --work group size, significant influence in group, democratic group, some influence/company, supervise others, union member, union influence/ company, have union influence. 工作组织大小、组织中的影响力、民主、监督他人、工会会员、工会影响力。
Psychological Job Demands心理性工作需求 --work fast, work hard, no excessive work, enough time, conflicting demands, intense concentration*, tasks interrupted*, hectic job*, wait on others*. 工作速度快、努力工作、过量工作、工作时间、需求冲突、注意 力集中、需求任务中断、工作繁忙、等待他人。 • Physical Job Demands躯体性工作要求 --much physical effort, lift heavy loads, rapid physical activity, awkward body position, awkward arm positions. 体力需求、举重物、快速躯体活动、不良身体姿势、不良手臂姿势。
Job Insecurity工作缺乏保障 --steady work, job security, recent layoff, future layoff, career possibilities, my skills valuable. 稳定工作、工作安全性、解雇、生涯机会、技术价值。 • Supervisor Social Support上级支持 --supervisor is concerned, supervisor pays attention, hostile supervisor, helpful supervisor, supervisor good organizer. 上级关注、上级注意、上级敌意、上级帮助、上级的管理水平。 • Coworker Social Support同事社会支持 --coworkers component, coworkers interest in me, hostile coworkers, friendly coworkers, coworkers work together, coworkers helpful. 同事工作能力、同事的兴趣、同的敌意、同事友好、协助、帮助。
This questionnaire was translated and introduced into China by LI Jian,et al, now it is used by many units and researches. 这个问卷最早由昆明医学院李健博士在韩国博士论文期间翻译、引进我国使用。目前已在国内多个单位多项研究中使用。
The theory model of this questionnaire该问卷的理论模式
Effort-reward imbalance measure 付出-回报失衡模式问卷 --The questionnaire was developed by siegriest. --This questionnaire included 46 items. 该问卷由siegriest等人研制,全问卷包括46个条目。近年来 研究发现,ERI模式不受社会文化、性别、种族等因素的限 制,不仅适用于西/北欧这些发到国家的人群,而且在中/东欧、北美、日本及我国的人群中也可能有较大的适用性。
1. Extrinsic Effort外在付出 --time pressure (12)时间压力 -- interruptions (13)中断工作 -- responsibility (14)责任 -- pressure to work overtime (15)超时工作压力 -- physically demanding (16)体力需求 -- increasing demands (17)需求增加 2. Low Reward低回报 • Esteem Reward尊重回报 --respect (18, 19, 26)尊重 --adequate support (20) 充分支持 --unfair treatment (21)不公正对待 • Monetary Gratification经济回报 --salary and efforts (28)薪金与付出
Status Control状态控制 --promotion prospects (23, 27)晋升前景 --undesirable change (22)不理想的变化 --job insecurity (24)工作保障 --status inconsistency (25)状态不一致 3. Intrinsic Effort内在付出 • Scale量表 --need for control (immersion) (29-57) 控制需求 • Subscales子量表 --need for approval (29,39,41,45,46,53)赞同需要 --competitiveness (30,33,34,40,49,54)竞争性 --disproportionate irritability (31,36,37,42,47,50,51,56)过度激惹 --inability to withdraw from work (32,35,38,43,44,48,52,55,57)不能从工作中抽身
This Questionnaire was translated and introduced into China by LI Jian, et al, Now it is used by many units and researches. 这个问卷最早由昆明医学院李健博士在韩国博士论文期间翻译、引进我国使用。目前已在国内多个单位多项研究中使用。
Mclean’s Job Stress QuestionnaireMclean’s 工作紧张问卷 --The questionnaire be developed by Mclean. --This questionnaire included 44 items. --the major factors included job stress factors (12 items), coping ability (20 items), and Job satisfaction (12 items). 该问卷由Mclean研制 。全问卷包括44个条目。主要因子 包括职业紧张因素,应对能力和工作意感。
Occupational Stress Inventory Revised Edition Questionnaire职业紧张量表 --The questionnaire was developed by Osipow in 1981. --This questionnaire was used for over 20 countries. --The questionnaire included 3 subscales, 14 factors, and 140items. --The subscales were occupational streesors, occupational strain, and coping resources respectively. 该问卷由Osipow研制(1981),经7次修订而成,目前已在20多个国家应用。该量表包括3个子量表14个因子140个条目,即职业任务、紧张反应和应对资源。
JSS 工作紧张测量问卷 --The questionnaire was made up of job pressure questionnaire and lake of organizational support questionnaire, and included 60 items. -- The questionnaire is applicable to evaluate occupational stressful level of brainworker ,such as managers and technicians. 该问卷由60个条目组成,包括工作压力问卷和组织支持缺乏问卷两张问卷,主要用于管理人员、技术人员等脑力劳动人群职业紧张的评价。
Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire哥本哈根社会心理健康状况调查表 --The questionnaire is made up of 38 items. --The major factors included workload, completed work, affection need, job reward, supervisor support and Job satisfaction and so on. 该问卷由38个条目组成,主要因子包括工作量、工作进度、情感需求、隐藏感情的需要、对工作的影响力、发展的可能、工作的意义、对工作单位的忠诚度、对未来工作的预知、工作回报、清楚的工作目标、领导者的才能、上级的支持、信任、公平、工作压力、家庭压力、工作家庭冲突、工作满意度、令人不快的行为。
The Problem in Occupational Stress Researches in China我国职业紧张研究中存在的问题 • Research designs研究设计方面 --The study lacked the hypotheses of theoretical construct 研究缺乏理论模式的指导和理论假设 --The study wasn’t designed in accordance with subject’s special characteristics, more cross-sectional, less cohort researches 在职业紧张的研究设计中多采用横断面调查,回顾性研究少。至今尚无 职业紧张队列研究和现场人群干预研究的报道。
The study of occupational stress questionnaire 职业紧张问卷的研究方面 --Understanding of stress concept was unsystematic and not comprehensive. 对紧张概念的理解不系统、不够全面 --Translation of scales in foreign languages wasn’t accurately 外文问卷的翻译未能遵循心理学研究方法的基本原则, 翻译不准确 --Not acquired a better understanding of occupational stress model 尚未研制出符合我国人群的职业紧张模式
Statistical analysis统计学分析方面 --Frequently using univariate analysis, using few multivariate analysis, the power of test was dropped. 多使用单因素方法(t检验、F检验、卡方检验和相关 分析),而较少使用多因素分析方法(逐步回归分析、 Logistic回归分析、结构方程模型分析),统计效能较低。 --Ignored the effect of confounding factors 研究忽视混杂因素对结果的影响 --The subject’s information was described incompletely 研究对象基本统计信息不全
The effort of occupational stress research in the future今后的研究方向 • To develop the study of occupational stress combining with the condition of Chinese. 要结合我国国情,开展职业紧张研究 • Dealing with the relationship between applied and fundamental research. 处理好应用研究和基础研究的关系 • Connection of popularization and improvement. 处理好普及与提高的关系
1. Developing Chinese instruments of occupational stress according with the social, cultural, and economical background in China. The import of questionnaires in foreign languages should conform to guidelines. 要在吸收、引进国外职业紧张研究先进成果的基础上,编制符合我国社会、文化和经济发展水平的工作中社会心理因素测试问卷。
the questionnaires should conform to General guidelines.编制问卷应遵守的一般原则 --Distinguish the stressor from the strain 正确区分stressor和strain的概念 --Acceptable validity and reliability有可接受的信度和效度水平 --Many items使用多条目问卷 --The scoring method of questionnaire should be standardized 问卷评分方法的标准化 -- Developing of questionnaire should be theory-constructed 问卷的编制应有理论依据
2. To understand the tendency of occupational stress research, and effect to narrow the gap. 了解国外职业紧张研究的前沿动向,努力攻关,缩小差距。 3. To develop research of occupational stress prevention and intervention. 开展职业紧张预防和干预研究和实践。
The occupational stress research projects that Henan Provincial institute of occupational Health have conducted duringthe past twenty years 河南省职业病防治研究所近20年来所作的工作 • Translating occupational stress questionnaire in English into Chinese,and using many valuable instruments of occupational stress in practice, at the same time, mastered the methods of developing Chinese instruments of occupational stress 引进、翻译和使用国际上使用较多的职业紧张测量工具,且已掌握了研制职业紧张心理学评价量表的方法。
2. the instruments of occupational stress developed had been used by 50 universities, institutes ,and occupational health organizations . 研制的职业紧张测量工具已推广到国内50余家教学、科研单位。 3. Conducting the molecular biological research of occupational stress, and the relationship between occupational Stress and salivary cortisol, sIgA, and lysozyme level, obtained some tentative findings 已开展职业紧张相关基因易感性方面的分子生物学研究,并以唾液为样品介质研究了职业紧张对考的松、sIgA和溶菌酶水平的影响,且得出了一些阶段性的结果.初步
4. Develope the research on the effect of occupational stress and gene polymorphisms of β2-AR on hypertension,and obtained some findings by field epidemiologic survey combining with molecular biological research. 已使用现场流行病学调查与分子生物学方法相结合的方法对职业紧张与β2-AR基因多态性对高血压的影响进行研究.并取得了一些成果。 5. Conduct the two health promotion projects and carry out the research of occupational stress prevention and intervention. 已开展了两项健康促进工作,并着手研究职业紧张的预防和干预措施。
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