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The Community H elping A ssist N eighbors D irectly

The Community H elping A ssist N eighbors D irectly. Original Mission Statement.

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The Community H elping A ssist N eighbors D irectly

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The CommunityHelpingAssistNeighborsDirectly

  2. Original Mission Statement • Our mission is to connect people who need assistance in daily routines to those who enjoy volunteering their time, talents, and minds to the Sheboygan County Community. Our website will allow those in the community to post their needs while protecting their identities to ensure privacy and comfort. The Community H.A.N.D. strives as a tool to encourage members of the community to reach out and take a hand in need.

  3. Revised Mission Statement • Our mission is to connect people who need assistance in daily routines to those who enjoy volunteering their time, talents, and minds with the community. Our website will allow those of St. John Lutheran Church to post their needs, while protecting their identities to ensure privacy and comfort. We strive to encourage members of the congregation, whether they are elders or part of the youth group, to reach out and take a hand in need.

  4. Objectives • to develop the voluntary activities of young people with the aim of enhancing existing opportunities • to make it easier for people to carry out voluntary activities by removing the existing obstacles • to promote voluntary activities with the goal of reinforcing people's unity and engagement as citizens • to utilize one’s personal skills who is committed to bettering society through volunteering

  5. Community H.A.N.D Logo • The meaning of H.A.N.D • The significance of the images

  6. Website • Original Vision • Target Market • Revised Vision • Reason for revision • Target Market

  7. Weaknesses and Competition • Elderly people and the Internet • Convenience • Perceived Value • Getting Volunteers • Safety Concerns • Competition • Volunteer Center • Knights of Columbus • Lions Clubs • Church Organizations

  8. How We Beat the Weaknesses and Competition • Secure online database to promote safety and comfort • Local volunteers looking to benefit the surrounding society • Innovative website to avoid having a middle man • Work with churches to provide assistance to elderly without the Internet

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