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Mastering Global Leadership & Management Competencies

Explore essential competencies for effective leadership and management, from self-awareness to spirituality in the workplace. Learn about distinguishing between leadership and management, fostering partnerships, promoting spirituality, and utilizing mentors and coaches.

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Mastering Global Leadership & Management Competencies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “FIVE CRITICAL COMPETENCIES FOR GLOBAL LEADERS AND MANAGERS” Dr. John Stanko Kingdom Financial Holdings Ltd. December 2, 2007

  2. COMPETENCY ONE I. You must lead and manage yourself.

  3. I. Manage and lead yourself. • Knowyourself • Problem ofover-choice • The challenge oftime management

  4. COMPETENCY TWO II. Distinguish between leadership and management.

  5. Marcus BuckinghamThe One Thing You Need to Know Great leaders rally people to a better future. Great managers discover what is unique about each individual and capitalize on it.

  6. II. Difference between leadership and management. • You are in the people business. • Build on strengths, not weaknesses. • Take time to listen to people.

  7. COMPETENCY THREE III. Develop an attitude of partnership, not ownership.

  8. III. Developpartnerships. • Authoritarian leadership is dead or at least dying. • Build Win-Winsituations. • Cultivate servant-leadershipthroughout the organization.

  9. COMPETENCY FOUR IV. Promote spirituality in the workplace.

  10. IV. Promote spirituality. • Assist employees as they search formeaning and purpose. • Help people see how what they do fits into the biggerpicture. • Take an interest in everyone as aperson.

  11. COMPETENCY FIVE III. Utilize coaches and mentors.

  12. V. Mentors andcoaches. • Develop numerous forms of feedback; create a culture of accountability. • Mentors and coaches can be dead or alive. • Mentors and coaches will change as you grow.

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